Savannah, and the Harley Ride (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!)

Savannah, and the Harley Ride (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!)
Post Savannah, and the Harley Ride (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!) 
The Harley Ride (Part 1)

Leaving the bar, SaVannah notices a tall dark figure of a man in the shadows. Curious but just as cautious she glances again into the gloomy shadows. The man remains still but she knows he's watching her as well. Where fear should be, there is only intrigue, as a feeling of someone from her past dwells inside her mind. Still she slowly walks to her car. As she unlocks the car door a familiar voice whispers hello from close behind her. Turning she looks into the eyes of a face long remembered from her past.
"Soth?" SaVannah whispers back as her eyes brighten. "I had a feeling it was you, I don't know how, I can't even explain it, but I knew!" Moving closer she puts her arms around him and gently kiss's his cheek. "I've missed you!"
"Hey Doll, you know I've always got you on my mind! I've been watching you all night waiting for this moment." Soth says as he returns her kiss fully on her soft lips.
Pulling away just a little SaVannah looks into his eyes and asks, "Why did you wait, if you knew I was here? You could have had a drink with me, and we could have danced the night away, just like old times." She studied his eyes as she waited for an answer. Dark as the night and dancing like moon beams across the ocean waves. Lord Soth was the most handsome man she had ever known, and just as mysterious as herself. She wasn't sure she loved him, but she knew whenever they were together the world stopped just for them.
"I wanted you all to myself doll face.." Soth kissed her again this time pressing her body closer to his. "I have my harley, want to go for a ride and find a quiet place? It's a beautiful night to be alone under the stars." Soth not waiting for her answer lead her by the hand to his awaiting harley. "Hop on dear, let's take it to the Limits."
As SaVannah climbed onto the harley behind Soth, she slipped her arms around his waist and held on snuggling up against his leather jacket. "Take me to the Limit's Soth.." she cooed in his ear, "I want to watch the sunrise with you in my arms tonight".
As they drove down the deserted highway SaVannah thought about the last time her and Soth had been to the Limits a few years was the last time she had saw him, and in her heart she thought it would be another few years before she saw him again, as he was not one to stick around long. She didn't mind, she wasn't one to hold commitments or take life to seriously.
The limits was a deserted spot along the highway that hosted sand dunes and a great view of the stars. They had found this spot the first time they met and named it such as that's where they took their bodies that night as well. It became "Their" spot.
Lord Soth pulled off the highway into the darkness of the dunes and slowed down looking for the trail that led them to their spot. "Almost there Doll" he almost yelled as he glanced back at her. Her hair was blowing free in the moonlight as she smiled at him.
Tapping him on his shoulder she pointed to her left, "There it is Soth" She felt the motorcycle come slowly to a stop and climbed off and headed across the sandy ground. It was a beautiful night and the sky was full of stars just as it always was when they met here. Soth followed behind her grabbing her hand as he caught up and pulled her to the ground.
"This is a good spot, don't you think?" he said with a slight laugh as he looked deeply into her eyes while pining her to the ground. "Unless you've become stronger and think you can escape my arms and..."
Cutting him off she moved her head closer to his and began to kiss him, "Shut up and kiss me Soth, this spot is fine"
As they began to kiss they slowly undressed each other. Their bodies united with ease, as if time had never passed between them, their kisses rekindling fires never forgotten, they became entranced in their desires, one heart, with two beats. Only the sounds of ecstasy and whispers of love unforgotten breaking the nights quiet. The thrusts of his manhood filled her deeply, pleasure and pain melded together like the tide washing over the sand, causing waves of sensations to wash over her, again and again. She cried out, as his body listened, and their erotic impulses signaled in unison. Like a volcano, their bodies began to explode in orgasmic eruptions, sending waves of hot passion upon them. Their bodies now spent from hours of love making, they lay against one another and gazed upon the stars. The night air breeze cooling their loved drenched bodies.
"I've missed you love, but you have made up for all those lonely times tonight, and if you go away again, tonight will keep me until your return." SaVannah sighed, looking deeply into his eyes.
They lay that way for what seemed like forever, his hand gently stroking her hair, feeling it's softness, as he remembered the sweetness of its smell as it brushed against his face a short while ago.

Okay, that's it for Part 1, if you wish for me to continue on to part 2 just let me know. If not I'll stop right problem, and no hurt feelings. This is all up to the readers choice.

 guiltypleasures [ 12 Jul 2003 02:37 ]

Savannah, and the Harley Ride (WARNING ADULT CONTENT!)
Congratulations on being the bravest and the first. :)

Good start. Please do continue, I'm intrigued now.


 Ozymandias Jones [ 12 Jul 2003 02:56 ]
lol, not sure if I'm the bravest, maybe it's you for reading it and even still, wanting more! hahah

Okay I'll post more of it in a to leave you hanging a little longer, you might come to your senses lol


 guiltypleasures [ 12 Jul 2003 02:59 ]
I am glad you find this funny.  If you were, would you tell me? Try asking the Milk Mystic.

