As a collector of weird and wonderful Poser freebies, I must ask if there are more on than the recent Renderosity 'ballet boot' absurdity...

That's one snag of 'register-first' sites, and I do try not to register where I probably cannot contribute...

 Nik [ 28 May 2008 00:11 ]
Post Re: 
Thank you for the link Nik  :thumb: , but it doesn't work for me :mmmh: :crybaby: ...

 Tormie [ 28 May 2008 00:56 ]
Post Re: 
Nor me, Tormie, as I would not register *just* for one outrageous freebie...

Um, a hunt on Seventhcomplex with google found art generated with Poser, but no other freebies. Of course, that may just mean that their Poser freebies are usually posted where googlebots may not tread...

 Nik [ 28 May 2008 13:12 ]
Post Re: 
:mmmh: ...

 Tormie [ 28 May 2008 20:21 ]
Post Re: 
There are a few freebies at Seventh Complex, a catsuit for V3, a catsuit for V4, a hooded dress/ hooded shirt set for V4 (I used this one, and therefore posted an image to the gallery there...), and the new "boots". I've found that the freebies require a bit of tinkering to get them to work correctly; but that is probably not a problem for the fine folk here at Posette Forever.  :D

The "flavor" of the gallery, and the site in general seems to be "Gothic", or "Fetish"; so I don't contribute to the forums. {I did try to offer some constructive input to the creator of the boots; but that did not go well.} :eyesroll:

{Well, that's my 2 cents worth...}


Last edited by Whazizname on 29 May 2008 00:34; edited 1 time in total 
 Whazizname [ 29 May 2008 00:29 ]
How did you feel when you found that they require a bit of tinkering to get them to work correctly; but that is probably not a problem for the fine folk at Posette Forever ?

 Posy [ 29 May 2008 00:29 ]
Posy wrote: [View Post]
How did you feel when you found that they require a bit of tinkering to get them to work correctly; but that is probably not a problem for the fine folk at Posette Forever ?

I don't mind "tinkering" with freebies; and since I do product testing for some individuals and stores, I feel comfortable offering people advice about how to make their product/ freebie more "user-friendly".  

Uh,... Did that answer the question Posy?


 Whazizname [ 29 May 2008 00:38 ]
Post Re: 
FYI: There has been an update to the "Fetish Ballet" Boots (my quotes); it seems that most problems have been corrected. I haven't re-downloaded them (they're not really my style of footwaer...); so I can't say how well the newest version works.

Oh yeah, if you do decide to get them, be prepared to post a rating & comment BEFORE you can download them.  :mmmh:


 Whazizname [ 31 May 2008 13:18 ]
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