DAZ changing free product system

DAZ changing free product system
Post DAZ changing free product system 
If you are not on the Daz weekly mailer, this notice just came out on a change to their Free Product of the Week system.  New products added will only be up for a week and then put in the store.

"Effective next week, this system will be changing a little bit. With the new system each new Free Product will be available in the Free Product archive for only one week, and will then be added into the store as a normal product. All of the products currently in the Free Product Archive, excluding the Morphing Python, the Tree Frog and the recent Redhouse Studios products, will continue to be available in the archive until further notice. The Morphing Python, the Tree Frog and the recent Redhouse Studios products will be pulled out of the archive and added into the regular DAZ store within the newt few weeks. So be sure to check each week for the new Free Product, or you may miss one. " - WEEKLY DAZ DISPATCH - Last Chance for Crazy Deals dated April 12.

 melamkish [ 13 Apr 2006 13:25 ]

DAZ changing free product system
:uuh:  :uuh:  :uuh:

 Tormie [ 13 Apr 2006 14:54 ]
Yikes, will have to get over there and download all that don't already have.  This is like how they did it when they were still a part of Zygote.  Don't count on their archive of past free items remaining useable.  It will likely fade away as they need the space for other use, or as links are broken and are not repaired.

 pangor [ 13 Apr 2006 16:06 ]
Got the newsletter this morning and as soon as I was home at noon started downloading the latest freebies. Now I have to check which of the older ones are missing.....just in case the archive will disappear in the future.

 posfan [ 13 Apr 2006 20:56 ]
That's why I thought it was important to get the word out fast.  I downloaded everything I thought I would ever use this morning that I didn't already have.  Gonna have to start checking all these places weekly, it looks like. :doh:

 melamkish [ 14 Apr 2006 00:37 ]
Who needs DAZ? No stuff for Posettes there, anyway :prrr:  :snooty:  :snooty:  :snooty:  :sick:

 ahjah [ 14 Apr 2006 01:02 ]
:lmao:  :lmao:

 melamkish [ 14 Apr 2006 14:03 ]
Yeah  :doh: ! Ahjah is right  :thumb: !!

 Tormie [ 15 Apr 2006 21:56 ]
:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

 pangor [ 24 Apr 2006 00:36 ]
That`s nuts, why not just kill free stuff altogether!
anything for a buck.

 Nex [ 24 Apr 2006 06:00 ]
Oh yes, it's disgusting :sick:

 Tormie [ 24 Apr 2006 09:31 ]
I just now got an email from Daz...alittle late, but I got the news here first.
"Kudos" Posetteforever. :clap:
anywho...I think go to daz and have a download-a-thon before the freebies
go to the selling block........I`ll see you all in about month :lmao:
might take that long or more to clean out current freebies at Daz :lol:

 Nex [ 25 Apr 2006 06:48 ]
Nex";p="30822 wrote: 
I think go to daz and have a download-a-thon before the freebies
go to the selling block........

my download-a-thon is almost finished  :wink: , just two more files and I do have them all :lol:

Happy Downloading!  :lmao:

 posfan [ 25 Apr 2006 10:53 ]
I have downloaded the most at risk one and have taken a break, but will have to get back there soon and get the rest, just in case.

 pangor [ 26 Apr 2006 05:07 ]
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