Has your artwork been stolen?

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Post Has your artwork been stolen?

#1  guiltypleasures 19 Sep 2007 21:22

I have a gallery on Zazzle and while looking at others work on there I found that someone had stolen a bunch of my artworks off of my webshots gallery and was posting it on her Zazzle gallery as her own work. Trying to profit from my artwork and even entered one into a contest on there. After going though her gallery and finding a lot of my stuff I wondered how many more people she stole from. I can't be sure but I think I've seen some of it on here or other Poser type sites and they may belong to some of you. You might want to check out her gallery to see if your work has been stolen too. Here is her gallery site address on zazzle.

[link removed by Tormie: commercial site]

I have reported her for stealing my artwork to the zazzle management but her gallery is still up at this time and I'm awaiting to hear back from zazzle about this matter. I see that she may be blocked from zazzle on another copyright violation involving using some clipart that was not hers but from what I can tell her gallery is up and running and you can still purchase from it. I think it's a shame that she should profit from others works.
Hope this helps

Rene Meyers  (Guiltypleasures)

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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#2  Tormie 19 Sep 2007 22:52

This is bad, They should have already closed the page :nono: . Rene, write the link where are your stolen pieces so that we can point them to zazzle too  :snooty: . (BTW, welcome back :hug2: )

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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#3  guiltypleasures 19 Sep 2007 23:51

Thanks Tormie, it's nice to be back, sorry to be gone so long but you know the reasons of my health :)

As for which artwork is mine, here's the links that are my work that she has stolen.

[links removed by Tormie: commercial site]

this is the first one I saw of mine...my eyes were tired but even I know my own face when I see it, even if it is in a bubble and it's an older photo lol
[link removed by Tormie: commercial site]

I can't believe this person had the nerve to call these her own and post them on a well known site like this. I'm also pretty sure that others works have been stolen by her and are on her gallery, I've posted this message on both Renderosity and Poserpros to let people there know as well and hopefully if they find their work on her gallery they too will complain. I am going to keep at Zazzle to do something about this until this gal's gallery is history. I just feel bad that if she sold some of this artwork that the rightful artwork owners will never see the money :(


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#4  tda42 19 Sep 2007 23:53

Rene! :bigrinnin: Man it is good to see and hear from you. How have you been? :thumb:

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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#5  guiltypleasures 19 Sep 2007 23:59

Hey Kenny, yes it's been a long while, too long actually :(
I've been okay, still battleing my health problems and it takes it toll on me sometimes, but I try to keep plugging away. I will try and be better about visiting here more (I really really will try harder this time cause Tormie said he's going to put the clubhouse up for sale and that means my penguins will have no more home <sniff sniff> :)

So enough about me, how are you doing?

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#6  Tormie 20 Sep 2007 01:26

:hug2: :hug2: :hug2: I'm sending a report myself at zazzle about it, address is [email address removed by Tormie: commercial site]

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Post Re: Has Your Artwork Been Stolen?

#7  pangor 20 Sep 2007 02:38

guiltypleasures wrote: [View Post]
So enough about me, how are you doing?

No it is not enough, it has been far too long.

I and a another friend of yours have been looking through her products too.  And commenting and reporting.  I am happy to say that one by one her items that used your artwork are disappearing from her collection.  Now if there was a way for you to get the artist share of what she gain on your efforts, all would be good.

BTW keep an eye open for her store to disappear.  She also stole from some really heavy hitters in the field.  For those items, I did not report her to the site.  I reported her to the artists who owns them.  We are talking major commercial artists.  And I am not done yet. ;-)


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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#8  JanReinar 20 Sep 2007 13:28

Hi Rene! :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:

It is good to see you again! :hug2: I wish the best for you! :hug2:

Abou the topic looks like this  :bad-words: is a professional thief!  :crazyeyes:

Here we go!

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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#9  Tormie 20 Sep 2007 19:49

:grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Images stolen/copyright violation

Support (Marcos) - 09/20/2007 11:12 AM    
Dear Tormie,

Thank you for your email.

We are aware of this user and her actions. Her account has been suspended and is currently in the process of being deleted. Although her products remain on the site, it does not mean that her products are being produced.

Before products are produced they go through a copyright filter. Her products will be flagged and will not be produced.

Best Regards,
Content Management Team
Zazzle.com, Inc.

Zazzler (Tormie -) - 09/19/2007 06:42 PM    
These products are made with stolen pictures of an artist called
guitlypleasures, part of the original pictures can be found at her
gallery here:


You've already been asked to remove this thief, what are you waiting for
? We're spreading your behaviour on the 3D artists community, you better

[links removed by Tormie: commercial site]

Incident Reference #070919-002016
              Date Created: 09/19/2007 06:42 PM
              Last Updated: 09/20/2007 11:12 AM
                    Status: Response Sent
              Order Number:

Other Product(s)



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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#10  Whazizname 21 Sep 2007 02:00

It is good that the site has taken some definite action.

I'm glad that you shared this with us; because I was beginning to wonder about their motivations.


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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#11  Tormie 28 Sep 2007 23:35

Yep, all is solved now with that gallery removed. I'm going to erase the links to that commercial site now that it's all ok. I'm only sorry that Guiltypleasures popped up only for this occasion :sad:

:clinton: :panda: :madsmile: :panda: :jztrumpet:
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Post Re: Has your artwork been stolen?

#12  tda42 29 Sep 2007 17:44

Yep. That is a bummer. :sad:

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Post Re: Has Your Artwork Been Stolen?

#13  Nex 30 Sep 2007 07:12

Gosh...G.P.  how wonderful it is hear from you, even under such sercumstances..
do you know how many people miss you around here, like me :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:
I did not know of this zazzle, but I`m not surprised that cyber space is plenty of art thieves.
stealing ideas stories...etc/ie: crazy3dworld,
problem is how to stop it.

Peace and good health to you G.P. :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:

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