I may not respond for a bit

I may not respond for a bit
Post I may not respond for a bit 
I lost my beloved African Grey tonight, I had him and my cockatoo outside in their cage getting some fresh air and sun and when it started to rain I went to bring them in and found that the cockatoo had knocked the food dish out of it's holder and the door was open on it and the grey got out. He had to have been spooked by something to have flown off the cage once out. I"ve looked all over our yard and in the trees, the kids and my bf have also walked down our streets and no sign of him anywhere, nor any sounds of him. I"m so broken up right now I can hardly even type this, but I just want you to know that if I don't respond to any thing on here or Poser pros for a day or so this is why.

I'm just praying someone finds him before he dies out in this big world he's not used to.

 guiltypleasures [ 07 Aug 2003 00:36 ]

I may not respond for a bit
I am sad to hear this.  Rudy will get thirsty and hungry. He will seek out people
and someone will get him back to you.  I hope that the next time we hear from you, it will be good news.

I am hoping for a happy ending to this.

 Den Tracy [ 07 Aug 2003 03:29 ]
:(  I'm sorry to see you so sad... It's difficult to find a bird when it goes out of the cage. It happened to me when I was a child and since that time I never want bird anymore, I prefer to feed them in my garden.
I cried su much, but little by little I began to think that after the great escape my bird lived happily in a tropical country with the spoil...

I wish your bird good luck !

 Tormie [ 07 Aug 2003 04:29 ]
So sorry to read this post, Guilty.

I hope everything truns out all right and your Grey comes home. Losing a pet, no matter how it happens, is so hard. They're so often more than just part of the family.

Take care of you, too.


 Ozymandias Jones [ 07 Aug 2003 09:11 ]
Tell me more about them. . . . . Take it to where?

 Angela [ 07 Aug 2003 09:11 ]
I'm sorry to hear this. I just hope you'll find him soon  :(

 Deviant_Viking [ 07 Aug 2003 10:02 ]
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