 Posy [ 12 Jul 2003 02:59 ]
The Harley Ride (Part 2)

Suddenly SaVannah sat up and looked at the sky, "Come on, I want to go for another ride on your harley! It's almost dawn." SaVannah stood up and reached for his hand. "Only this time I want to drive and we go as we are." She smiled at Soth as a mischievous look came into her eyes.
Lord Soth began to laugh as he looked up at her, "Are you nuts? Do you even know how to drive a motorcycle, and in the buff at that?" His laughter turned into a fit of giggles that he tried to calm as he began to see her expression hadn't changed one bit. "You're not kidding are you dear?" He asked, as a puzzled but still intrigued look crossed his face.
"I don't believe anyone has called me that before, nor my bluff, so I guess we shall just have to see if I can or not." She reached down and took his hand and pulled him to his feet. "Come on, we have to hurry, I want to make it to Blue Canyon Ridge to watch the sunrise!" SaVannah let go and headed towards the harley.
As he started walking behind her he wondered just what she had in mind as he watched her naked body silhouetted against the moonlit sky. As they reached the bike, he climbed onto the seat moving to the back of it, waiting for her to join him, it was only then he became aware of what kind of ride he was to enjoy.
Noticing he was up for the ride, SaVannah smiled, "I see your all ready my love, and you had better hold on tight. I plan on taking this ride hard and fast, as we only have a few miles to go," She whispered to him, with a wink, she then placed her leg over the bike and slowly lowered herself down, letting out a little moan as she did so.
As Lord Soth felt the warmth of her body, and the hot wetness down below he spoke. "Baby, I'm as ready as I'll ever be, and if we crash and burn, I'll be the happiest dead guy around!" He then placed his arms around her waist and waited for the ride to begin.
As she started the engine, she glanced at the speedometer and turned with a grin to him, "Does this thing really go that fast?"

"Okay, that's it for Part 2, if you wish for me to continue on to part 3 just let me know. If not I'll stop right problem, and no hurt feelings. This is all up to the readers choice."

 guiltypleasures [ 12 Jul 2003 03:36 ]
Hey Guilty! You can't even believe it but I still have not read your story...
After worknig I passed the rest of the day finishing the picture you can see in the album (but as usual I spred it on the whole net, so you can see it here and there...), and now I'm very very tired... Tomorrow a little blood donation (1/2 liter) and then, If I'll survive I will have enough time to dedicate to my beloved  :heartbeat: forum....



 Tormie [ 12 Jul 2003 23:08 ]
That's okay Tormie, I haven't read it yet either lol
Sounds like you have been busy, and your pictue you did looks great..I saw it first on Poser Pros so commented there as I've been busy all day trying to have a garage sale and mostly just getting sun burned real bad!
Posy's been doing a great job of holding the fort down for you while you've been away, so don't worry :)


 guiltypleasures [ 13 Jul 2003 01:27 ]
It's gotta be damn cold riding the harley in their 'outfits'  :bigrinnin:

 Deviant_Viking [ 13 Jul 2003 09:25 ]
Hey, where's part three ?

On the spur of the moment I painted two pictures and now I have the time to read calmly your story.
I've to say that it isn't my kind of story, I preferes historical, horror, sci-fi stories as it is for the most part of the males. It's not my fault, it's the way a male brain works...
It would be great if in the real world would happen this way... I think that if I would met with an ex-girlfriend of mine thing would be different... But it seems that Lord Soth is a strong man... I'm so lazy, when I was a teen I preferred my parent's station wagon (a lot of space... and no mosquitos...) Hey GP, where's is part three ? Hey, where is Guiltypleasures ?
It's ok for me to stay with Posy ( :heartbeat: ), but I'm not Lord Soth, I can't resist hours and hours and again....

Last edited by Tormie on 14 Jul 2003 21:39; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 14 Jul 2003 21:35 ]
Any way we can try  :heartbeat: ...

 Posy [ 14 Jul 2003 21:35 ]
Well I'm back now, sorry but I explained my absence in the clubhouse. So you want part 3 do ya Tormie? Hmm, it's not a horror, nor historical, and I'm not sure that it's sci-fi either...more along the lines of insane comedy with a touch of silly's that? Well let me here the people or yeah for part 3 and I"ll respond to your wishes.

Guilty Pleasures

 guiltypleasures [ 15 Jul 2003 01:27 ]
Hey GuiltyPleasures ! Where is part three ? Come on (purr... purr...)!
I want some [highlight=red:6ce59609bc]SEX[/highlight:6ce59609bc]

 Tormie [ 15 Jul 2003 23:01 ]
Okay, okay, I'll post part 3 this evening...after I take a hammer to my head to try and get it to stop throbbing. Dang sinuses!

So part 3 installed tonight sometime after 6pm (my time...Pacific Standard Time) Fair warning


 guiltypleasures [ 15 Jul 2003 23:12 ]

after I take a hammer to my head to try and get it to stop throbbing. Dang sinuses!

Oh! Too much air contitioner ?


So part 3 installed tonight sometime after 6pm (my time...Pacific Standard Time) Fair warning


 Tormie [ 15 Jul 2003 23:44 ]
Okay, I know your sleeping, but this will go well with your morning coffee or tea or whatever you may drink when you awake. New topic will be where part 3 is found....

And Ken, if you have never rode nekkid on a harley, you can't be so sure!  :bigrinnin:


 guiltypleasures [ 16 Jul 2003 01:07 ]
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