Poor chair...

Poor chair...

Den: here in the warm of our little community we can chat  about Guiltypleasures weight   and the chair that she ruined...     You reminded my a girl that i frequented some years ago: I said her that I was easily able to make a person cry only speaking. We made a bet, she said I would never be able to make her cry. I won, I never had another date      

Last edited by Tormie on 06 May 2004 13:55; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 06 May 2004 13:54 ]

Poor chair...
Sure why not, I lead a poor life here in America, I'm always happy to have people talk about me, esp people I don't know in countries I've never been to. Now that feels important!  

Seriously I know all is said in fun and sillyness, so don't worry I don't get affended over that stuff  

Yes Paul, I have to admit it, I spilled my beer...luckly only a little bit or that chair would have been axed to death!  

 guiltypleasures [ 06 May 2004 14:33 ]
Careful with the Beer!  

We Aussies have a special relationship with Beer  

There's nothing worse than loosing your favourite chair. Everything else takes so long to mould to the shape of the buttocks.

So get your ass in that new chair and start moulding  

 Ozymandias Jones [ 07 May 2004 04:46 ]
I know what you mean about the chairs, I hate loosing a good one, but the bad ones seem to live on.   At work I once had to use a devil chair for a while.  I almost wanted to call that chair Christine like the car in the movie.  I am not exagerating, it came down in the end to it or me.  I won and I live, it didn't and so it doesn't  

This may all sound wierd, but here is the situation.  In the offices we had some modern furniture and some that was thirty to forty years old.  Of the regular office chairs most of them were no more than ten years old, although there were some about twenty years, and this one chair from almost forty years.  Somehow it durvived when all the others of its kind were long ago scraped.  Over the years the number of personnel in the offices diminshed as some of the jobs were automated and others were centralized in other units.  So we had much more furnitre than we needed.  That rickty dangerous chair was left unused as no one trusted it.  As something would wear out we could use the surplus furnite to replace it.  Meanwhile to worn out item would be put aside to extract salvagable parts from to use to repair others of its own kind.

Then our boss had one of his famous "smart" ideas.  He sold off our surplus furniture and office equipment, corporate thought it was a great idea and he was comended for  it.  But he sold off everything until we had no surplus left.  The catch is that all the best furniture was sold, leaving us with the old rubbish, including that chair.  A sort of game of musical chairs developed where the person who was stuck with that chair, would seek another chair of someone who in not currently using it and it swaping for the devil chair.  Some people had close calls with that chair, at two different times, two different people fell when that chair moved out from under them just as they were in the process of sitting down.

While that chair moved around the general office a lot by being swaped from one desk to another, it did not enter my office very often.  However, as luck would have it, on one day when I was away from my desk someone did swap it with mine and just before I returned to my office the boss made an announcement that he was tired of the "game" everyone was "playing" with the chairs.  So took action, he made note of which chair wasat which desk.  At that point, it became my official chair, so I was stuck with it.  I spoke to the boss, but he already had his mind made up and it was no use.  During the time that it was "my chair" it collapsed once when the seat, rollers, and legs all fell apart at the same time.  I reported it ruined, but was required to reassemble it and keep using it.  Three times it shifted out from under me at just the right moment for me to land hard on the floor.  Twice, it tipped over, one time it caused me to fall hitting my head on a cabinet; on the other time I was able to stop the fall by catching on to the corner of my desk and a cabinet but with the chair at a 45 degree angle.  The slightest twitch could have caused it to finish tipping over and me falling.  At that time everyone was at lunch with me watching over the place while they were gone.  So, I was stuck in that situation until someone returned from lunch or I somehow worked my way out of the siutation.  If I had fallen that time, it would have been a serious injury because of what I would have fallen upon and against.  At it was the boss was the first to find me in that situation and odered me to quit playing.  In the end the chair did fall and so did I, butwas able to first alter my situation enough that I didn't fall on the items that would have injured me.  I was hurt but not as badly as I could have been.  Then one day, someone had a problem with a chair breaking.  When called to took a look and fix it, I saw that a part had been broken that was very similiar to a part in the devil chair.  So I removed it fromthe bad chair and used it to repair the other chair.  That cause the devil char it be useless.  But it also left me without a chair.  I asked for a replacement, but the boss would not approve the replacement.  I was ordered to find another chair to use.  I did one of the ornate guest chairs from his office.  That is when he determined that we needed a replacement chair.  He got a second hand one from another unit of the company that was shutting down operations.  He was again commended for saving money over buying a new chair.  It was the newest and move confortable and safe chair in our unit, and it was mine!

Latter when I was processing the paperwork for the transfer of the chair to our unit, guess what I disovered?  It cost us more to buy it second hand from the other unit than was made on all the furniture that was sold by our boss!  He got two commendations for thrift, yet we would have been money ahead if he had never sold what we had in the first place!


 pangor [ 05 Apr 2005 08:02 ]

 Tormie [ 05 Apr 2005 08:04 ]

 Ozymandias Jones [ 06 Apr 2005 09:21 ]
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