New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions
Post New Year Resolutions 
Ok I know this is a trivial topic , which is posted every year but it still works , doesn't it?
Ok here are mine ( waiting for appauds...ok   )

1) To create my own bank account (already did it but I guess it still counts)
2)To try to run a small business ( I know what will most of you  tell about this , exspecially Tormie . But the reason I want to do this is because there would be a minimal/miserable possibility to actually win something instead of wasting money for ..hmmm..things I already know more or less . Have already mentioned it.)
3) Not to go to the gratitude ball no matter how foerced to do it I'll be. ( Personally I don't mind to get an amnesia and forget the last 5 years or even the entire childhood ..WOW! Do you know some ways to get an anmesia guys?)
4) To finish that "beep" book I've just started. (Have showed it to my ex litterature teacher and she said she haven't heard of another bulgarian author writing on such topic before. But this doesn't mean necessary that it would be something worth reading of course.)
5) To jump with a bungee (always wanted to understand what's the feeling of jumping from a very BIG height. The good thing about bungee jumping compared with the "ordinary" jumping is that you can make it again and again and again...WoW! )

Probably I'll write some other things later. And yes I know you'll call me too ambitious.

 erenda [ 31 Dec 2005 21:03 ]

New Year Resolutions
Here is mine.
1 To get by.
2 To not double park again. This always leads to two parking space being used.
3 To loose weight! Hah! Ya right.
4 To leep tall buildings in a single bound.
5 To not buy so many things such as clothes. V3 being the better problem.
6 Take down the Christmas tree this year at least by June.
7 To hold T'da up at the mirror to convince her, "Look,your not a human.
8 Did I say, to get by.
9 To boldly go where no man has gone before, meaning Posetteforever's bathroom, GP hasn't been buy to clean it in awhile.
10 To prove the Earth is not round. To me it seemed like a bumpy ride so far.

Well thats it in a nut shell.  

 tda42 [ 01 Jan 2006 19:59 ]
My new year resolution is not to drink again coffe outside house (the raised the price with the new year) and to change my nickname to the more familiar "Tormie" (done)  

 Tormie [ 02 Jan 2006 22:11 ]
Welcome at Posetteforever, Tormie   

 ahjah [ 02 Jan 2006 23:34 ]

 Tormie [ 02 Jan 2006 23:42 ]

10 To prove the Earth is not round. To me it seemed like a bumpy ride so far.

WoW! This is ambitious.      


My new year resolution is not to drink again coffe outside house (the raised the price with the new year)

 Here they raised the price of the cigarettes , coffe , electricity and almost everything with the next year.   

 erenda [ 03 Jan 2006 05:11 ]
Are you free?

 Posy [ 03 Jan 2006 05:11 ]
Free like a fish in aquarium.

 erenda [ 03 Jan 2006 05:12 ]
Hello Tormie, and welcome to Posetteforever.  You will have to change your avatar, it looks too much like that of....oh wait...let me check something....Oh, HI Tormie! I see that you are you.  I thought we had a new member also named Tormie.  

Yes, I already knew, but I could not resist.

I am not sure that I want to make and resolutions this year, those I made for last year, only some worked out.

Here were some of them in relation to PF:

To get up the nerve to post at least one of my pictures.  Done.
To get up the nerve stop lurking and start talking on-line.  Done.
To get fully upto date in viewing the album. Nope.
To read everything in the fourms from before I came here.  Nope.

What the heck, for this year:
All those that I failed to do last year and:

To improve my artistic skills and explore more styles.
To try to be happy as much as possible.
To try to help other be happy as much as possible.
To stop signing every forum post with my username.

That last one is an old habit from BBS days, before the growth of the internet.  It started as a protection from damaged message bases ( and messages sent by accident while falling asleep at the keyboard? ), then became an automatic habit.

Pangor <--OK I didn't accomplish the last one, yet.

 pangor [ 03 Jan 2006 22:42 ]
To not have to load Windows more than one time.
Write a tutorial on everything I've learned about loading Windows

Well, if I get past the first one, everything else may fall into place.

 melamkish [ 04 Jan 2006 04:03 ]
For the first one, I would like to wish you luck.


 pangor [ 04 Jan 2006 18:32 ]
I have a lot of resolutions but maybe the most important for me are:
make me some more time to play with my little Alma (my daughter) an not get bored with all her irrationals and endless repetitions  

To have a good job here is allmost a privilege and that make me very responsable, my 2nd most important resolution is don't let my employer to abuse of that, and put my health over my work, and learn to say no, my family need me healthy over all.

Go back to gym I left it 2 years ago, I have good equipment at home and don't use it, I'm 35 years old, I've met some of my hi-school mates and got scared   , I'm slim, I have all my hair and I want to stay this way   :     

Read Don Quijote de la Mancha for 3rd time, and Martin Fierro (our most important literarial master piece) for 2nd time; I've read Hamlet in english (you may  ask how, if Rayera english is terrible bad, but it was an special book  full of aclarations and commentaries), I don't think I will learn italian to read La Divina Comedia, so maybe this year I'll look for an spanish version, and then have been read what I've heard are the three most importan literarial master pieces (Shakerpeare work, Don Quijote and Dante's La Divina Comedia). This is maybe my most ambisious resolution  

Related to 3D art: make my own texture set for my favorite figures, complete and get satisfy with my skin shading (I must post this to a topic started by Pangor), make my own posable character, make a conforming cloth, (just a simple one).

By my wife request, not to use anymore Behemoth as my avatar, she took me a picture and did what she consider a good one, but I'm not shure, so now I'm using half of the picture, , my wife saw it and now she is angry with me , well she see me with wife eyes;   , maybe other resolution would be, not to be so shameful and show myself and laugh together of what my wife consider a good avatar   (thanks to God my wife can't read english)  

 rayera [ 08 Jan 2006 16:28 ]
rayera - Your wife took a great picture of you. I can see why she think it's better than Behemoth, you are a handsome man

I am not sure what my new year's resolutions are.... To become a better person and sort out the messes in my life i think..

 TdaC [ 08 Jan 2006 18:11 ]
I don't know rayera. It almost looks like a cover of the rock group The Who. I like it like that. Original always works for me. Tell your wife she should be proud. Good to meet you. It is an Artist Avatar.     

 tda42 [ 08 Jan 2006 20:44 ]

To have a good job here is allmost a privilege and that make me very responsable, my 2nd most important resolution is don't let my employer to abuse of that, and put my health over my work, and learn to say no, my family need me healthy over all.

WoW! Here this thing is like a heroism ( or a stupidity , depends on the point of view). Well the diffrence is that where I am having just a job is a privilege , and having a good one= miracle. Keeping a good job= almost immpossible! (No I'm not exaggerating at all!) Don't know what do you mean by boss abuse but the typical form of boss abuse is making the workers work for you when you want (10 hours per day , on the week-end , on holydays ) , locking the door so they couldn't have break , not letting people go to the toilet, and finally the famous " I don't like how you work!" little before the end of the month followed by "You're fired!" and not paiyng them anything. The moost interesting thing is that in the past (pre-communistic era) the response for such thing was to go out on strike. The response for such thing in our days (post-communistic era) is creating intrigues , telling the boss how lazy other workers are , humiliating them , slander etc. What a progress! No wonder why some older people here find communism more preferable than this so -called "democracy".   

About the avatar - it's COOL!

 erenda [ 09 Jan 2006 04:14 ]
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