...Half done...

...Half done...
Post ...Half done... 
Hi friends  :heartbeat: ! we're online again  :lol: !

You can see that the site is working, even if there are a lot of more things to do , but now I'm very tired and will finish the work later or in the weekend.

Above all:

If you can't login:

Go here : http://posetteforever.com/cookies.php

and delete your cookies, then login again

The security question & answer

This is a part of the phpBB security package and you have to fill it before having the full access to the site, however if you have difficulties, simply mail me at posetteforever[at]spamcop.net and I'll do it for you...

I'm sorry for this new security procedures but the lamers are around with nothing else to do than attack a peaceful place like this (you can see a counter at the bottom of the page)...

I've installed also a black template for whom of you prefers it, I've already switche those users who already had the "black" style to the new one, but you can try it switching in the profile pages. Now the album is fully compatible with your preferred board colors and style...
During the upgrade I lost your birthdays  :oops:  :oops:  :oops: so you can even fill the informations if you want to... (I lost also your flags  :whistle: ...).

The logo is temporary, I've to work on your forum's logos because in this moment they don't want to show  :x ...

There are other things, but now i'm very tired, believe it or not but I haven't slept this night in order to lite on Posetteforever  :heartbeat: !

Probably there will be a lot of bugs, please write them in this thread when you find one of them...

Now I need to :zzz: , See you later...

 Tormie [ 09 Jun 2005 09:52 ]

...Half done...
All is working fine with mine! Great job Davide!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

 JanReinar [ 09 Jun 2005 12:37 ]
:lol: Thank you John !

 :uuh: In the meanwhile I've eaten all your candies  :sick: ...

 Tormie [ 09 Jun 2005 22:28 ]
You ate all the candies?  Well that fine, after all, needed something give you, Posy and Angela the energy to keep working on the upgrade.  ;-)

I have not found anything new to report and what I did find before, has all been solved already.


 pangor [ 09 Jun 2005 23:46 ]

I'm still working on the upgrade because there are a lot of little things that are not working, so I invite you to tell what is not working, post it here or with a PM.

- Today I fixed the links table on the left side of the site and added a modification to show again your forum's logos  :heartbeat: . Before :zzz: I'll try to fix what's wrong in the free stuff page  :roll:

Meanwhile the next steps will be:
- Add a new system for the interviews, I saw a thing called "the wheel of fortune" :lol: or something similar to replace the lottery. The interviews will start again soon  :wink:
- Add the mod to manage the candise and send them back to you  :crying: >BURP!< :sick:
- Add a block in the main page to change the style quickly

...and other things... I hope to finish the works before the weekend  :liar: so that I'll have the time to paint something, maybe a new site's logo  :wink:

 Tormie [ 15 Jun 2005 21:47 ]
The wording of your notation of the meanings of the colors on the registeration screen is fine.


 pangor [ 15 Jun 2005 22:52 ]
:uuh: I cut out the whole thing  :uuh:  :mmmh:

 Tormie [ 15 Jun 2005 22:59 ]
I can't login... :eh:

No wait, I already am... :mmmh:

I am only half logged in.... :whistle:


 Landman [ 16 Jun 2005 16:13 ]
Log out and log back in, that may fix it.  If it does not help then, log back out again, clean your cookies and log in.  That should work.


 pangor [ 16 Jun 2005 17:07 ]
I was just kidding, all my cookies are here... :uuh:

except for my chocolate chip covered porn cookies...  :mmmh:

GUILTY!?!?!?  :doh:

 Landman [ 16 Jun 2005 18:27 ]
shyly looks up wiping cookie crumbs from her mouth  :oops:  ...What? :eh:   I didn't do anything,  :snooty:  I swear it on my sacerd penguin Mo's lfe     :pray:  :roll:

 guiltypleasures [ 16 Jun 2005 19:45 ]
Oh and by the way Landy, what makes you think I was only interested in your chocolate chip porn cookies? Maybe I wanted some of those Coconut Angel Food cookies you had stuffed in your secret hiding spot?  :wink:  :lol:

 guiltypleasures [ 16 Jun 2005 19:47 ]
Post Re: ...Half done... 
[marq=left:83dec671d0][fade:83dec671d0] >CRUNCH!< >CRUNCH!< >CRUNCH!< >CRUNCH!< [/fade:83dec671d0][/marq:83dec671d0]


 Tormie [ 16 Jun 2005 20:28 ]
Well so much for the coconut angel food cookies  :snooty:

 guiltypleasures [ 17 Jun 2005 04:49 ]
:droll2: :droll2: :droll2:

>BURP!<  :sick:

 Tormie [ 17 Jun 2005 09:27 ]
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