Sources of Inspiration

Sources of Inspiration
"Hasta la vista, baby!"'s not italian  

Welcome, Angel - hope you're feeling as good here in this friendly place as i do.  

About inspiration i could speak for hours   , but i don't do it yet.  

Only few words: The most important thing to me is "Don't censoring me myself!",
all what i think, suggest, feel is ALLOWED - later i perform, later i transform, later
i do the handwork - but in the beginning i always do, what i feel i must do.

In the beginning, i'm my best fan - later i'm my best critical person.
Therefore i don't know "stopping-rules" in my imagination.

 Poserkatz [ 21 Mar 2005 23:21 ]

Sources of Inspiration
WELCOME ANGEL!!!        

Last edited by erenda on 22 Mar 2005 00:02; edited 1 time in total 
 erenda [ 21 Mar 2005 23:54 ]
WELCOME ANGEL!!!       I'm glag to see someone at my age here interested in 3D art.  
About the topic: music is truly a big source of inspiration. I agree with Pangor and his advices. I'm most of the time ispirated by my so-called "novels" and "books" witch I never finish and sometimes even by phrases. There is one particular "book" written by me ( If I don't like something I wrote I burn it later , so most of this writing is already burned :    ) about the perfect country , the price all must pay for its existence and how in the end like all great ancient civilizations this one fall in decadence. It's not even the writing but a term I invited witch inspires me " DFA" or Derima Fatora Anterina in sellen (you know about the "sellen language" ) witch means "The newest era" or " The era of the extremes". The begining of DFA is an apocalypse caused by several wars and lots of atom bombs. When I'm thinking or writing about "the essence of DFA" or about "the moral of DFA" there are always several images witch strike in my mind and they're always diffrent. Unfortunately I can't make a 3d image not even a paintings of all.   I call this "apocaliptical aesthetics" it looks more biblical than modern. Some example of it is "In the end" , the first and the second version also some old works witch are too bad to show them. I'm always trying to make a 3d video clip and alraedy have several attemps but of course I never finish the video. I also enjoy making covers of my "books" (although
there are no books) like these of " Rights of the international finance capital" (What a title for a modern fairy tale! ) and "The disdrution factory" (discrution is some kind of hi-tech poison). I'm thinking to upload them in the album when I find the pics. Another (bad) source of inspiration is the everyday life and some idiotic comments made by our imfamous politicians but the result is almost some propaganda-like posters. I'm also keen on making images with choirs with ancient greek-like clothes singing in latin.(Unfortunately I don't know latin   ). The last attempt to make a picture illustrating a singing choir was a pic called "Proletarian chorus" witch had to remind Russia of the 50's years of XX century but I get tired to model all the buildings and search for clothes from the 50's and making textures. ( Two months!!!    ) There is also another specifical kind of source of inspiration related to the language I'm invening I'm trying to show how a particular word like "votrimia" for exemple looks like. The result of all this is some surrealistic don't-know-what sometimes with human figures.   And of course pain is a huge source of inspiration but not very desirable.   I mean mental pain. Thank you for the link TdaC !         It would be very useful. I like a lot the young women portrait for the 19th century . Exspecially the in profile. It's somehow satisfactory to know that in the past women with greek and roman noses were considered beautiful exspecially if you have a such a nose.  :

 erenda [ 21 Mar 2005 23:59 ]
Erenda, your imagination is fantastic   ! I see for you a fantastic future if you feed it !

About the politicians: lol ! We'll have local elections the next month and the walls here are filled with their big faces... The right italian term is "facce da culo"       (I won't translate it... use google...)

 Tormie [ 22 Mar 2005 00:15 ]
Do anyone know the joke?:

"Hey, here is coming a box via UPS."
"Ah, what's in it?"
"Oooh, your head is in that box. Now you can take your ass back into your jeans!"  

 Poserkatz [ 22 Mar 2005 01:11 ]
     !!! LOL !!!

 Tormie [ 22 Mar 2005 01:15 ]
          I uploaded an old pic , witch supposed to be the cover of " The discrution factory". Please don't laugh!          I burned the writing , but I can't burn the picture .   It's in *. jpg format and it's virtual.    

 erenda [ 22 Mar 2005 01:39 ]
TORMENTOR";p="19640 wrote: 
The right italian term is "facce da culo"       (I won't translate it... use google...)

