Oath of the Sacred Shicken

Oath of the Sacred Shicken
With my hand on my hard... :oops:

Let me start that again, sorry :bigrinnin:

I solemnly swear on my heart and my shicken,

That I will molest all the beav... :oops:

Oops, did it again. Sorry.

That I will respect the beavers and all their rights,

And leave some cheeze whiz in the fridge,

Every time I leave the kitchen. I also swear loudly and often... [-(

Bad me.  #-o

I also swear that I will obey all ClubHoUse rules adn show up at least

When I can be bothered... :-k That's not right

Once a day to let everyone know that I and my shicken

(my shicken?) :-s

Are still kickin! :bigrinnin:

How's that mistress?

 Ozymandias Jones [ 03 Jul 2003 07:43 ]

Oath of the Sacred Shicken
Godawful.. but better than my attempt which was cencored alltogheter

 Deviant_Viking [ 03 Jul 2003 07:45 ]
hahahahhahah, you two are so nuts....no wonder I love it here!
You both pass, you are now officially Bozo's of the clubhouse!

A mystery to me

 guiltypleasures [ 03 Jul 2003 07:51 ]
Zank you, meestrisss. Igor is happy! :bigrinnin:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 03 Jul 2003 08:00 ]
Post Re: Oath Of The Sacred Shicken 
I know this post is older than dirt, but I think now that I've returned to the Almighty Clubhouse, that we should review these rules and make sure all the newest members have read and accepted them.  :uuh:  Please read carefully page 1 of this post and then follow the instructions to become a Bozo of the Clubhouse. Members who have already become Bozo's may also need a refresher course!  :whistle:  :D

 guiltypleasures [ 09 Aug 2009 16:41 ]
Post Re: Oath of the Sacred Shicken 
:yeah:  :yeah:  :yeah:  :hug2:  :heartbeat:  :hug2:

 Tormie [ 09 Aug 2009 20:21 ]
Post Re: Oath Of The Sacred Shicken 
:mmmh:  ahhh Tormie sweetie, you don't have to take the oath, your the boss here  :notworthy:  :)
Now the rest of you soddy lot get yer butt's over there to the shicken alter and take the sacred oath or no more tuna tarts!  :stomp:  :stomp:  :D

 guiltypleasures [ 09 Aug 2009 22:26 ]
Post Re: Oath Of The Sacred Shicken 
:yeah:  :yeah:  :yeah:  :hug2:  :hug2:  :hug2:  :hug2:

 JanReinar [ 10 Aug 2009 17:06 ]
Post Re: Oath Of The Sacred Shicken 

"I solemnly swear on my heart and shicken that I will respect the beavers and all their rights (and some of their lefts...) and leave some cheeze whiz in the refrigerator every time I leave the kitchen.  (If little else.  And another thing - cheeze whiz in a can? Why can't it use the sandbox like the rest of us?)

I also swear that I will obey all Clubhouse rules and show up at least once a day (whether wanted or not...) to let everyone know that I and my shicken (or other duly appointed novelty poultry...) are still kickin...

So say we all."

OK... now that I'm officially a bozo, where do I pick up my red nose?

 GrouchoCaesar [ 10 Aug 2009 21:26 ]
Post Re: Oath Of The Sacred Shicken 

I don't think I would be a candidate for this shadowy conspiracy since I'm philosophically opposed to swearing any kind of oaths in general, but I read the whole thread and am not at all sure what this is about.   Perhaps someone could give a short refresher course for new people about the origins and purposes of the Order of Sacred Rubber Chickens Shickens?  There seem to be some stern commitments required, but no mention of any benefits to joining the club (would a person get an e-mail diagram showing the secret handshake? a high-quality genuine plastic decoder ring? a handsome leather-bound copy of the Necronomicon personally signed by Cthulhu?).  I think for your membership drive to be successful the club will need to give some thought to coming up with a slick advertising campaign, perhaps with music videos and celebrity endorsements (if Madonna or Britney Spears are not available, I bet you could get the California Raisins or Alf! pretty cheap these days).   Another sure-fire attention-getter would be to have a raffle to give away a fantabulous 1975 Chrysler Cordoba (but only if you can find one with rich Corinthian leather).

 :lmao:  :shocked!:  :liar:

Of course since I'm writing as an outsider, if these suggestions don't seem appropriate to the goals, by-laws, or procedures of your club please feel free to ignore me.


Edited: a) fixed spelling error; b) fixed formatting of clever and witty url that wasn't translating properly.

Last edited by Endosphere on 13 Aug 2009 06:55; edited 2 times in total 
 Endosphere [ 13 Aug 2009 06:45 ]
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