Mario, and the Penguin run (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!)

Mario, and the Penguin run (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!)
Post Mario, and the Penguin run (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!) 
Mario and the penguin run (Part 1 of a 2 parts dram)

It must be a tragedy to be Mario, a wop which job is plumber. Short, ugly  and with a bad, evil breath he is spending the whole day of rest drinking wine in the attempt not to think too much.

Leaving the bar at night, Mario notices a tall dark figure of a woman in the shadows. Curious but just as cautious he glances again into the gloomy shadows.The woman remains still but he knows she's watching him as well. Where intrique should be, there is only fear, as a feeling of someone from his past dwells inside his mind. Still he slowly walks to his old bike. As he unlocks the chain an unfamiliar voice whispers something from close behind him. Turning he looks into the eyes of a face never seen before.

"HOW MUCH????" Mario whispers back as his eyes brighten. "Only 30 buck$ honey, and you can have me the way you want!"

Okay, that's it for Part 1, if you wish for me to finish on to part 2 just let me know. If not I'll stop right problem, and no hurt feelings (but I'll ban you one by one). This is all up to the readers choice.

 Tormie [ 18 Jul 2003 08:57 ]

Mario, and the Penguin run (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!)
YES! YES! Go on, I want more of this story, please continue!!    

 guiltypleasures [ 18 Jul 2003 14:13 ]
Mario and the penguin run (Part 1 and 1/2 of a 2 parts dram)

"Hey Doll, sorry, but I spent all my wages drinking the night away" Mario said to the lady of the night... "I've been watching you all night waiting for this moment... You're the most handsome man I had ever seen" replied her grazing the flap of his dirty jeans."Look better in your pocket... I bet you' ll find something for me... Come on baby... I can be all to yourself"
She studied his face as she waited for an answer. Her eyes were dark as the night and dancing like moon beams across the ocean waves, clear sign that the time for the next heroin dose was arriving fast as if it was riding a Harley...

Mario felt that something was happening under his belt, thought about the last time he felt the same sensation a few years ago... It was the last time he had saw "it" sticking out (a little...) from his large abdomen, and in his heart he thought it would be another few years before he saw it again without using a mirror, as it was not one to stick around long.
He suddenly remembered the "emergency gold reserve" he preserved deeply into his left shoe, a big 10 dollars banknote !
"I would you to be all to myself doll face, but I have to be content of less... How much for a blo[censored] ??" "20 buck$ Adonis, and I will take you to the limit..."
"*ahem*..." he glanced with a grin to her :"...And what you can do with 10 dollars, baby ?"
The woman looked at him with a disgusted expression on her face, thought a little than replied :"For ten buck$ I can do a penguin" "A >PENGUIN< ??? What is a penguin ?" said Mario excited.
The lady looked at the sky, "I'll show you while I'll do it. Come on! It's almost dawn"

"Okay, that's it for Part 1 and 1/2, if you wish for me to continue on to part 2 just let me know. If not I'll stop right problem, and no hurt feelings (but I'll try to hack you PC). This is all up to the readers choice."

Last edited by Tormie on 18 Jul 2003 23:37; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 18 Jul 2003 18:11 ]
Do I have to get the whip out??? Get cracking on part 2! I want more!!!
You've got me hooked!  

 guiltypleasures [ 18 Jul 2003 18:20 ]
Only one request    ?



 Tormie [ 18 Jul 2003 21:31 ]
Well we did ask for others to give us the go on our stories Tormie, maybe we shouldn't listen to them and we'll just write and write and write until they read it or run off in fear... hehehe
But I'm ready anytime you are for part 2!! I'm really loving it...kind of a creepy deja vue thing you have going on here hehehe


 guiltypleasures [ 18 Jul 2003 21:57 ]
Mario and the penguin run (Part 2 of a 2 parts dram)

The place was a deserted spot along the highway that hosted sand dunes and a great view of the suburbs."This is a good spot, don't you think?" she said with a slight laugh. Across the sandy ground there was an infinite quantity of used latex condoms and kleenex papers surrounding a dirty, greasy matress.
It was a summer night and the sky was full of mosquitos just as it always should be there. Mario slowly began to undress himself while the lady moved her head closer to his cooing : "Money in advance...".
Only the rustle of the banknote's papers breaked the nights quiet, causing waves of sensations to wash over her, like a volcano.
She slowly began to unbutton Mario's trousers while he cried out, as his erotic impulse was sending waves of hot passion upon him...
The pants went slowly down... Down to his feet... And the woman suddenly began to run away, showing Mario her middle finger, in a well known international gesture while he shrieked "HEY YOU, WHORE, WHERE THE F[censored] ARE YOU GOING ??? YOU... YOU MOTHERF[censored]!!!"

Poor Mario began a futile attempt to chase the lady, with his pants down he looked like a running penguin...

The end

 Tormie [ 18 Jul 2003 23:21 ]

Very good story Tormentor, I really wasn't expecting that ending....penguin hahahhaha

Guilty Pleasures

 guiltypleasures [ 18 Jul 2003 23:49 ]
I wasn't expecting an ending like that either.


 Den Tracy [ 19 Jul 2003 04:12 ]
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