Copyright violations in our downloads section

Copyright violations in our downloads section
Post Re: Copyright violations in our downloads section 

 ahjah [ 06 Jul 2007 21:56 ]

Copyright violations in our downloads section
Post Re: Copyright violations in our downloads section 

 JanReinar [ 07 Jul 2007 14:38 ]
Post Pangor wrote... 
I assume you've already received this one, so I will comment it directly.


This letter is a follow on to the events of July 4, 2007 and soon thereafter

I regret that you have rather over reacted to my posted message of July 4th of this year.  It was not intended to cause offense.  The thread itself was only a status report to the staff of an action that had to be taken for the protection of Posetteforever and of Davide as well.  It was not a thread in which to debate the morality of copyright law.  So all your opinions in that thread were clearly off topic.  For those opinions to be stated were fine, in a thread created to debate the morality of copyrights.  In the staff forum or elsewhere, depending on the scope of the intended discussion it would be fine.  To do so in the thread where you brought the debate is irresponsible, it could lead to policy or actions that would cause harm to the site or to Davide, the owner.

What you spoke of would have been a interesting discussion and moral debate.  In it own thread and not linked to any actual even on the site, I would have enjoyed it, in the old days at Posetteforever.  That is if it were in the past, before I was made to feel that I could not even post an opinion or debate an issue on the site at all for fear of upsetting you.  I have been told that my intentions in any statement mean nothing, only your reaction does.

The reason why pangor has been moved out of the staff is because he wrote an angry reply to the opinion of another member causing a mess, that' not what an admin should do. The copyright laws don't matter.

I have been told that my post of July 4th was filled with anger, it was not.  That I posted it as a result of a bad temper, it was not.  However your automatic reaction to it (assuming you ever saw it) and Davide's oversensitivity caused by his desire that you not overreact and again delete all your works and then once again leave Posetteforever, has cost me my friendship with Davide.  Before I even knew what had happened, he had demanded from me a retraction of what I had posted, but he had closed the site as told me that it would remain closed forever.  With the site closed, I was blocked from doing what he demanded.  This he does not accept, due to his lack of experience with that aspect of the current software of the site.  As I have since tried to explain, he is site administrator and so has full access of the site when open or closed.  All others, including administrators have no such access when the site is closed.  There is a mod (patch) for the software to provide administrators the access as he assumes that they would have while the site is closed, however that mod was installed in a prior version of the site but on July 4th, is was not installed at Posetteforever.  Using a dial up connection on a failing voice line that day, my online access was severely limited. By the time my link was stable enough again, he had informed me that he and I are no longer friends and I had been demoted.  The demotion has also prevented me from doing as he demanded, not being on staff I could not edit the post (since it was in the staff forum) to protect your feeling at facing the truth.

I closed the site in order to let pangor delete the message before Kenny could read it. The site was closed for more than a hour. Meanwhile I contacted pangor in several ways: msn, yahoo, email etc. Simply, after some hours i couldn't keep the site closed so I had to take a decision. And for what I had in my hands, a bad behaviour from an admin, I do what I had to do: the fact that I closed the site was not to prevent pangor to edit the message, on the contrary I wanted to fix the matter without creating a mess. As the owner of the site I could do what I wanted to do without closing the site for hours waiting for pangor's reply: deleting the message, editing the message etc. I simply would wait for pangor: on chat, on email, whatever. I had no replies.

By that time Davide had also, without warning deleted my email account  , killing the mail box and all it at that time contained. This was an extremly unkind act as he knew the issues I have been facing, that actions there nearly cost me my land, home, and any chance for a decent future not not mention so much more that could have been lost.  That action of his has caused more loss and  more pain for more people than he or you will ever know.   I am still in the process of freeing myself from the trap he has placed undoing as much as possible the damage that Davide caused by that single action of his childish temper that has cost me so much.  The situation will never be fully recovered from, the extra funds and time expended are gone now, forever.  (Congratulations, Davide by that one act of yours you have cost me and my family more loss, continuance of pain, and uncertainty, than any one else has in any single action.  Then next closest person required over 20 years and many events and even then did not match what you did in only a few seconds, the is a record.)

Well, this is not true and I don't understand why he is spreading such a dirt on me. But let's begin from the start line: i gifted all the staff memebers with an email address from , now, if one is no more a member of the staff the conseguence is obvious. If I don't trust an individual anymore, I can't let him use a domain name that belongs to me. So said I didn't delete the account immediatly: I kept the address alive for some days while I warned him to find another address, then I kept the address for months with forwarding to his new address , I mean MONTHS, if you wrote at all went to his new address. And, at last, I would never use an email address that was OBVIOUSLY something that can come and go for such important things, using that address in such a way is something that betrayed my trust and confidence... As the owner of the site I kept on the site emails which importance or content I could never know. Pangor should have not use the posetteforever address for such things, but I think no one else did the same because let me say that it's simply stupid.

