Tormie announces that (finally) he's seriously working on the site's upgrade which should fix a lot of security holes...
In the meanwhile I'm testing and probably will use a new portal for the main page.
Nothing will change when I'll upgrade the software, maybe I will erase some unused features. My purpouse is to make the things in a way that in the future it will be simple for me to upgrade the software, so I'll use a program for phpBB called Easymod who will trace all the modifications and should be able to help me in the upgrades.
In the last moths, the sites based on the same software of PF have been attacked by hackers and ia a lot of cases they destroyed the place. We were "lightly" attacked and I find a temporary way to defend the site moving out the administration panel and erasing all the admin privileges, it would mean for me to make the manteinance directly on the database, but it's not easy so I have to move and upgrade. I don't know how much time it will take but you'll simply see it when it's done !