I hate cell phones!

I hate cell phones!
Post I hate cell phones! 
Couldn't find a better sub-forum to post this. However I'm not kidding I really hate cell phones.

Ahh, no! This is a psychological torture! I want the idiot who had the imprudence to invent the cell phone to come in my hands! This devilish gadget serve only to bother. I hate the cell phone, it's not only ugly but it has also the insolence to ring exactly when I don't want it to ring.Well, we can hardly blame the phone for people's intends to call us in the most inappropriate time possible, but if it was possible to setting it not to ring it would be a great advantage. But I can't! I can't because the idiot who once upon a time sit down to think for what cell phones can possibly serve probably spend lot of time to figure it out and finally came with the idea : "To ring!". And if I turn the cell phone off in order not to ring there surely will be the home phone ringigng because, alas, that too rings, and it rings even more ruthlessly. The means of mass communication, and particulary that mean of mass communication called "cell phone" exists to assure us that there would be always someone to bother us 24/7. And since in our era of hypertechnological advancement everyone should have a cell phone it would be particulary hard to set up boycott against it. And even if we set up boycott against the cell phone there would be someone else to invent some other gadget to ring, and thar gadget too will ring in the most innapropriate time possible. I really hate when it rings. It's so stubborn  and it rings and rings and rings and it can't get that I don't have intention to answer. It would be much more practical to invent a cell phone which automatically rejects calls. But then it won't have a reason to ring!

 erenda [ 03 Mar 2007 18:21 ]

I hate cell phones!
Post Re: I hate cell phones! 
I have not used a cell phone, so I don't know for sure how they work.  However, I have heard of some that have silent ringing.  You can turn on the sound, or if you turn the sound off, it will notify you of a call be viabrating.  and if you don't hve it in a pocket, it can ring and ring but you will never know it.

 pangor [ 03 Mar 2007 21:20 ]
Post Re: I hate cell phones! 
My previous one had that option, but this one ...no this one RINGS!!!!

 erenda [ 03 Mar 2007 21:35 ]
Post Re: I hate cell phones! 
Well, for all this reasons, I don't have a cellie, yet too   so it don't vibrate nor ring at all
BTW, one of the main developers and inventors of the mobile/cell phone at Motorola is a Trekkie (Star Trek fan), and was inspired to this invention by the hand held communicator shown in the TOS TV series. No joke, either...

 ahjah [ 03 Mar 2007 22:08 ]
Post Re: I hate cell phones! 
I'm with you Erenda! If I have to have a cell (we call them 'mobile phones' down under) phone for work, but outside that it's just a pain in the butt.

I love the rude responses from people who tried to call you when your phone is switched off. "I tried to call you on your mobile?... And it was OFF! Why was it OFF! I needed to ask you something. I cant remember what it was now, but it must have been important" As if they have some inalienable right to contact you instantly, wherever and whenever they wish. Sometimes it's nice to be incommunicado.

My definition of success has changed over the last few busy years. It's no longer a big house on the water, a Ferrari or a trophy blond bimbo wife... It's not to have to carry a bloody mobile phone!



 Ozymandias Jones [ 06 Mar 2007 00:18 ]
How much does to have a cell we call them 'mobile phones' down under phone for work but outside that it is just a pain in the butt cost? How did you feel about that? Why can't you do remember what it was now but it must have been important As if they have some inalienable right to contact you instantly wherever and whenever they wish? Yes it is good.

 Posy [ 06 Mar 2007 00:19 ]
Post Re: I hate cell phones! 
Posy, I think you need a deeper algorithm  

 Ozymandias Jones [ 06 Mar 2007 00:20 ]
Thanks for the information:   Ozymandias Jones said I you think me need a deeper algorithm grin.

 Posy [ 06 Mar 2007 00:20 ]
Post Re: I hate cell phones! 
I agree with what you said. But the thing that gets me the most is the way people think they would die if they didn't have theirs. LOL! I have one but  I use it for emergencies  on the road with my car or truck. The thing that worries me the most is the camera phone with sound or videos. These should be band. My answer to this problem is if you have a garbage disposal in your sink. Turn on the switch, hold over the hole and drop it in.  

 tda42 [ 06 Mar 2007 01:48 ]
Post Re: I Hate Cell Phones! 
My pet hate when it comes to mobile phones is the incessantly stupid drive by the manufacturers to add more and more useless features to a device that has only one stated purpose: to interrupt your peace at the most inopportune moment possible.


Seriously, who's half-baked idea was it to put a teeny-tiny useless screen on a phone and then try to sell you movies you can barely see at crappy frame-rates with tinny sounds?


Oh, and an added aggravation is dealing with mobiles that are locked to the one service provider... all OK unless you want to move to another country... I've got TWO mobiles - one of which was quite expensive - I can't use now... except as a glorified alarm-clock.

Grrrrr. Arrrrgh.


 GrouchoCaesar [ 08 Mar 2007 18:06 ]
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