Dial Up Whines

Dial Up Whines
Post Dial Up Whines 
Good morning! I know it's no ones fault here I only have dialup service available in my area, but wow does the picture album pages turn slow for me! There are so many pictures I always want to view, but so often it is very slow. I really like the work posted here, the variety of styles and subjects are great and the group is not soooo big things are lost in minutes. Although I have noticed a growth in posting there. I think that's great!!!!!! Unfortunately my service is a pain.
Is there anything that can be done to speed things? Possibly a "next" choose instead of returning to main album page. That's the one that takes me extra long to get back too.
I quess I already know you have already done all you can, but I have noticed the use of just thumbs or subject lines at other places work much faster. Food for thought to accomodate the growing album and the best Poser site around!
 :whipitgood:  :whipitgood:  :whipitgood:

 winter200 [ 29 May 2004 14:09 ]

Dial Up Whines
It is slow for me at times and I am on broadband (cable).
The server is where the problem lies. There was supposed to be upgrades made
by the host server provider, but I haven't seen any increase in performance.
Tormentor is going to switch providers next year.
There isn't much that can be done about the current situation.
I know what you mean with having to go back to the main album page
each time.  It is the way the album is set up, I think.
We don't have many users online at any given time, so it should be faster
than what it is.

 Den Tracy [ 29 May 2004 18:36 ]
:-k  :-k  Thank you for have reminded my of the album problem winter , so this night I'll put my hands on it because I searched the forum for a solution. It looks like the particular version of our album calls too many times the database and it slows down. Tonight I'll try to downgrade the main page to the older version.

As said by Den, our server sometimes become slow, I don't know id on another server things would be better because there are in any case a lot of sites on a single machine and a problem on one of them could affect the whole machine performance. The solution could be transfer the site on my home PC (I've a permanent connection), but the problem wolud be worse... My PC is in Italy and I should apply tricks because I've not a fixed IP address. At last the problem is only one: money. If I would be rich I would have bought a superpc, a fixed ip address and a superfast permanent internet connection !

But don't worry, I'll try to fix it !

 Tormie [ 29 May 2004 19:26 ]
Good news, I fixed the main album page and now it charges like a rocket  :bigrinnin: !!

A very simple solution for you winter is to press the "back" button on your browser when you have seen a picture so that you use the cached version on your PC. In any case I'm still working on the album ...

 Tormie [ 29 May 2004 21:13 ]
Yes, the album page loads in like it used to do a long time ago.

 :occasion5:  :wav:  :glasses7:

 Den Tracy [ 30 May 2004 03:57 ]
The album page loads great for me too!! Thank you! :dancing:

 winter200 [ 30 May 2004 12:55 ]
:clap:  :clap:  :clap:

 ahjah [ 31 May 2004 02:04 ]
:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:

 JanReinar [ 31 May 2004 13:19 ]
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