Dynamic Hair Convertor

Dynamic Hair Convertor
Post Dynamic Hair Convertor 

descriptionPoser's dynamic hair use lines instead of polygons and as comsequence few 3d applicarions beside Poser >= 5 are able to render it. For making dynamic hair more usable as hair, fur or other uses in any 3d applicarion I've created this dynamic hair comverter. NOTE: Only for PC and Windows

Keywords: dynamic, hair
Categories: 3D Apps
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
by kawecki


Perhaps some-one with a Poser version that supports Dynamic hair could explain how this works ??

 Nik [ 18 Jul 2008 15:40 ]

Dynamic Hair Convertor
Post Jiggy Hair... 
Okay, the utility ran stand-alone on this XP Browser_PC, though window margins and placement seemed a bit odd...

Browser sucked in the Kai-Z jiggy hair, utility let me 'create' an exportable OBJ.

Imported to Poser_4, positioned, scaled and rendered, we have...

 Nik [ 18 Jul 2008 16:24 ]
Post Re: Dynamic Hair Convertor 
Looks to me it converted a Dynamic hair to a 3D model. Sort of toonish if that is the case and a step backward but the way I see it this is for those who have Poser 4 and have none of the Dynamic properties like in P5 on up. :mmmh:

 tda42 [ 18 Jul 2008 16:39 ]
Post Re: Dynamic Hair Convertor 
Hey Nik...
How does the new obj look with the Jiggy hair textures applied?

I can see how this utility might be useful; but I think one would have to create morphs or magnets to make the converted hair useful.

{I drive Macintosh only; so I can't try out the freebie utility.}


 Whazizname [ 19 Jul 2008 15:13 ]
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