Advice please!

Advice please!
Post Advice please! 
Ok , people here's the situation! Remember that exam I had today, well they even didn't let me enter , in other words I did NOT make it! And I have to go to the same exam in september . And I told my parents and they aren't pretty happy about it. But here's the problem : tomorrow I have another one and and I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!! I'm serious, zero, nul , nishto, nothing! So I was thinking about not going and embarrassing myself BUT mom and dad called and very pretty angry at me and .....hell I haven't sleeped for about 12 hours , I have studied for the other exam (The one on which they kicked me out!) , I don't know ANYTHING , I'm exhausted! But if I don't go tomorrow they'll go crazy and may do something...and...I don't know what to do. Should I go to the exam tomorrow and fail or should I stay home and ...I don't know. And I'm tired and on coffee , and I can't remember anything...and I'm DONE!!!! It may go worse but I don't know how much worse it can become. Please , advice anyone?

 erenda [ 18 Jun 2007 13:57 ]

Advice please!
Post Re: Advice please! 
Hi erenda :hug2:
First of all, you should calm down a bit, and get yourself some sleep.
Then think about it, not about the exam today. This is done for now.
But tomorrow is another day.
You think you cannot WIN tomorrow. IMHO, you got nothing to LOOSE, if you go there.
If you don't put too much pressure on yourself, hey, maybe you even make it :wink:  :thumb:
As everybody, I had to go thru examinations myself, too. And I'm very lazy, so I didn't work for most of them at all.
I never wanted to be no.1, never wanted to win, so I never lost :) . I passed all my exams at first try without beeing no.1, but also without getting crazy ( not more that I'm anyway)
If you go there tomorrow, try to look at it as another experience, an adventure. There's nothing to loose. You only can win, and in the end, maybe there's even ... fun :grin: .
This is my advice. This is the way I survived the last almost fourtyfour years. It worked for me... :wink:

 ahjah [ 18 Jun 2007 15:11 ]
Post Re: Advice Please! 
As it is fairly obvious you are in a no-win situation here, there is little that I can add, although I'd lean towards going to tne exam tomorrow if only because:

A) It would placate parents, which would leave one thing less to stress about.

B) You can always use the experience as a full-on rehearsal for the next time. (Think "desensitization")

C) As you have nothing to lose anyway, even if you get poor marks you'll know where your weaknesses are and be able to focus on them in study later on... (assuming you wish to.)


 GrouchoCaesar [ 18 Jun 2007 19:26 ]
Post Re: Advice please! 
In my own experience, if you've not studied there is nothing you can do at this point. You should think about what are you doing there and the reason why you're not studying. That's what I have NOT done when I was at the university and I've lost only precious time: if you're not going to change your attitude with study you'll fail and sink slowly. Go tomorrow and see how is this exam so that you could do it next time. The only advice I can give to you is to put your head over the books and learn what you need to learn, it shoudl be your job during university time. It could look like an old man nonsense but it's the only reality from one that was (and still is) very lazy but not enough smart.

 Tormie [ 18 Jun 2007 19:31 ]
Post Re: Advice please! 
Ok I have read everyones statement and they all are pretty much on the mark but you have to look at this. When you go to a University and learn, does your learning reflect on yourself as one day becoming a hard worker at the trade you are going to college for? In other words the way you do in College shows how well you will do in the job you will go to because of your schooling. If you don't go for this test you will never know the mechanics of the test. Even that is a learning experience. Life will be full of stresses and this gets you used to this. If you fail then your life is not over but you learned by seeing the test and answers. It is still a learning coarse. Just keep going and you will see that everything has a meaning as well as a learning. Good luck to you. :thumb:

 tda42 [ 19 Jun 2007 00:21 ]
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