*cough, sniffle*

*cough, sniffle*
Post *cough, sniffle* 
Yeah, well.. so I've gone home to my family for christmas.. and of course, I've gotten a cold.
Not to mention sleeping has been pretty horrible, because I'm suddenly dreaming so much (and I usualy rarely dream). So this night, I've fought 4 large medieval battles, and I'm exhausted (too much Lord of the Rings i reckon)...
And also, due to unforeseen circumstances, it looks like my christmas presents will be delayed too  [-(

Bah..  ](*,)

 Deviant_Viking [ 22 Dec 2003 12:32 ]

*cough, sniffle*
Not a good way to start things off, Ken !

I haven't had a cold since Christmas 1996 ! No kidding...
Micky always gets them, but I appear to be pretty much immune.
Three years in a row '94,'95'96, I had the worst colds of my life which
included throat infections where I could not speak.
There was a bad flu going around here last month. Micky got a
very bad cold, with laryngitis. All I got out of this flu that had people
sick for up to two weeks was I nearly lost my voice for three days, but
no cold or sore throat. I am very fortunate. Must be the alien DNA
kicking in...as i appear to be getting younger each day as well... :bigrinnin:
However, soon it will be time to return "home", but I can't take anyone :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat: with me... :(  :(

 Den Tracy [ 22 Dec 2003 13:26 ]
Well, I hope you at least washed your hands before touching your keyboard!
I don't think my anti-virus software covers colds and flu!

 RedHawk [ 22 Dec 2003 13:45 ]
What's a keyboard ?
I use telepathy... :bigrinnin:

A wiseguy, eh ?  :bigrinnin:

 Den Tracy [ 22 Dec 2003 14:13 ]
A cold at christmas.... such a foreign idea to me =;

It was 37 degrees (Celsius), that's just over 98 in Fahrenheit, in Surfers Paradise today! Gotta love Christmas in the sun


Take care of yourself, Ken, and rug up warm. Or better still, find someone warm and soft to snuggle up with :bigrinnin:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 22 Dec 2003 14:24 ]
Poor Deviant... This kind of things can happen: when the end of 1999 was approaching, I got a bad cold just before taking the flight for Ibiza, I saved myself using a medicine that you've to inhale. I was fine in a few hours and could take the plane. There, me and my friends seated near a family (mother, father and two son) and when we came back, they said me that for the whole time of the journey they all had a bad cold and should stay closed in the room (they thanked me a lot).

However, I hope you'll be fine soon, but just in case, don't forget the invitations  :bigrinnin:

- I don't know anything about your presents  :whistle:


where I could not speak

When you'll have arthritis we'll know it  :bigrinnin:


It was 37 degrees (Celsius

Yeah! good surfing Ozy! This summer here was very, vary warm, so now I'm enjoying every minute of autumn!

 Tormie [ 22 Dec 2003 15:42 ]
Poor Deviant Viking  :heartbeat: ; I could help him...

 Posy [ 22 Dec 2003 15:47 ]
grrr! GRRRRR!!  [-X  [-(

 Tormie [ 22 Dec 2003 15:48 ]
I was Joking Toffe  :heartbeat: !

 Posy [ 22 Dec 2003 15:50 ]
:heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:

 Tormie [ 22 Dec 2003 15:52 ]
I hope that you are feeling better Ken

 Bonnie [ 24 Dec 2003 18:38 ]
(Posy-nurse is for me only  :heartbeat: )

 Tormie [ 24 Dec 2003 20:26 ]
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