No need to translate   It is written in a different dialect than I am used to, but the meaning is clear and the saying is familiar.


 pangor [ 22 Mar 2005 01:50 ]
Look what I found searching "facce de culo" with Google. A google bomb list!        
@ Tormentor Check out "buffone"     

 erenda [ 22 Mar 2005 02:32 ]
In case anyone is still wondering, "facce de culo" is a slightly shortened version of a common saying.  A literal word for word translation into english will loose too much of its meaning.  However a rougher tranlation will preserve the spirit of the saying, so,  it means "he (or she) has a face like his (or her) read end.  The saying is used to say that someone is two faced and/or is shameless lacking of any decency.


 pangor [ 22 Mar 2005 04:20 ]
It's right pangor  "faccia da culo" is :"he (or she) has a face like his (or her) read end"
Obviously in the italian slang it has a subtly different meaning, the exact translation of "he (or she) has a face like his (or her) read end" should be "faccia di culo" ("di"="of") the "da" generally means "for": for example "fucile da caccia" means "gun for hunting" so "faccia da culo" is something like "face (to use) for a rear end" Another interesting slang italian word for explaining better that phrase is "carta da culo" that stands for "toilet paper",  "paper for the rear end" ("carta igienica" in a correct language). So if you come here in Italy now you know all that you need: go to the first toilet and ask for some "carta da culo"... "and please, FAST! FACCIA DA CULO !" so you'll soon try the lackings of our sanitary system in a hospital...

 Tormie [ 23 Mar 2005 00:39 ]
Here in Argentina, we use a lot of expressions derived from italian, (I don't need to translate it in spanish is writen allmost the same, we say "cara de culo") and we use it when somebody is angry or a bad tempered person, enyway here this expresion and the word culo is not considered such a bad word and no Program or radio TV will be censored for using it besides for refering to the "rear end" of the babies we use the word "culito" mean  "little rear end" and example when a man have a very good shaved face we say "suave como culito de bebe" soft as little rear end of a baby, and that have a quite diferent meaning than "Cara de culo"

 rayera [ 23 Mar 2005 01:44 ]
TORMENTOR";p="19610 wrote: 
Thank you Pangor, they look very well and professional !

Hi Angel, yes I'm in Italy   . Somewhere on the forum there should be an "italian for blondes" thread or something similar... LOL... Anyway you can ask what you want ! Someone says that my italian is better than my bad broken english   , but I'm not so sure  

Ah!! Tormentor you made me remember my childhood Hero, a character from a comic book called Nippur from Lagash, such a fantastic story that when I was at the hischool we studied it in the Spanish literature class (I learned that commics are a literature genre), I was so surprised that my teacher, a very smart and cleaver woman, that was speaking us about Don Quijote de la Mancha, La Celestina, Gutavo Adolfo Becker, (some of the world masterpieces) took the book #2 of the Nippur de Lagash serie and started to explain us all the work in historical references and the complexity of the history, we allways enjoyed Literature class a lot, when Mrs Delia spoken nobody did noice, and specially that day all the class was very interested.
 if you want to know some more about Nippur  try (is in spanish and some chapters can be dowloaded) by the way what argentinians commics did you read,  was them written in Italian?

 rayera [ 23 Mar 2005 02:12 ]
I guess that the term has evolved since the time my Grand Mother left her old home to imigrate to this country.  Just like the language itself.  For me, that is a new way of saying "toilet paper", the people that I have known from the old country and those few of us that still know some of the old dialect call it "pape de comido", sorry about the spelling, I have never seen it written.


P.S. this thread is way off track.

Last edited by pangor on 23 Mar 2005 05:52; edited 1 time in total 
 pangor [ 23 Mar 2005 05:48 ]
@ Pangor: don't use "carta da culo" in real life, it's a italian slang phrase, not a dialectal form.   I think there is not a dialectal phrase to translate "toilet paper" in the dialect of this zone of Italy. Maybe because the toilet paper was not used here       ...

@ Rayera:   I know everything about Wood's Nippur, I red the story from the beginning to where Nippur left Lagash after his short reign. My favourite serie is "Gilgamesh" but I like a lot all the south american (mainly Argentinian) production, I've boxes and boxes of comic books in my They took a lot of space. Another saga that I liked a lot was Jimenez's "MetaBarons' saga" and I remember the "City" serie, the city where goes all the lost persons... Oh, I just have a lot of comics   ...

 Tormie [ 23 Mar 2005 10:45 ]
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