About Poser, our audience and us.

About Poser, our audience and us.

 guiltypleasures [ 27 Feb 2004 22:58 ]

About Poser, our audience and us.
ZZZZzzz...  :? ....ZZzzz....Zz.... FART!  :?   ....ZZZzz.....ZZzz....

 Tormie [ 27 Feb 2004 23:06 ]

That's what I love about this place. Any attempt to become pretentious, artsy or self important is reduced to humour in just a few posts  


 Ozymandias Jones [ 29 Feb 2004 12:33 ]
No I don't think there are any.

 Posy [ 29 Feb 2004 12:33 ]
So true Ozy, this is the happiest place in the world and we don't even have any rides or a big mouse waving hello


No I don't think there are any

I think you are wrong Posy, have you checked under the sofa lately? I'm sure I saw a few there.  

 guiltypleasures [ 29 Feb 2004 15:57 ]
What makes you so certain? What did it look like to you?

 Posy [ 29 Feb 2004 15:58 ]
Posy, it was kind of green with a blue spot and kind of furry.

 guiltypleasures [ 29 Feb 2004 16:00 ]
I haven't heard anything like that before:   guiltypleasures said I it was kind of green with a blue spot and kind of furry.

 Posy [ 29 Feb 2004 16:00 ]

 guiltypleasures [ 29 Feb 2004 16:01 ]
See what I mean

 Ozymandias Jones [ 01 Mar 2004 00:19 ]
Infectious ain't it  

 guiltypleasures [ 01 Mar 2004 02:51 ]
Ozzy..I'm the same..start on something, think it's a great idea and then get bored I've got the attention span of a butterfly..at the moment I've got, in progress...
A Giant Bunny Rabbit alien mutant
A Red Queen
A mirror Queen
A Gi Maya and steed
A saucy nurse
and I've just seen some comic books that have given me some more ideas lol
As for views of your work..as long as you like 'em then the world can go f...ind something else to look at. I have noticed, as I'm sure everyone here has, that the more skin showing the more views and votes. I used to find the same attitude with the oil, acrylics, watercolours etc that I used to do. Paint a crappy picture of a sailing ship that's innaccurate..people love it..paint a picture of a wren..people say 'It's just a bird'    What I like is the opinions of those who create, even if they're critical. Years ago I knew a brilliant artist, my favourite painting of his was an incredibly detailed ink drawing of a blackbird. It absolutely rocked, the variation of shades of black in the plumage was superb and yet nobody seemed to notice it, everyone seemd to prefer a crap (his words) daub of Bridget Bardot. In fact, when I started praising the blackbird drawing he took me out and got me seriously drunk lol It's a good thing I didn't mention the other drawing of a bee which was better  

 Paul Mon [ 02 Mar 2004 13:02 ]
.... and press "submit" only once...      

 Tormie [ 02 Mar 2004 14:26 ]
Arghh!! This computer dies today! I've had enough of double and triple posting everywhere..Fdisk beckons

Please delete 2 of my 3 identical posts  

 Paul Mon [ 02 Mar 2004 14:33 ]

 Tormie [ 02 Mar 2004 22:12 ]
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