Whoppened to StudioMaya?

Whoppened to StudioMaya?
Post Whoppened to StudioMaya? 
What's the deal, no pages loading for the MayaDoll main page or her d/l's...left a message on the forum there and a note to Maya but got no response.  Similar response on the main d/l's as well. Anyone have any info on the dissappearance?    

 Ben_Dover [ 26 Aug 2003 21:49 ]

Whoppened to StudioMaya?
Noticed missing of the page, too :o
But I think, there´s no need to worry
Studio Maya used to change their ISP from time to time before.
They´ll be back soon... I hope

let´s keep our eyes wide

 ahjah [ 27 Aug 2003 00:07 ]
I sure hope so, that one was one of my daily visits. Maya really kix butt.

 Ben_Dover [ 27 Aug 2003 21:52 ]
They've been around for some time now. They should be back, as they have done before.

The community would sure be worse off if they didn't.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 28 Aug 2003 04:25 ]
Hi all!
Due to information at Maya Doll Support Forum,
http://www.virtualbeauty.net/fstyle/bbs.php Maya: "I'm sorry. The contract with former host terminated. By new host, my site will be restored little by little.",
Maya is moving to a new host and it takes some time to restore the page there.
They´ll be back soon... :D/  :D/
theres also some new free stuff
Look http://Poser-ism.vis.ne.jp/

so long

 ahjah [ 01 Sep 2003 01:14 ]

 Tormie [ 01 Sep 2003 07:49 ]
Hi all!
Maya Page back again  
"Race Queen Rie" character avaliable again   
so long

 ahjah [ 04 Sep 2003 16:31 ]
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