And then there was the matter of HD's

And then there was the matter of HD's
Post And then there was the matter of HD's 
So I received my new HD today. 250 gb, about twice as much as my 3 old ones combined  
I'm tossing all the old ones out. Now I got a lot of hours with re-installing of windows 98 + XP, and transfer of files from my old HDs  
Not to mention, I got a Poser folder that weights in on 19 gb   so I'm not sure if I should copy the whole thing, or re-install key items instead.

Ah well.. off to start working on this. C-ya in some hours hopefully

 Deviant_Viking [ 08 Aug 2003 12:03 ]

And then there was the matter of HD's
My suggestion is: copy all the damn thing, you have enough space. When I tried the second option I missed something every damn time.

When you will have enough time make a little manteinance to the files.

My Poser 4 directory is 15 gigs, but I have also the ZIP directory... (sigh)
and my HD is only 80 gigs (SIGHx2!)

 Tormie [ 08 Aug 2003 22:30 ]
Your             suggestion is copy all the damn thing you have enough space? Could you try it again? Do you think I should alter my programming?

 Angela [ 08 Aug 2003 22:30 ]
Tried installing a fresh copy of XP, but apparently to no avail
Copying everything I want to make sure survive, and afterwards I might have to just copy the whole XP dir over to the new drive. But that'll mess up loads of paths, since I had 5 partitions total on the old HDs, and only two on the new  

 Deviant_Viking [ 08 Aug 2003 22:32 ]
In italian I would say "sono cavoli amari", I cna't translate it...

Anyway, I made a fresh install of Poser, then overwrited all, but I have only one partition per HD  

 Tormie [ 08 Aug 2003 22:41 ]

night night...

ZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzz! (FART...) ZZZzzzzz....

 Tormie [ 08 Aug 2003 22:56 ]
Ever heard of Powerquest Partition Magic?
You can merge all partitions into one and then run an aplet to fix all the broken paths. therefore you can modify everything prior to moving it then just move everything over to the new partition. Used it myself a few times.
Another alternative would be cloning the drives to the one using norton ghost. You may have problems starting XP afterwards. I know you would with 2000, but with XP, it may find the new devices on its own.
Anyhow good luck, I know its a job you got in front of you.
Take Care


 Landman [ 08 Aug 2003 23:41 ]
You guys and your big hard things....  

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Still missing my baby, and I just got word my mom has to have neck surgery next wed to remove some bones that are pressing on her spinal cord (which could cause her to be paralized) and she still could be paralized if the surgery doesn't go well. But anyways, I"m trying to get back into the swing of things now. I've also been sick with a stiff neck the last few days, which hasn't helped when trying to do much on the computer.


 guiltypleasures [ 09 Aug 2003 15:53 ]
When things go wrong, they really do go wrong for you GP, don't they?  

 Deviant_Viking [ 09 Aug 2003 18:15 ]
Yep it's been a lousy week...well actually maybe it's been a lousy few years...I don't know anymore. lol

But I'm going to try and be here to pick on you all so you had better watch out! lol
Now I've got to go find pirch and install it so I can find this irc server that tormie's setup. It's been so long I hope I can remember how to find the server he's using.

 guiltypleasures [ 09 Aug 2003 18:32 ]
Yep it's been a lousy week...well actually maybe it's been a lousy few years...I don't know anymore. lol

But I'm going to try and be here to pick on you all so you had better watch out! lol
Now I've got to go find pirch and install it so I can find this irc server that tormie's setup. It's been so long I hope I can remember how to find the server he's using.

 guiltypleasures [ 09 Aug 2003 18:33 ]
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