Davide has also blocked my ability to speak with him.  As I was writing this in July, I was informed that my ability to edit or delete my posting at Posetteforever has been taken from me.  Also that anything I do post in  forums, downloads, and album, are subject to admin approval, alteration, and censorship prior to being visible to anyone below admin level or perhaps site admin level.  The effect has been that I have been blocked on IM, from the site and by email.  Yes all I have sent to either of you   And another long time and active member of the site has also so been treated.  All this, Davide's reactions have been to protect your feeling so that you will not overreact and run away as you have in the past.

I simply put you on approval like the new members. You simply never wrote anything. And, above all, there are billions of way to contact people here: chat, Renderosity, poserpros, emails, smoke signals. What he says is ridiculous. I put him on approval because from his behaviour I feared some damages could be done to the site, and that's all. Each request that he would do to me, like delete all his gallery, i simply would have done, but I want to keep the integrity of the messages of the forum. He simply never contacted me for asking something.

Kenny, I have been told by Davide that I must seek your permission and forgiveness to have my former position restored.  That I may even be fully banned from the site if that is what is needed for you to feel better.  The results of your actions has already cost Posetteforever two staff members who are both established core members of the site.  How much more harm will you cause to be inflicted on Posetteforever and its membership by your actions?  I am not saying this from temper or anger or any of the other vile things I have been accused of.  This is from my desire to help you.  For you now see before you the results of your actions.  How many others will have to suffer to support your fragile ego?  How many others will be made t suffer for before you to will grow and mature into a balanced adult?  I do not mean this to be hurtful, however your actions and reactions have over time been quite selfcentered, selfish, immature and ill tempered.  It seems that no one can ever disagree with you on any issue at any level without your seeing that as a sign of hate.  There is no hate, except in your own mind or withing your own heart perhaps.  Though I may be soon driven away from Posetteforever in revenge for my speaking as someone else should have spoken to you long ago;  Please, for the good of the site and its membership, consider what you have done  to it and to the other members over time and what has happened as a result.

Yes, I have been told to that I need to beg for your forgiveness and permission to regain my former position.  This is something that I will not do, now or ever.  First I stand by all that I had posted on the 4th, it was true and it was my job as administrator to do so.  I will not apologize for doing my job as it should be done.  I do not think of you as being retarded a Davide claims, however many have been hurt by your immaturity.  Other members should be able to post an opinion from an opposing viewpoint than your without your running to Davide for redress.

Another attack to Kenny. I'm sorry because I know that this will give Kenny another load of sadness, please Kenny don't react : ... Again, pangor reacted in a bad way to a simple opinion of Kenny, the copyright thing doens't matter anything. Pangor was removed for the reason that HE NEVER SAID "I'M SORRY, I OVERREACTED", while Kenny wrote publicly in the forum that he was sorry and that the incident was closed for him. I'M STILL WAITING FOR THAT LETTER AND FOR THOSE HANDSHACKINGS SINCE JULY FROM PANGOR  but now, it's a bit too late

 As for seeking the position of Administrator of Posetteforever, I never sought it in the first place.  My prior actions without seeking or considering the position of administrator or moderator before that.  As Davide said when he asked me to help him run the site, I had earned the position.  Since that time, I have been assigned to do the most dirty tasks that were required to keep the site running and safe.  I have done them as it was requested.  Such a position is not is not a reward, though it is a duty to be performed and heavy responsibility to do what is best for the site and the members.  This is why I say I was serving as administrator; I was serving the best interest of the membership.  Even when I could not longer freely post following that day 2005 when you had "that tantrum and so took your toys and went home", I performed my duty to the membership.  Yes, I have been told to not speak of that event, to pretend it has never happened.  However, to protect your fragile emotions and so prevent such a reaction from you once again, anyone and everyone else may be driven away from active participation in Posetteforever.  How many more core members will be lost to salve your feelings?    I have been told to forget and pretend that never happened, but that is not how healing is done.  Not when every contrary opinion on any issue is seen by you as an attack, and Davide want them to be reversed to please you.

If my past actions for the benefit of the site can be so quickly forgotten, disrespected and pushed aside, why should I seek restoration of those responsibilities?  There is one good reason, for the good of the site and for our friends who are on the site   In the end, that is all that really matters.  That has been my motive on all actions involving Posetteforever.  As in my work career, I have worked hard often long thankless hours while the rest were busy playing.

My work for the benefit of the site and the membership was not forced out of me.  I gave of myself willingly.  Where there was something to be done, I did it.  When there was a proper request I fulfilled it.  When I was called upon to do unfair things to some members, I refused, and by doing so restored sanity to the site's actions.  In all things, I chose when to act and how far to go.  I gave of myself willingly on my terms.  My time and my life has value, I alone choose how to spend it.  Yes, I am the one who chooses how my life will be.  When I agree to an action, it is because I choose to.  I am not a slave as I would be if I were to accept now the demands to beg and cower before you.  I have performed my duty to the site and members, with dignity and honor, and demanded in payment only the respect that I had earned.

