new MayaDoll character

new MayaDoll character
Post new MayaDoll character 
A new MayaDoll character at T-Limited ( ) 4.5 megs, looks like the same skin texture, guess it's been morphed up a bit.

Post post:
Ok, I loaded it. Less body morphs, a lot more face morphs, same skin.
Looks like a good candidate for Morph Manager.

 Ben_Dover [ 11 Sep 2003 22:26 ]

new MayaDoll character
Thanks Ben. Some other cool stuff there as well... the Poser folders grow larger and larger and will soon take over my hard drive completely

 Ozymandias Jones [ 11 Sep 2003 23:14 ]
Yeah I know the feeling, my Poser directory is now over 6 gigs. I did have the foresight though to save a thumbnail for each download, renaming it to match the exact download filename. Then I subcategorized for clothes, characters, obj's, etc. After the first 700 megs I started a new Poser temp directory set up just the same way, for cd burning ease. I have to burn the cd's and make more space now but I'll have a neat organized library of d/l's. Eventually I'll use a categorizing program and make a searchable list with keywords pointing to which cd it's on. I never thought I'd fill up a 34 gig hard drive.....but after a year it's full. Time to hit for another    

 Ben_Dover [ 12 Sep 2003 00:44 ]
Hi All
You where again the faster this time, Ben_Dover
Just dl this char, too
again a 4.5 meg dl for a couple of morphs
sometimes I think, people get paid for bandwith wasting   

 ahjah [ 12 Sep 2003 03:01 ]
(eheheh )

 Tormie [ 12 Sep 2003 03:12 ]
Yeah but a lot of good head and face morphs, I'm going to add this to my collection of mayadoll MT's and make one big MayaMorphQueen some day.

I've also downloaded and installed a V2 MayaDoll Hybrid, but damned if I can remember where I downloaded it from now. I'll run across it soon and post the URL. V2 head, Maya body.

They say the first thing to go is the....the ummm....dammit what was it...sounds like emory....   *shrug*  

 Ben_Dover [ 12 Sep 2003 05:07 ]
This Maya thing's getting out of hand I've taken to using old hdds to store my Poser stuff on.
I remember buying a computer with a 6gb hdd, 64mbram and a 4mb video card....friends were in awe of it LOL
I'm starting on some templates for the MAya clothing pack which I'll post if I ever finish 'em

 Paul Mon [ 12 Sep 2003 08:44 ]
Ben_Dover wrote: 
I've also downloaded and installed a V2 MayaDoll Hybrid, but damned if I can remember where I downloaded it from now. I'll run across it soon and post the URL. V2 head, Maya body

I think, I saw her over at ´rosity´s free stuff  ´bout two or three weeks ago
I don´t own a vicky, so I forgot about her...
could be a nice option, for , to be honest , I like MayaDaoll´s body      , but I´m not quite lucky with her head
I think, I´m too much in love with my Posettes     

 ahjah [ 12 Sep 2003 16:23 ]
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