Computer Problems

Computer Problems
Post Computer Problems 
For the last few days I have been experiencing PC problems, so I started backing up my stuff.
Today my PC screwed up and now I am trying to recover what I can.
My Poser4 is still there, but I don't know if everything is intact.
I am currently trying to copy the folder over to a borrowed 80GB drive.
The mainboard looks like it decided to do something when a write to C drive was in progress. I lost the System directory.
A few days ago, I thought that it might be a virus. I could not run Poser to the render stage and it would hang up and reboot and all sorts of other
starnge things.
The only folder I care about is the Poser4 directory. All others are expendabe.
I have all the props, models, and other things safely on CD.
The strange thing is that the machine decided to do whatever it did when I was trying to backup my Poser4 folder.
I am using a Pentium I 233MHz to access the net.
Hopefully, I will be back soon.  If all is lost, so am I...

 Den Tracy [ 04 Jan 2004 03:16 ]

Computer Problems
  Good luck Den, what you wrote reminds me to make very soon a DVD copy of my works, I seroiusly can't live without Posy   ...

 Tormie [ 04 Jan 2004 09:08 ]
It isn't the mainboard after all.
The hard drive developed bad sectors in the Windows System directory.
After fdisk and a reformat, there are .94MB of bad sectors.
This is now the second drive to have done the same thing.
The first Fujitsu wiped out all sorts of things on Sept. 13, 2001.
It was under warranty and I received a refurbished one.
I have owned and swore by Fujitsu drives for many years.
They were the best you could buy and were second to none.
In all the years I was in business, I only had a few that ever failed
either sold as upgrades or as part of a system.
This makes two in a row and I now swear at these shitty Fujitsi drives.

I was able to recover all my Poser Runtime and I was able to make a render
off the 80GB after I told Poser where to look for the textures which were in different directories.

I was lucky for the most part and only Windows seems to have suffered all
the damage.

 Den Tracy [ 04 Jan 2004 16:57 ]
Maximum Overkill..... SCSI RAID Array....

Never have to worry about a bad HDD tho....

 Landman [ 05 Jan 2004 19:56 ]
Try to partition around the bad area of the drive Den.

 tda42 [ 09 Jan 2004 05:42 ]
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