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Subject: Oath of the Sacred Shicken
Okay before we go on, you must all read the Holy Rubber Shicken Sacred Oath and pleadge before it on bended elbow that you will submit and obey and give half your daily wages to the great and adorable Guillty Pleasures and then, and only then, will you truely be Clubhouse Bozo's!

I solemly swear on my shickens heart with beavers and cheeze in the fridge, gosh i'm tired zzzzzz.....
huh? oh yea, shicken beavers with cheeze flapping in the kitchen zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

I'm sure when he wakes up he will remember he wrote all that crap! :-s

GP Sacred Holy Rubber Shicken Goddess

Are we gonna syng now?

going where? when? who????
What ya talk'n bout there ken??
I'm only going to the movies with my son to see T3 in about 10 min, wanna come?


Yeah, I wanna come. Although, taking the plane over the 'pond' is gonna take a little more than 10 min..

oh well, I'll just let you know if it's good or not after I get home

Ta Ta for now..


Fine, fine.. I'll just sit on my ass and render these boatloads of 5000x3000 pics in Poser meanwhile..

Render beaver cheeze, zzzzzzzzzz swearing shickens......... zzzzzzzzzzzzz
10 more minutes ma........ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

*thwaps Landman on the head with The Big Stick (TM) then runs of chuckling*

"I Sol..."

Zzz... Posy :heartbeat: .... ZZZZzzzz..... Honey..... oink: oink: .....


Oh they all look so cute sleeping.... Land with his thumb in his mouth, Tormie cuddling his big pink stuffed pig....Ken, ahh what are you doing???
"Don't even go there, I saw where your hand drop the cheeze whiz and step away from lands pockets!"


zzzzzzzzzzzz huh? pockets???
***landman empties his pockest and quickly takes inventory***

1 star wars c-3po figurine
2 marbles
cheeze (hard)
cheeze (soft)
jello (hard and soft)
1 elastic band
1 pop tin pop top
1 movie stub - "debbie does klondyke days"
4 crackers
3 thumbtacks
and the 8 of clubs.....

i'm missing my tuna pop tart, jeff bridges telephone number, leonard j crabs's navel lint, my navel lint, my [color]red[/color] pebble and GP's Sock!!!

I confess, I took the pop tart and the sock! and maybe the phonenumber, gotta check on that one... but I think Tormie took the other stuff while he was faking sleep

Gee and all I thought you were doing was filling lands pants with cheeze whiz...
If you find Jeff Bridges phone # can I have it when your done?

Psst...don't tell landman, but I took the navel lint last week...I'm knitting Ozy a sweater..shhh mums the word.
Oh and the marbles fell out a long time ago..only they weren't in his pocket..they came out of his ear.

Guilty but honest

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