Forum and staff reorganization

Forum and staff reorganization
Post Forum and staff reorganization 
Hello friends,

after mumbling on it for some times I've decided to make a move because the forum looks like is in a "stale" status with most of the forums left abandoned from their moderators, so some changes have to be done.

In the next future as staff members there will be 3 kind of figures:

Admins: for the technical gestion of the forum and the album
Moderators: they will be split in two kind od moderators, moderators that are old, trusted friends of the site who are simply the living core of the site because they are here every day from a long time and kept the friendship between each other very strong and people who want to take care of a private project or of an existing one.

The first kind of moderators, like now, will be simply have access as moderators in all forum and album categories and will be able to edit, delete, keep in an unapproved status the messages and warn the users.

The second type of moderators will take care of the single or even more than one project they asked to create, but if the project dies, like if there won't be a single new message in the forum for more than 2 months, the forum will be moved in "old projects" and the moderator will lose his or her status.

For this reason today I sent a message to staff members that seems to be disappeared from the site or that have done nothing for the project that they said the would have taken care of. As I wrote in the message I really understand that real life come first and that inspiration is not a thing that come on demand so there's nothing wrong and in the future, if things will get better the project can be resumed or they can start a new one simply asking me or to a member of the staff.

As I wrote in that message, we need to move on with new projects and hopefully pumping fresh blood into the site and I think that it could be the right way, and your suggestiond are greatly appreciated.

Another very sad thing, I stated the incompatibility to be a part of the staff here and at 3dtapestry, in other terms one can't be a staff member here and there. It's my personal decision and is due to the behaviour of the owner of that site against pangor, I can't stand that a member of our little family can be treated like that so the relationship between Posetteforever and 3dt are closed. For this reason, sadly, I talked to Shawn, melamkish, about the situation and he choosed to step down as a moderator of Posetteforever. I'll personally keep alive his projects.

 Tormie [ 10 Jul 2006 21:51 ]

Forum and staff reorganization
Actually Ace and Hawk (The Mighty Zeus and Hawktoey) replied me and as I said melamkish did it too.

For Hawk and Ace the reason of the absence is similar: job things are keeping them busy even if Hawk situation is a little different and he talked me privately about it. In both cases the decision is to keep their projects on hold. In a house one's keep old toys into a box in the garage so it's what we do here. When they hopefully will come back we'll go to the garage and open the box :) .

For melamkish the situation is similar but a bit different, you should already been told of what happened against pangor on 3dtapestry (if not there is a thread somewhere) however I personally can't stand the treatment that the owners of that site reserved to him, and obviosly I would have felt the same for each one of you and reacted the same, so there is not compatibility between the sites, a staff member here can't be a staff member there. Plus he abandoned the site here but he kept himself very busy with a lot of projects on 3dt. Ok, moderators here are not paid so there is nothing wrong but for doing nothing I'm better if not the best :redface: .

Deviant_Viking red the message I sent him, but has not replied and simply went out, so who doesn't speak sign on the dotted line, I'm very sprry about it but we really don't know how his life is going, I hope he is doing well. All I know is that he is still around but not here.

About the site, I'll reorganize a little the forum in a more logical way, in the technical category there will be this kind of forum:

1 for the 3d modelling
1 for the texturing
1 for the software understanding
1 as a resource finder

In the coffe break I'll merge the kidergarten with the posetteforever diary, and the name of the forum will be the posetteforever diary, with the interviews of the members organized into it in a subforum.

for the roles, as I said earlier the older members of the site will become simply overall moderators, but in order to separate them from a moderator of a single  forum (who is running a specific project) they will be name "pioneers" but what they can do is exactly the same as before if not with more "power" :)

I hope that the process of make the forum less and easier to understand will attract nore active users, if not it will be simply more easy to manage :)

 Tormie [ 11 Jul 2006 08:31 ]

 pangor [ 11 Jul 2006 09:01 ]
:thumb: Thanks, again :)

 ahjah [ 11 Jul 2006 12:12 ]

 TdaC [ 11 Jul 2006 14:12 ]

 JanReinar [ 11 Jul 2006 17:37 ]
Sounds good to me.(Kenny looks for the vacuim cleaner and the dust mop.) :roll:  :thumb:

 tda42 [ 12 Jul 2006 05:26 ]
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