Hi everyone. It has been busy these Holidays and I have very little time to be here and I am sorry for that. But I know a lot of you here are still keeping the lights on with your great posts and Art. I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are a melting pot of many Nations. Some don't have Christmas. It doesn't matter. What matters is the kind reply's back as in Happy New Year or other things to show they care. I wish all of you Peace and less stress. That is something we all live and want. I wish you good health and food upon your table. Think of those without and hope for them a better time. Thinks of the animals that they may have a better life as well. We all are one on this big planet we call home. This is what makes our lives bonded together. I wish you all a wonderful New Year. A time to look back from the past and say it was and still is a wonderful ride. Take care everyone and be safe and happy.
Kenny (tda42)