Poser Freebie Wiki

Poser Freebie Wiki
Post Poser Freebie Wiki 
I found this site by accident while looking for something obscure about cr2 editing...
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Welcome to PoserFreebieWiki,
the free encyclopedia of Poser Freebies.
59 articles in English

 Nik [ 19 Dec 2007 22:51 ]

Poser Freebie Wiki
Post Re: Poser Freebie Wiki 
Hi Nik. Not seen that before. Thanks for the Heads Up.

 tda42 [ 20 Dec 2007 00:28 ]
Post Re: Poser Freebie Wiki 
Well, I wandered around there for a while, then remembered seeing something on the front page about DAZ having Aiko 3.0 base free until, um, 24 Dec ??

Even if I'm only going to use Posette in my project, always handy to have 'guests'. Off I went off to DAZ. Their basket said, "Oh, by the way, you downloaded this before !" I checked the referenced order and, sure enough, I did, back in Mar 2004. Electronic download, of course. Hasty check of my fragmented archives confirmed the terrible truth-- Poor Aiko was probably one of the victims of that Spring's drive crash...

Good news is I've found *another* cache of old Poser zip files from 2003 and later 2004 tucked away on a slide-mount drive. Bad news is I've recently down-loaded most of them from Renderosity, yet again, yet again...

For my next trick, I'm going to try to comvert a Morph target into a 'prosthetic appliance' that conforms to character...

 Nik [ 20 Dec 2007 00:57 ]
Post Re: Poser Freebie Wiki 
Will be looking forward to seeing how it all comes out.  

 tda42 [ 20 Dec 2007 02:07 ]
Post Re: Poser Freebie Wiki 
Hey Nik,
Thanks for the link; I hadn't seen that before either.

FYI: You can get the latest versions of Victoria 3, Michael 3, Aiko 3, and Hiro 3 all in one zip for free at download.com
(Windows http://www.download.com/Poser-DAZSt...4-10581779.html)
(Macintosh http://www.download.com/Poser-DAZ-S...4-10581780.html)

 Whazizname [ 20 Dec 2007 04:49 ]
Post Re: Poser Freebie Wiki 
Okay, I've grabbed the pack: Always handy to have Hiro, as often 'twinned' with Aiko.
V3 & M3 are far too photo-real for my needs, but...

Um, unlike TuCows, who usually link to broadband mirror sites, Download.com began at ~ 200 kb/sec, emptied buffer and dropped to 'fast dial-up' ~ 35 kb/sec. Gonna take a good half-hour...

Still beats trying to extract freebie files from cover-disks that keep trying to 'phone home', install flash, codecs, browsers and/or tool-barsl !!!

So why 'reverse engineer' morph targets into props ?? Think theatrical prosthetics, fat-suits etc, and how spooky it is to see a tray of silicone 'body parts', scars etc on dressing table...

The 'morph targets' themselves are 'stripped OBJ', just vertices, but I reckon I can extract stand-alones from the CR2. D'uh, I've downloaded enough CR2 & morph utilities, I should be able to cut, paste and patch something !! Failing that, I'll apply the morphs, hide irrelevant limbs etc, export the mesh and hack that...

Looks like it may be Wings3D for modelling, but I'm too busy pre-Chrismas to get my virtual teeth into it...

Okay, download is into last minute, aaaand done. Yup, taken me half an hour to compose this. Fiction is even slower...

 Nik [ 20 Dec 2007 14:55 ]
Post Re: Poser Freebie Wiki 
I missed this thread...
Thanks a lot, Nik

 ahjah [ 20 Dec 2007 15:13 ]
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