
Post Multiply!!!!! 
Believe it or not this is real story! :) So , today my preciuos french teacher (who btw gave me an "C" in french :snooty: ) asked one of my classmates about her new born brother and then came to the conclusion that we must give birth  to as many children as possible (minimun 3) while still in college since romas (chipsys) have 9+ children by family and soon we will became minority (and she calls me a nationalist) . Now is this woman crazy ? How can I raise 3 children and study in the same time , besides to raise a child you need experience , or at least to know something about raising a child. Yeah sure 19 years old people must know many things about child raising! Her argument about child raising is that since there are pampers in our days child raising should be very easy. Yes sure. What about decease , what about looking after the child 24/7 , what about kindergarden , primary school , college , uni ? What about food , clothes , toys , textbooks , time? While I think having 9+ when you have no $$$ to raise even one is not a very good idea , a breeding competiotion to see who can make more kids is a worse idea. Someone will have to care about the kids after that! Besides less people= more ressources for everyone. Or why not make her care about the children since she think pampers will solve everything. There were times when there were no nursing-bottles. Did the nursing-bottles made child raising much more easier?

I have heard that in UK when a teacher had practicing his/her profession 30 years s/he has no right to vote , probably cause after 30 years teavhers get a little crazy. I'm not sure how true is this but it sure applys in the case of my french teacher. :wink:

 erenda [ 16 Feb 2006 14:11 ]

LOOL !! You sure have strange teachers erenda  :uuh: ! Now I wait for the next one that will find the opposite solution, exterminate romas  :roll:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

 Tormie [ 16 Feb 2006 22:16 ]
Maybe she will also propose to give people who have 3+ children some sort of medal with a pampers on it. :mmmh:

 erenda [ 16 Feb 2006 22:40 ]

We just had our Australian Prime Minister telling us all to breed more or we'll be over run because our population is not growing quick enough. He had the good grace not to say by whom, but we are really close to Asia  :mmmh:

Then we have introduced an Abortion Pill (I don't want to get into a discussion of ethics here, so don't start, needless to say it's pretty big in the media at the moment), but one of our female politicians went before the press and said that it should be banned or we Australians (read 'white christian people') will abort ourselves out of existence and the muslim refugees will take over the  country!

Now that caused quite a stir  :lol:

Last edited by Ozymandias Jones on 20 Feb 2006 06:55; edited 1 time in total 
 Ozymandias Jones [ 17 Feb 2006 00:53 ]
:whistle:  :whistle:

 pangor [ 18 Feb 2006 04:18 ]
I believe the lady politician in my last post has been forced to stand down from her position, at least for a while.

Touchy thing, race and religion, in my country at the moment  :mmmh:

Seems to be the same over in most of europe as well  :eh:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 20 Feb 2006 06:58 ]
Ok , I want to be as brief as possible on that. First of all I want to be child free. No plans to raise children , no marriage ,ect. And I want to say why cause most people at my age don't get it. Here are some arguments in favour of breeding:

Giving birth= the meaning of live
Giving birth= the meaning of live of a rabbit. Humans can do much more than this. Besides surving of the human race is not in danger , on the cotrary other species are in danger because of us.

Not really at least not in all cases. Having children authomatically means that you'll have to live till 80+ years old age , and you'll have to live because of the children and most of the cases if not all only because of them. You've made them now you'll have to take responsability till the rest of your life. And if you have great children you'll probably will have to play the role of babysister. I have other plans. And of course : dependance ,total dependance both sides are interdependant children need parents , and most parents which already have children will not agree their children to be taken away of them.(Ok , mine are exception)

