optimization of the site in progress...

optimization of the site in progress...
Post optimization of the site in progress... 
I just made a huge work on the code of the site, nothing should change for the "human" users of the site   but bots should "see" the site better (and, I hope, raise our rank   )

First of all, if you see something not working, please tell me soon   ...

I've turned on again the RSS feed of the site that you can find here , modern browser have an included RSS reader, this can be an alternative way to keep you updated on the new posts   , maybe on a cellular phone   ...

What I made it's something "technical" but maybe it will be of some use for you.

I've learned that you give an higher rank in google and in search engines in general if you don't have multiple links pointing to the same page, this normally happens in phpBB and in the album because you can reach the same information following different links: for example when you open a topic you can see the same message that you clicked on the main page, the first is a link with "tpoic" in the url and the second with "post" in the url but the information is the same

I've taken the code from http://www.phpbb-seo.com/ and still working on it

However from the human user point of view you can see that if you go to see a post or a topic the resulting lin in your URL box is different from before and it will be the same very time, for example if you go to read a post the link will be something like
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(XXXX=number of the topic) eventually followed by the number of the post, this happen even if the link that you've cliccked (for example in the main page) was different, so that a search engine will see that different link will go to the same content (and page) and not that the same content is present in different pages. Same for the album, if you click on the thumnails on the main page, the page will be the same... Well, I know, I explained it as bad as usual   ...

You can also see that the "title" of the page (top line of your browser) changes when you change page, so that it can be searched better from bots...

What I hope to obtain with this modification ? Some times ago we had a google pagerank of 3, now we have a pagerank of 2. I hope to have the rank raised up in some months (the bots are lazy...)
Unfortunatley I know that for a certain period, while google see that the pages are changed we'll reach the bottom   of the list but with these things fixed we'll gain some positions (and so new friends) soon

These are the main search query of google that have as result our site the first column is a number without a particular meaning, the second is the percentage, the third is the word or words that the person was searching on google and the las number is our position in the list that google has given to the user, you can see that we're first for "Posette" and that there are strange results too (I really can't understand that "deborah clearbranch"   ) :

1     15%     rtencoder     4
2     13%     Posette forever     1
3     10%     Posette     1
4     9%     freebiesite     8
5     7%     shukky Poser     3
6     6%     free suff     10
7     6%     fracals     8
8     4%     deborah clearbranch     22
9     4%     bnosy     6
10     3%     Posette texture     3
11     3%     tortaline     3
12     3%     "soda mom"     7
13     3%     freestuff vob 3ds vehicles     7
14     2%     posetteforever     1
15     2%     posetta     4
16     2%     equaor     10
17     2%     creed3d     5
18     2%     free Posette clothing     7
19     2%     barney vs godzilla     8
20     2%     freebies mayadoll     9

 Tormie [ 07 Dec 2007 14:55 ]

optimization of the site in progress...
Post Re: optimization of the site in progress... 
Who's "bnosy"? Looks like Posy with a stuffed nose

 ahjah [ 07 Dec 2007 15:20 ]
mmmh who is bnosy LOOKS like you with a stuffed nose lmao?

 Posy [ 07 Dec 2007 15:20 ]
Post Re: Optimization Of The Site In Progress... 

I know shukky though....he makes good robots.

 hanzoushinrei [ 08 Dec 2007 19:43 ]
Post Re: optimization of the site in progress... 
lol, it points on the Belladonna interview whne she said "I'm bnosy at the question" , I think she wanted to say "nosy" instead... (Another disappeared cellie )

 Tormie [ 08 Dec 2007 19:55 ]
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