Fast Cars and Babes... Video from my weekend

Fast Cars and Babes... Video from my weekend
Post Fast Cars and Babes... Video from my weekend 
Hi Everyone

I've posted a few video clips of my weekend at the Surfers Paradise Indy Carnival (.wmv format) if anyone is interested...

We had a great time, as always, and there was a record crowd: over 100,000 on Sunday for Race Day and 306,000 across the four day event. You should all come down under for this one year. You can stay at my place  

The race is held right on the beachfront in the heart of Surfers Paradise.


Click below to go to my page with all the clips

 Ozymandias Jones [ 05 Nov 2003 04:17 ]

Fast Cars and Babes... Video from my weekend
I am downloading the lot to view later. Thanks for sharing this with us !

There was mention of this on Speedvision (Racing Channel).
I think that I missed it when the event was aired.

It would be a bad idea to invite me. The only way to get rid of me once
I set foot on the continent would be tossing me to the sharks as a Canadian
shark biscuit.
Seriously, it has snowed last week and Winter has begun for us already.
It is about a month early.  I hate hockey, skiing, ice and snow.
Mic, on the other hand loves the snow.
It is supposed to be near 0 degrees Celsius on the weekend. I will have to
put up the Xmas lights before it gets too cold.  Shoulda done it about two
weeks ago.

 Den Tracy [ 05 Nov 2003 13:48 ]
Thank you Ozy   ! Is really interesting for me to see the way of life of the people who lives upside-down   I'm downloading the files just now and will comment later.

...And you know I like invitations   !

Poor Den   ... You live in Canada and hate snow, skiing, hockey etc... The winter season :alright: :alright: :alright:...

It seems this years the winter will be very, very cold, but don't worry, your frozen corpse will be used in a far future for a long serie of autopsies, useful to learn something of our era.

I live in a region of Italy in-famous for the fog and this is the season, a lot of car crashes in the highways. When I was a child, me and a friend of mine used to play an innocent game when the fog was very dense: we hide us behind the corner of a wall and when a person passed from there we sprang out and give him/her a kick in the ass, then we suddenly  hided again in the fog. It happened that a day we kicked our butts each other...

 Tormie [ 05 Nov 2003 22:18 ]
At Tormie's story.

Pity this is a family show, or I'd post all the video of the women flashing their...'assets' from the balconys.

Maybe I'll post 'em anyway.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 06 Nov 2003 05:35 ]
When is Pity this not a family show or he or she would post all the video of the women flashing their?

 Posy [ 06 Nov 2003 05:35 ]
DO THAT OZY ! "The evil hand is the happy hand" !

 Tormie [ 06 Nov 2003 06:55 ]
Thanks again for the vid clips.
We have an air show here in June. We get some U.S. planes like the B1 and B2.
The F-117 stealth, F-16's etc and of course the Snowbirds (precision aerobatic team).

Hey there Ozy, I checked your website and looked at all your handy work of store design.  Impressive, but you already knew that.

This F***ing S NO W is ticking me off already!  
Get this... -24C tonight, a record breaking low overnight temp.

 Den Tracy [ 08 Nov 2003 02:03 ]
You are quite welcome!               Again, Your purpose is the vid clips. Do you mean you and me have? By "we" do you mean you and me? Who said  planes like the B1 and B2 is? You've got my full attention. "There you go again. "--ReaganPerhaps.  What does "this" refer to?

 Posy [ 08 Nov 2003 02:04 ]
Posy, what are you doing in this area ?

 Den Tracy [ 08 Nov 2003 02:07 ]
Interesting gossip:   Den Tracy said I what am I doing in this area.

 Posy [ 08 Nov 2003 02:07 ]
Thanks Den. The shop design does get the creative side going at time, but also the stress levels

I would like to see a big US or UK airshow. Compared to the small show at Indy I'm sure it would be something else again. One day.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 08 Nov 2003 02:17 ]
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