Corinthianscori Renderosity Freebies' Details' Pop-up...

Corinthianscori Renderosity Freebies' Details' Pop-up...
Post Corinthianscori Renderosity Freebies' Details' Pop-up... 
Um, any-one else have problems with Corinthianscori's Renderosity freebies' details' pop-ups ?? Most artists' 'details' go to screen-centre. On my Browser_PC, his fly to top of screen AND HALF-WAY OVER, leaving most of contents out of sight...

Could be my fire-wall and/or browser and/or crippled Java, perhaps my 1440x900 card / wide-display combo...


I've PM'd him when his previous freebies have done this, but seems I'm the only person reporting this issue...

:- ( Although, like many freebie makers, he rarely gets *any* feedback... )

Fortunately, the 'details' information is repeated in plain-text on the download site...

 Nik [ 16 Nov 2008 15:01 ]

Corinthianscori Renderosity Freebies' Details' Pop-up...
Post Re: Corinthianscori Renderosity Freebies' Details' Pop-up... 
Nik it is tagged some how to reroute to another page.
I just went out there and it let's me upload without any
problem. Although as I said you might want to check
spyware and other things that send you to that page.
  Last time I had this to happen it sent me to a
commercial of HP and then to the download.
But as I said it seems to work at the moment. :thumb:

 tda42 [ 16 Nov 2008 17:05 ]
Post Re: Corinthianscori Renderosity Freebies' Details' Pop-up... 
Oh, I'm simply banned from Renderosity, can't help :dontknow: ...

 Tormie [ 16 Nov 2008 20:21 ]
Post Re: Corinthianscori Renderosity Freebies' Details' Pop-up... 
I wasn't familiar with this person's work (looks like they only make things for Victoria, a model I don't much like the look of and won't download even though she's free over on but I went over there just now to check it out.  Of about 15 freebies this person has there I did indeed experience the problem you described on about half the items when clicking the "details" box, so it's not just your software environment.  I clicked "details," the box briefly popped up in the top left corner of my screen, and then the box disappeared from the screen but the window was still open in my taskbar.

Sounds like tda42 described it well, but it might not be the fault of the item poster/author.  I suggest you email the admin at Renderosity and tell them about it.  I have bad problems trying to use that site (I can't really use or view the forums) and I wrote them about it.  Even though there didn't seem to be any resolution for the problem I had, nonetheless the admin working on it was very helpful and emailed me back and forth several times.  One further suggestion, if you email them, try to say something about how the problem is getting in the way of you using the non-free parts of the site (whether this is true or not), as I think they will then get right on it. :devil:


 Endosphere [ 17 Nov 2008 00:28 ]
Post Vicky Etc... 
Hi, Endosphere, I'm glad it is not just me...

I've previously contacted R's webmeisters without success, it may be a quirk of the security shackles I leave on 'script'...

Um, I don't use Vicky 3, 4, Mike, James etc, they're too high polygon for comfort. I did run V1 RR through EI's C-D to get a low-poly Posette mannequin. The result was deep in 'uncanny valley'...

Currently, I don't have much time or energy for Poser due domestic priorities. I'm also stymied by my new network printer's huge 'footprint' on this 768 Mb Browser_PC. I should prise the lid off and swap-out the 256 RAM for a 1Gb stick, taking the gigabyte board to its limit. And I'm considering putting a 'Yoggie' hardware firewall on my stand-alone CAD_PC instead of Norton's so I can enable its networking. But, money, time, priorities etc.

Meanwhile, I frequent PFE and collect nice 3D downloads...

 Nik [ 17 Nov 2008 18:09 ]
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