Family page

Family page
Post Family page 
I added a "family photo page" to my website, just a page with a picture of all my children, and boyfriend and my beautiful little granddaughter      I'll be adding more family pictures in the near future and even a more updated picture of me (couldn't find anything that wasn't a few years old so I guess I'll have to "break" the camera in and have a more current one of me included. (It surely will break my camera though lol )

 guiltypleasures [ 16 Jun 2005 19:59 ]

Family page
Oh a web page.

 Posy [ 16 Jun 2005 19:59 ]
Thanks Rene   !!

(Tormie goes to lurk   )

 Tormie [ 16 Jun 2005 20:02 ]
Thanks Rene!  

 JanReinar [ 16 Jun 2005 20:31 ]

What about the lovely portrait of you at the come as you ar party?  


 pangor [ 16 Jun 2005 21:05 ]
Nice photos, you have a beautiful family:)

 TdaC [ 16 Jun 2005 21:32 ]
Lovely album!       By the way today my mom insisted to show her what I'm doing on the internet and I had no choice I showed her PF's website , some of my works here (the "normal" ones ) and then I opened GP's site just to avoid some not very cofortable situation because my mom started to look at " Divine presence" (according to parent's comittee's dogmas such a picture is considered "not-normal" ) , she liked it a lot (of course I missed to open the gothic sectionq witch is my favourite) , expesially the family album          

 erenda [ 16 Jun 2005 21:44 ]
GP to Erenda's rescue!

What could they possibly not like about that picture?


 pangor [ 16 Jun 2005 22:52 ]
I just looked at GP photos       ...

@erenda: don't say Guiltypleasures to show your parents the clubhouse backyard !

 Tormie [ 16 Jun 2005 22:54 ]
Be careful Erenda, some of my pages on my website may land you locked in your closet until you are 40 years old lol
I'm glad she <and the rest of you> enjoyed my family photo page. I'm slowly getting some things finished up on my webpages. Next I need to finish making my links page. I'm very lazy like someone else here who shall remain nameless and lives in Italy and drives a bus  

 guiltypleasures [ 16 Jun 2005 23:02 ]
Who can be   ? Tormie's intrigued   ...

 Tormie [ 16 Jun 2005 23:06 ]
GP, I was thinking about some of those, but I assume Erenda knows which links to avoid.


 pangor [ 16 Jun 2005 23:18 ]

What could they possibly not like about that picture?

According to the honorable parent's comittee's , middle-age like dogmas everything related to death, coffins, blood , sexy ladys , child figures, and of course gothic stuff is consided "not-normal". According to the honorable parent's comittee's in case of such "not-normal" illustrations,writings,music or any other form of art the patient (aka me) must be:
1. Critisized for doing amoral activity , most likely caused by bad influence sources such as Internet, "not-normal" books, tv and of course the worse of them this "cacophony" called gothic ,power or symphonic metal or any other sort of cacophony called metal
2. If the first thing do not affect the patient the honorable parent's comittee reserve the right to say : "You must be crazy to create such things!"
3. If the second method don't affect the patient and the patient continue to create "not-normal" illustrations and writings or run over to "not-normal" sources of influence the honorable parent's comittee reserve the right to consult a good well paid psychiatrist.     
Note: Number 3 is in force expecially when it comes to a young girl's dead body surrounded by demi-transparent humanoid creations without shadows.

 erenda [ 16 Jun 2005 23:24 ]
LOL! They should have taken a look to your personal pc gallery   !

 Tormie [ 16 Jun 2005 23:34 ]


 pangor [ 16 Jun 2005 23:44 ]
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