Neverending story

Neverending story
clothes peg they purchased in a drunken stupor one night after a concert and never got around to for anything but to reseal the open packets of pop-tarts....

Last edited by Ozymandias Jones on 13 Apr 2004 00:34; edited 2 times in total 
 Ozymandias Jones [ 13 Apr 2004 00:29 ]

Neverending story
and put them by the front door for the tuna was starting to smell very much bad so says moose and squirrel even though you could see out that door there was a little rubber shicken lost with out its mommy and not a place to-

 tda42 [ 13 Apr 2004 18:37 ]
hide from the loan sharks that had stretched the rubber necks of all his friends and glued
their rubber asses to fence boards with Fast-Dry Rubber Cement.  Just when they thought
that it couldn't get any worse than this, Tormentor showed up with a case of never ending
gas and stunk up the whole town with beer farts and... and...  :bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin:

 Den Tracy [ 13 Apr 2004 21:23 ]
The whole planet must be evacuated  8-[ ... Now the humans live in the asteroid belt and...

Last edited by Tormie on 13 Apr 2004 22:40; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 13 Apr 2004 22:39 ]
ooooh my gooosh is that the polar bear bob sledding team that just blew buy and was instantly over whelmed by the green vapors that filled the air as the leader bear passed out to the smell and ran over GPs rubber shickens knowing that the glue grabbed the sled throughing the bears into the path of
GPs rubber-

 tda42 [ 13 Apr 2004 22:45 ]
safety net, luckily saving their lives for some future use in the story. Nearby on another asteroid a huge yellow...

 Ozymandias Jones [ 13 Apr 2004 23:28 ]
submarine was checking out the green meanies that started this wormhole that somehow wound up on the wrong side of the-

 tda42 [ 14 Apr 2004 00:06 ]
story, cuz Kenny is using too much of my content. Actually it was the wrong
side of the asteroid, where the rubber was sub-standard and the shickens looked
really, really flabby, due to the low gravity and...

 Den Tracy [ 14 Apr 2004 00:57 ]
caused a beach ball effect as he looked at Den with a smurk on its beek while being upside down as the air went to his head while singing a Howdee Doodey hello that one day he would be reborn as a GP beaver somehow not knowing that-

Last edited by tda42 on 14 Apr 2004 02:36; edited 2 times in total 
 tda42 [ 14 Apr 2004 02:02 ]
I would come back to do a take over with this story as my evil way of thinking has grabbed the shicken in my Yellow Submarine and hi taled it to earth where I hid it in Tormentors toilet but trouble was lurking once again as Tormie had other plans that was-

Last edited by tda42 on 14 Apr 2004 02:40; edited 2 times in total 
 tda42 [ 14 Apr 2004 02:19 ]
What would make you come back to do a take over with this story as his or her evil way of thinking has grabbed the shicken in his or her Yellow Submarine and hi taled it to earth where he or she hid it in Tormentors toilet but trouble was lurking once again as Tormie had other plans that was-?

 Posy [ 14 Apr 2004 02:19 ]
Posy jumping into the story which almost came to an end luckly the story shoots back to where I left off and-

 tda42 [ 14 Apr 2004 02:38 ]
is at this very minute being read by George Lucas for the script for the final Star Wars prequal as it has better ideas than the drivel he thought up. Meanwhile, back on the asteriod several huge, sticky...

 Ozymandias Jones [ 15 Apr 2004 01:35 ]
nose boogers sneaked up on the shicken colony.  Den saw this and left the building.
There was much sadness for about 30 seconds, but life continued just as it
always does.  The shickens pressed the self-destruct button only to find that...

 Den Tracy [ 15 Apr 2004 02:29 ]
Rubber doesn't destruct and only smells as bad as tormies farts on a bad day when torched. Of course none of this was of no concern to Dr. Evileye and his magical mystery tour as they sat on their flabby ass's who's names all began with the letter............

 guiltypleasures [ 15 Apr 2004 05:36 ]
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