Morning Activities

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#16  mosca 03 Jul 2003 14:13

need an exorcist !       

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#17  guiltypleasures 03 Jul 2003 15:16

I think he needs a good thumping with a rubber shicken! First Coffee and now Mcdonalds....what's wrong with you man? Good taste is what we have here hehe
In aswer to the original question:
I get up around 7 am and head straight for the bathroom because I'm about to burst from all of yesterdays coffee and cola, after that I run straight to the "evil" coffee pot and pour myself a large cup of the stuff, topping it off with coffeemate (not the powdered crap either). I then pop my head into the computer/bird/laundry room where my bf is already drinking his coffee and reading the news online. That done, I take my coffee and head to my computer in the living room and stare blankly at my computer screen trying to determine what it is because my eyes are so blury from lack of sleep. Now I'm awake though as my visit to say good morning to my bf has woken up my cockatoo Jazzy and she is screaming now, and the bf is yelling at her to shut up. Rudy the african grey is also now awake going "Mom, mom, mom". I ignore it and return to my computer screen as I sip my coffee and start to check my email. During this process I lean over and open the front door and let Crystal our dog out, by now I know I'm going to have to get up and go shut the birds up myself so I do that. Now the dog wants back in...and then out again. Okay back to my computer and coffee. I read emails, I try and answer a few, give up, drink more coffee, try again...nope, still not enough coffee. By now I'm just surfing though Poser pros gallery, and Posette forever's gallery and trying to remember what to come back to later after I've woke up and post on.
By 8:30 am I'm still sitting at the computer on my second or third cup of coffee and I still have yet to do much of anything, except let the dog in and out and yell shut up a few times to Jazzy for yelling. Now Rudy's yelling shut up and be quiet too, but of course Jazzy doesn't listen to either of us and keeps right on screaming and trying to sing some kind of odd only cockatoo's know what it means song. My bf is now gone to work (the great escape) and my son is streached out on the sofa sleeping cause his brother is at the ex's for a month and he's afraid to sleep in his room till the other one gets back. (Now he won't admit to this, being that's he's almost 12 years old, says his bed is too lumpy, but a mom knows different right?) Yesterday I took a picture of him sleeping on the sofa I'll have to post it on here. He will be so amused lol
By around 9:30 to 10 am I pry myself away from the computer and my coffee cup and start cleaning house. I pace myself with this very carefully because it's a small place and I haven't a lot of cleaning to do, so I take many breaks and visit my computer often, By 4pm I run around and make sure I haven't forgotten any of my household duties or put them off and think about starting dinner. The bf could be home any minute, can't let him see me slacking on this computer ya know. Oh yeah, between 11:00 am and 4:00 I've also answered a buttload of stupid questions from my 11 year old, heard "I'm bored, there's nothing to do" about 500 times. Also the question of "Do you have any money, can you take me <here, there> and the big one that is repeted over and over till it drums in my ears is "Can my friend spend the night". By around 6pm, dinner is over, kid is either happy playing with his friends or strung up in his closet by the feet and his mouth covered in duct tape. The rest of my evening is tv, computer, and reading and playing with Poser(not all in that order, or all of those done each night)
Oh... My son and I went to see T3 yesterday at the movie theater...It's AWESOME!!!!  I highly recommend it!!! I'm now glad we didn't see the Hulk instead
Well that's my pitiful life at the moment....
Not quiet awake

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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#18  Deviant_Viking 03 Jul 2003 15:36

Well, this was intended for what you do in the morning, but looks like Ms Pleasures wanted to share her whole day [every day] with us instead  :

Every night will have a day.
Even forever must come to an end. I think...
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#19  guiltypleasures 03 Jul 2003 15:48

My momma always told me life is like a box of chocolates, after you bite into them, if they don't taste too good share it with that's not it...ahh I tried to stop at just the morning part, but my fingers have a mind of their own...serves me right for buying cheap fingers on dicount from Finger Hut!

Amazing myself with Pleasure

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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#20  guiltypleasures 03 Jul 2003 15:52

Our internet is going up and down due to some work by the cable company today, so this migh be my last post for awhile until they get it fixed.


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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#21  Deviant_Viking 03 Jul 2003 16:06

Knowing cable companies, you'll probably end up without internet, electricity, water and whatever else you might need for a month or five

Every night will have a day.
Even forever must come to an end. I think...
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#22  guiltypleasures 03 Jul 2003 16:09

could be...but actually our cable tv/internet has been wonderful..maybe we've just been luck so far. I just hope this doesn't last too long, I can't be deprived of my internet, I'd had to clean house and respond to my children!! (EEEKKKKKKKKK)

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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