New clothing items for Posette

New clothing items for Posette
Post New clothing items for Posette 
I haven't had a chance to try them out yet; but they seem to have potential...


 Whazizname [ 04 Sep 2007 12:56 ]

New clothing items for Posette
Post Re: New clothing items for Posette 
Thanks for the link my friend! :hug2:

 JanReinar [ 04 Sep 2007 13:42 ]
Post Re: New clothing items for Posette 
Well, I spent some time today trying out the P4 Tunic set, and found a few small issues.

I sent the creator a private message at the site where I found the link; here it is in it's entirety:

I tried out the set in Poser 5, and discovered some issues.

1.) The tunic "front" & "back" contian unused & therefore unneeded nodes . I don't think that they cause any trouble; but I bet they add unneeded size to the zip.

2.) The belt and boots use displacement, which by itself is good; but the value is so high that it causes them to break apart when rendered. A lower value works well. For my personal tastes, I disconnected the image map from the displacement channel, and connected it instead to the bump channel. I then used a small bump value, and was pleased with the results.

3.) The tunic conforms well to simple poses; but more active poses cause poke through. This of course normal; but the available dials do not offer much assistance in overcoming it.

Asis probably obvious from reading this, these are small problems for me, or any other somewhat experienced Poser user; but they may be big problems, or viewed as defects in your creation by newer/ less experienced users.

Well, I just wanted to let you know what I thought of your gift; Thank you for sharing your time and talent.


I'll be sure to post any interesting or important information that I receive in reply.


 Whazizname [ 05 Sep 2007 02:59 ]
Post Re: New clothing items for Posette 
Thank you Whazizname :hug2: I removed your session ID from the link :uuh: I want to try if they can be used as dynamic dresses. Adapting conforming dresses to Posy :heartbeat: is a pain  :doh: due to her *ehm* peculiar shape...

 Tormie [ 05 Sep 2007 11:53 ]
You are quite welcome!    Try saying that with more context.

 Posy [ 05 Sep 2007 11:53 ]
Post Re: New clothing items for Posette 
:oops:  :oops:  :oops:

 Tormie [ 05 Sep 2007 11:53 ]
Post Re: New clothing items for Posette 
Thanks for fixing the link for me Tormie.

I agree, some figure's shapes make dynamic cloth much easier to work with.


 Whazizname [ 05 Sep 2007 12:24 ]
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