Opinion needed

Opinion needed
Post Opinion needed 
Starry Trek has a way to go before completion.
It is posted on three other sites as well as here.
Since some people have been told that after Starry Trek ends,
the only place that any FUTURE images will appear, is here.
My once popular story may take a nosedive after this news spreads.
If the number of people following your work, dropped from say 100
views per series part, and then drops off drastically...

My question is this :
Would you ( if you were in this situation )

(A) Continue posting, knowing that you might be purposefully being ignored
      but continue posting to the very last part only for the sake of a handful
      of individuals. (I am not referring to this site as there are not that many of us)

(B) Post a condensed sarcastic version and say bye-bye, making all suffer

Rather than posting in public,

Last edited by Den Tracy on 31 Mar 2004 01:49; edited 1 time in total 
 Den Tracy [ 29 Mar 2004 17:19 ]

Opinion needed
I post my pictures everywhere because I've friends that don't come here but I consider the comments of my friends of posetteforever at the top.
Many of the people here are very talented in using free or low cost stuff when making pictures, and they make masterpieces. So I think that a lot of people who spend a lot of money become simply a little envious or don't consider these work at the same level of a picture made with well paid stuff.

I simply don't understand why there are persons who don't like your work so much to offend you with nasty comments or emails (I'm supposed to be the only one who can whip your back   ).
In any case I'm not going to other art sites because I've not enough free time in this period and because, on the contrary of the first times of posetteforever, now there is enough people to keep the site alive   (I've nothing against other sites)  , so I can't have an opinion of what was happened on your works published elsewhere.

I consider a duty for me to comment the pictures of our album, sometimes I'm too much tired (and too lazy   ) to do that but I do it sooner or later.

My suggestion is to continue posting your pictures on all the sites you know because it could happen that sooner or later someone will like so much your pictures to pay you for painting them   and this is a beautiful, peaceful, friendly place but it is small and non commercial...

("reply me by PM" ??   )

 Tormie [ 29 Mar 2004 19:45 ]
P.S. Why not a little poll ? The old one is full of webs...

 Tormie [ 29 Mar 2004 20:23 ]
Personally, Den, I would finish posting. There is something to be said for perseverance.

There are those out there (me among them) who always appreciate your work and enjoy it immensely. A sarcastic retort may simply offend the loyal viewers and make those who want you gone grin happily into their cornflakes knowing they have won.

Stand tuff, mate. Don't let the bastards get you down!

 Ozymandias Jones [ 31 Mar 2004 02:00 ]
I agree with Ozzie! I love your series end I told to you that the loosers are them! As I said I never post a pic in Renderosity and I am a site old member. But a read the  comments and a friend told me that shed need a Vicky to continue her posts or noboby will want to see her art.

 JanReinar [ 31 Mar 2004 02:14 ]
I can't quit now anyways, it's up to part 22(finished)  amd will likely go to part 30 !
I'm just gettin' to the good parts  

 Den Tracy [ 31 Mar 2004 03:07 ]
Can't wait to see!

 JanReinar [ 31 Mar 2004 10:38 ]
I'm looking forward to it too Den!   

There are a couple of constants in this world. The first one is death, it comes to us all. The second one is "you can't keep everyone happy",   there will always be a looser somewhere who isn't happy or wants to "rain on someones parade". Personally I just ignore them, because life is far to short to give a shit about it....

 Landman [ 31 Mar 2004 16:18 ]
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