PF8 Giveaway

PF8 Giveaway
Post PF8 Giveaway 
Hi all,

It's nice being here and you make a stranger feel welcomed, and then feel like a friend but I have not met any of you. What I am trying to say is I would like to share the happiness you all give so freely.

Tormie, is the host with the most, and I wanted to share a little with folks too...

I had a thought a while ago I wanted to mark PF8, and so I acted on it, so I now have 2 boxed original Poser 8 Hybrid International (PC / Mac). The idea was to give them away somehow, like in a draw of somekind (anyway that was possible or feasible to give them a new home within the laws of PF).

(I installed and use my Poser 6, but I already have my own Poser 8 waiting, so I did not get them for me - in case someone tries talking sense into me).

The ideas I put to the floor, are:

1) Entry into a PF8 art thread, where entry alone entitles the entrant into the draw.
2) Entry into a PF8 creative writing thread, where entry alone entitles the entrant into the draw.

I suppose a minimum entrant number may be an idea (it may encourage more entries to trigger the draw). Also I thought the draw could run for a few months, as people may come by and it could be a while before people respond. It could be a draw at Christmas (or Yuletide, winter solstice).

I may have only thought of the minimum, and have rushed into this post, but I am sure together we can shape this into a workable draw and give these two Poser 8's a home. It would be nice if this post could stimulate some of the quiter members to participate also. It would be nice if we could attract some new blood here too, or get some of the old members who have left to return. Most of all I would like to see some activity here like back in the day.

 Chromium [ 31 May 2011 20:04 ]

PF8 Giveaway
Post Re: PF8 Giveaway 

 Chromium [ 03 Jun 2011 12:58 ]
Post Re: PF8 Giveaway 

Thank you Chromium :hug2: This is for sure a VERY BIG GIFT for our community :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

About it: I already talked with Chromium and the basic rule of our site is that there can't be competition between members, so a contest is a nono, it should be something like draw from a hat or a lottery (better ideas welcomed).

Once Chromium has taken all our suggestions (>hint< >pinch< >sting<) he will decide what to do and how to name it. There will be his own project that he will moderate (a dedicated gallery and/or a forum).

My suggestions:

-2 separate draws, one of them restricted to the members of PF that are already registered, the other one unrestricted

-The works (pictures/writings) should be new and never published before

-The participants should declare if they want to join the lottery or not (for example, I would like to partecipate, but I already own Poser 8 so I would like to leave the opportunity to someone that doesn't own it)

once Chromium has decided what to do we should advertise it wherever it is possible to do it (I'm banned from Renderosity and I can't go there :dontknow: but I think it's ok to use that site too so someone should take care of writing there too).

 Tormie [ 03 Jun 2011 20:39 ]
Post Re: PF8 Giveaway 
Yes thank you Mr.C
I just got back on line so I just read what was taking place. It would be a wonderful gift to give out here at PF........................................Crickets. :uuh: Any who it is your call and with Torm's blessing it can be a reality to some lucky person. :thumb:

 tda42 [ 03 Jun 2011 21:10 ]
Post Re: PF8 Giveaway 
:D He is giving away two original boxed copy of Poser 8 for Mac/Windows. He needs some ideas for the theme of the gallery/writing forum, so let's help Chromium ! :whipitgood: ...  

:roll: (I warned him...)

 Tormie [ 03 Jun 2011 22:00 ]
Post Re: PF8 Giveaway 
Thanks for the replies.

I like the idea for a seperate draw, for existing members - thanks boss.

All ideas, no matter how crazy, will be kindly received.

 Chromium [ 04 Jun 2011 08:36 ]
Post Re: PF8 Giveaway 
:mmmh: ... A lot of ideas and suggestions (as usual) :dontknow: ... I can only suggest you to do as you wish (theme etc.) and send me your decisions, I'll modify the forum/gallery according to them... No hurry, take your time... I'm also in the middle of a hell of a moving :doh:

 Tormie [ 09 Jun 2011 23:50 ]
Post Re: PF8 Giveaway 
Thanks again.

As you say there is no rush, and in that time someone may have some inspiration to share.

 Chromium [ 10 Jun 2011 12:15 ]
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