You know, I don't even own a Vicky !!

You know, I don't even own a Vicky !!
Post You know, I don't even own a Vicky !! 
Hi Posette fans,

Thanks to Tormentor for this little forum, which hopefully will grow into a large forum.

Just an admission which I can make here, but would seem to make me a laughing stock in many other places.

I don't even own a Victoria, 1, 2 or 3. Not even a Mike. I've never seen the need to date.

[i:09aa2c968f]*Whispering so Posette doesn't hear me* [/i:09aa2c968f]

[i:09aa2c968f]Although V3 does have some nice mesh.[/i:09aa2c968f]

Firstly it's the exchange rate. Living in Australia is great if you don't want to purchase stuff from overseas, then the dollar rate slugs you big time.

But mostly, Posette has always sattisfied my every need so far. I haven't done an image yet when I wished for more than her shapely form and pretty smile.

It's good to know it's not just me.  

 Ozymandias Jones [ 04 Apr 2003 02:54 ]

You know, I don't even own a Vicky !!
Welcome aboard Mr. Jones !

I don't own any of them either and it don't bother me one bit. Don't see the need right now.  Besides, my stuff is mostly cartoon type and therefore don't need photorealism. Of course our dollar being worth 68 cents compared to U.S. dollars has a lot to do with it as well...

We are indeed "brave men" to only use Posette or  my "hybrids" Connie and Bonnie.

Feel free to post in the Gallery any time.

 Den Tracy [ 04 Apr 2003 03:16 ]
Vickie..pah, I don't need no steenkin Vickie. The only thing that gets on my nerves is all the cool looking freestuff for Vickie lol

 fairygoodtime [ 04 Apr 2003 09:38 ]
This is looking like a "Colonial" thread....
An Aussie, a Canuck and a Brit    

Welcome aboard fairygoodtime !

 Den Tracy [ 04 Apr 2003 15:01 ]
Post ViK and Mike 
Ok Posette and Dork are good models e for me are ok for all my hobbyst work, but Mike and Vicky are the professional models the best quality of this is clear... see the body muscle of mike or vicky or the face morph for mike or the defaylt breast morph for vicky is another planet

but Posette is great for me, and Dork is ok for my work, see the batman in the Dork's garage forum



 mosca [ 11 May 2003 09:50 ]
Post Re: ViK and Mike 
mosca wrote: 
see the body muscle of mike or vicky or the face morph for mike or the defaylt breast morph for vicky is another planet

Yes, the planet of the Apes      There's nothing like the Posette's breast  

 Tormie [ 11 May 2003 11:56 ]
Do you still like my breasts Mr. Tormentor?  


Will Posette ever forgive me?

 Ozymandias Jones [ 11 May 2003 12:28 ]
Victoria   ?

eh eh eh! Good one O.J.     !

...I think Posette will NEVER forgive you (Grrr... GRRR!)    !

 Tormie [ 11 May 2003 13:02 ]
I have to confess that I do have a couple of Vickies, but mainly because you gotta have her to use the Daz Millenium Girls. Posette is the greatest, but the P4 girl is lacking in character and available items...I better add IMO, b4 I get flamed for that comment!!  As for the new rage of 'photo-realism', I have cameras for that if I want to get realistic...I want my Poser people to look like Poser people.

 MondoJake [ 28 May 2003 06:03 ]
Ah, yes. The eternal quest for photo-realism. I don't mind photo-realism, but not at the exclusion of all else. Poser art seems to run in trends but the photo realistic art is regarded by many as it's highest form. Personally I find most of the supposedly realistic art lacking in the detail that would make it real, the imperfections so to speak, and it ends up looking fake because of it.

Although there are some artists who produce truly brilliant photo-real art and I applaud their work.

And I do agree, finding new items for Posette can be a challenge. But the hunt is half the fun. At least for a net addict like myself.  

Anyway, it's good to see you still around MondoJake. Hopefully we can create a great resource of Posette items and links here for all her loyal supporters.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 29 May 2003 00:35 ]
Post photo.... 
photo realistic 3d graph for uman figure is a chimera...
because for max perfect render en ligth tecnique you can use the real uman have a soul and the souls of peoples are in theyr eyes....


i considerate an idea... a great Poser ( :-O ) applications  



THANKS! to Tormentor for new color theme!!!! THANKS!
is great for me

 mosca [ 29 May 2003 21:45 ]
Post Re: photo.... 
mosca wrote: 
photo realistic 3d graph for uman figure is a chimera...
because for max perfect render en ligth tecnique you can use the real uman have a soul and the souls of peoples are in theyr eyes....

mmmh...   I'm a little atheist and I never saw a soul, but tomorrow I'll see in the people's eyes searching for it   ...

THANKS! to Tormentor for new color theme!!!! THANKS!
is great for me

   Thanks... Is nearly (  :condom: ) finished, I crashed the board only twice doing the work  

 Tormie [ 29 May 2003 23:33 ]
Post soul 
good luch
but remember the most part of peoples haven't a soul


 mosca [ 30 May 2003 07:44 ]
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