Site updated and upgraded

Site updated and upgraded
Post Site updated and upgraded 
In the very last period we had some problems due to a lack of security on the site that could allow kiddies to do bad things to Posetteforever, so I worked on it and I raised up the walls, added more barbed wires, towers and hired more guards  :ibrakeyou: . We're also working with Project Honey Pot in order to hunt spammers and make their low life even more difficult  :prrr: . The result should be that regular users  O:) will have an easier access to the site, while the rest  :devil: will find it harder.

There could be some problems, for example false positives on DDOS attacks, if you see that kind of message when you come to the site and it will not disappear after some minutes, email me at the address that will appear on the wall...

I spent a lot of time on this, but now I can go back to normal routine :pizza: :yoyo:  :lazy:  :sleeping:

P.S. Yes... I forgot  :wickedfart: ... :roll:

 Tormie [ 16 Feb 2008 22:37 ]

Site updated and upgraded
Post Re: Site updated and upgraded 

P.S.: :lmao:

 ahjah [ 16 Feb 2008 23:16 ]
Post Re: Site Updated And Upgraded 
Hmmm... For some reason I've got "All Along The Watchtower" in my head now.

(No... I'm not a Toaster!)


 GrouchoCaesar [ 16 Feb 2008 23:53 ]
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