Taken over the clubhouse

Taken over the clubhouse
What is                  on hands and knees he or she know he or she have been a bad girl Deviant is not there anything he or she could do to make it up to you                               like on hands and knees he or she know he or she have been a bad girl Deviant is not there anything he or she could do to make it up to you.

 Posy [ 23 Nov 2003 15:50 ]

Taken over the clubhouse
Oh I've got it, how about this idea..the clubhouse is so big I think it would be easier to run if I had a partner, such as say Deviant Viking? He could keep the pole dancers whipped into shape and also serve up some killer Gnome Drinks  

 guiltypleasures [ 23 Nov 2003 15:56 ]
Far out.              How did you get it how about this idea  Where did you get it? I am sure he could.

 Posy [ 23 Nov 2003 15:56 ]
"Guilty Pleasures & Deviant Viking's Pole Dancing Club House", eh?
Might sound like something..

 Deviant_Viking [ 23 Nov 2003 15:59 ]
I think there is enough place for all in the new Posetteforever's Red Light District  

 Tormie [ 23 Nov 2003 16:05 ]
  Red light district  
Hear that Deviant, we've got a Pretty red light and enough room to light up the world...ahh well maybe just Posetteforever!

 guiltypleasures [ 23 Nov 2003 16:53 ]
I am so glad you find this amusing, guiltypleasures.

 Posy [ 23 Nov 2003 16:53 ]
Guess we're fulfilling Tormentor's dream now.
Finaly a RL district for him  

 Deviant_Viking [ 23 Nov 2003 16:54 ]
Yep lol

Oh and before I forget, I need to make a special broadcast here
Since the Thanksgiving Holiday is upon us, I must make this special request.

"Please, save the turkeys and eat a Gnome instead!"  (this has been brought to you by the: Poultry is our friends group of America)

 guiltypleasures [ 23 Nov 2003 16:59 ]
Why not eat a shicken instead...

 Deviant_Viking [ 23 Nov 2003 17:00 ]
Now that's just plain mean!  

Okay, what's up with the album? Is there a limit to one pic upload a day now? I uploaded a pic a little while ago but now I can't find the upload button to upload a second one. Any reason or am I just being really blonde today? If it's a one a day upload that's fine, if not, someone please show me how to do it <tears flying and hair being pulled out by roots>

 guiltypleasures [ 23 Nov 2003 17:03 ]
No, it's due to the fact that the album has a little login problrm   , press the login button and all will be ok ) I hope....  

 Tormie [ 23 Nov 2003 17:34 ]
are you telling me that you still haven't fixed that yet? Sheesh what am I paying you for anyways?  
All the rent money for the clubhouse space and this is what we get for our hard pimped money? For shame!
(Me thinks our "Godfather" is sucking up all the money and buying black market computer games to spend all his free time on)


 guiltypleasures [ 23 Nov 2003 17:46 ]
Interesting observation.

 Posy [ 23 Nov 2003 17:46 ]
When did all this transpire ?
It must have been while I was sleeping...
Nice looking avatar there, Posy.

WHAT THE .... ?????


I see that everyone is back, including O. Jones, MIA for a bit.
Congratulations Ken, on becoming a Mod.
I don't know if it is a good or bad thing. Let's see how it goes.  
I can think of a few more dancers, but I don't think I will put them in as
strippers, besides nobody wants to see C & B nude anyway...    

I think I should look into Posy's AI and tweak it up a bit. Some of it just don't make any sense...

 Den Tracy [ 23 Nov 2003 19:29 ]
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