Love it or hate it you need money to raise children , love won't give them clothes , toys , textbooks , foot and other distractions. And besides parents' love is conditional (at least in most cases) , parents' want something in return for all this. (" You live in our house , we feed you therefore you have to have an "A" on math , you have to be better than the other students , you have to study this and this , you have to get in this and that college , you have to continue in this and that uni , you have to provide us great children. If you don't do this you're embarrassing us and other people would think we're bad parents.") And the children didn't asked to be born in a first place , we placed them here. Once this is done , there's no undo button. However even if the child live in an extra poor family s/he will not understand his/her condition until get in a communication with other children. Children have not the necessery base to comapare. One example to explain what I'm tolking about : when I was 7 years old I thinked that all families lived in a two rooms hired out appartments (cause we lived in such a place by that time) all parents were quarreling 24/7 for stupid things and that all mothers yelled at their children as you yell at cattle. You have no idea how surprised I was when I understood that it wasn't so , I even told at first grade to my classmetes how my parents are qurreling cause I considered it normal and thinked that everybody lived like that and got very surprised from their reactions. Then I wanted the things the other kids had by birth like : some free time , quiet , my own room when I could have guests and play with them but unfortunately I had to wait years for that things to come and all that time thinking how it wasn't fair cause my school results were better but I didn't get what others get for their "C"s. So don't you ever think that love will compensate all this , It won't. Not mentionning that they're still guerelling but this time they assume me that my school resuslts are the main reason for all their quarells about the remote , the Tv chanell and so on.
Yeah , if this is the typical parents' love I assume you that no child need such thing. But of course I can speak only for personal experience.

Breeding = helping the ethnos /nation /race
If this is the best thing one can do for one's nation that should be considered a lack of patriotism. What about talent , scientific discoveries or for most people starting a business , giving a job to fellow citizens , or working as a lawyer , a policeman , a dictor and so on. There are famous people like John Atanasov and Valia Balkanska who were and still are (in the second case) bulgarians , they aren't famous because of reproduction. What about all that sportsmans? Did they get their medals because of reproduction? No.
(Ok , there were medals in nazi Germany for having 4+ children. I think the madal was called "mother's cross")

Having children= God's will
Ok imagine just for a second that Yehova is a candidate for premier in the next elections in your country. What would be His campagne? Maybe something like this:
-love your enemies (no need of court , laws , jails , we love criminals)
-turn the other cheek (yeah sure , if you were beaten , robbed , raped let them beat you , rob you and rape you again)
- multiply!!!
-give all you have to charities (and how I'm going to raise my children when I can't even pay the electriciry bills?)
-it is Ok to beat your slave just don't kill him/her. (Jesus , somewhere in the Bible)
Would you vote for Yehovah , guys? I wouldn't.
Not mentionning it is a little strange for a religion which glorify death and suffering to encourage child breeding .  :eh: And most religions glorify death not only Christianity. (ok Buddism doen't ..I think).

 erenda [ 20 Feb 2006 23:32 ]
You certainly do have some unusual teachers. :lol:  Live your own life, don't let others do it for you.  I never married, no children, still single.  Partly based on my former career decisions.  Do I regret it? Yes and no.  I have probably missed family related experiences I'll never have a chance to relive, but at the same time, I can pretty much do whatever I want, whenever I want.  I have had a chance to do things I would never have otherwise done. :)

 melamkish [ 23 Feb 2006 13:06 ]
Hey melamkish,

Sounds familiar.... I split with my first wife over the children issue. And with my next girlfriend. Lived the single life for a few fun filled years. Now I've met a terriffic girl and settled down and she has two kids (4 & 7) that I adore. It's all good sometimes. :lol:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 24 Feb 2006 00:21 ]
:sad:  :sad:  :sad:

 pangor [ 17 Mar 2006 21:38 ]
What is this " :sad:  :sad:  :sad: " for? :eh:  :mmmh:

 erenda [ 18 Mar 2006 00:35 ]
Erenda, it is for how life has treated you.  There really is actual love, true honor, respect, and pure joy in the world.  All wonderful things and many more do exist.  But it appears that you have not had the opportunity to experince any of the wonderful things in your everyday life.

 pangor [ 18 Mar 2006 09:38 ]
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