No one has been ever asked to deal their position as staff member here as a job, never. I said thank you to the staff members for their (free) work on the site and i searched volunteers for some heavier work, but if I could, I do them myself. pangor weigh all that he did for the site. I never weighted the countless hours passed with him online with his problems, advising, caring and even sending money. I never wrote about it because it was something did for a friend and i don't care to take some medals of honor for what I do for my friends.

Kenny, now I have a question for you, what have you done to aid the site, the members and our friends?  Do you think of their needs, or only your own personal needs and wants?  Think that over, and if you have it in you to grow into the man you could be; look beyond your personal need to what is best for the site and you will know what you must do and you will do it.  Sometimes such action is not popular, but an honorable and decent man knows what to need to be done and does it.   I have done my duty, my honor is clean; can you say as much about yourself?  No.  This is your chance, it is up to you to do what is best for Posetteforever and its community, if you have any honor within you, then you will know what that action must be.

Kenny, Just as I will not seek forgiveness from you, I will not offer you any either.  No such forgiveness is needed all we need to do is the right thing for the benefit of our friends at Posetteforever.  There is nothing more that I can do, I have been entirely silenced at the site and Davide is not listening or thinking.  Now it is all in your hands,  go do the right thing for the benefit of all members, if you have it within you to be a man and not a spoiled brat.  Listen to me child, you have here read the words of a man of honor, are you prepared to stand up and be counted as a man?  If you be a man, you will know the right thing to do here and now, therefore, do it.

Please ignore him Kenny, let him talk. I know of his problems but I can't help him in the way he needs to be helped, what I've to say is that you're simply a dear firend of all of us and nothing else is asked here, nothing. The site is in my own responsability, the good go to my friend and if something is going bad is my responsability and that's all

Davide, by your words and deeds, you have greatly wronged myself, but more importantly, my family and friends as well, by your words and deeds.  You have read here what I have said to Kenny in the prior paragraph.  What of you?  Are you a man or only an overgrown schoolyard bully?  You have accused me of what?  Of  "anger and temper", while you have lied to me and about me.  You have disrespected me and those I love, by your actions.  You have accused me of having harmed the site as an excuse for your extreme measures.  When I have presented you with insight, you stated that you will not listen to words of doom, filled with anger and temper.  But if there is a doom on the site, it is your own doing.  You have disrespected myself and others as well.  Think of how may you have insulted and driven away from the site the very ones that you then requested me to talk to and bring back.  Years ago, I had a superior at work who did the same as you.  I was the vice president of that corporation he was the president and chairman of the board.  He also had his version of Kenny to be protected no matter what she did wrong (yes in his case it was a young lady).  Where is that company now?  It is no more. He also, like you, acted out of temper and drove workers and customers away then would issue orders to bring them back.  There also, I was giving the thankless jobs and then one day he reacted irrationally and so we parted. In about a month after I departed, that company was no more.

You have claimed that I was driven out of other sites for my ways and need to look at myself.  What in the name of all that is holy do you think I have been doing!  This year has been for me one of great loss and pain; it has also bee one of discover and joy. It has been a year of reflection and rebirth--long before you told me to look at myself.  So let us see now about your claims in this matter without using names. since January of 2005, I have parted or been parted from a few sites. Stating them in order:  The first,  the owner was a manipulator and a thief  each member were driven out in turn and as you know, that site is no longer online.  The second, was a training site where the instructor left without word or warning, in spite of my efforts to keep it going, the owner gave up it survived for two thirds of its lifespan based on my efforts alone.  The third would have failed many times during 2005 and early 2006 if it were not for my efforts, it remains now with only five members from the one time large membership.  The fourth one, the owner became bored and overwhelmed by the responsibility of running a site with such a large membership, I was called in to run it as it was assumed it would decline; he started a new competing site and then as he saw the older site doing better than it ever did when he ran it, he sneaked in through a back door that he left behind and deleted the site.  Fifth, you know the issues of this site.  Sixth, I was contracted to rebuild a site, I did what I was paid to do, the contract was completed and so my time was over; the owner thought it could be run without me, it has since closed and a much diminished site is there instead.  I have reflected as you suggested long before you suggested it, Davide.  Now it is your turn to reflect on your actions and motives.

Davide, I have been more than once disgusted by your actions and unfeeling ways.  You live too much of your time in a fantasy world, you care more for the feelings of those who are incapable of feeling anything.  You have attempted to manipulate situations and events to your liking and playing with peoples lives and emotions as though they are your toys.   The illusions you maintain may be charming, but not very useful. You use crying smilies to express sadness for hard times that friends are going through.  You dream of winning the lottery to aid them.  BUT what have you done to help them?  You rejected my request for using a part of Posetteforever to the provide aid for them.0

Your anti commercial mandate is more important to you than helping your friends; however, it is no more important than helping yourself.  It is interesting that while you will not permit anything commercial to touch the site, you do have a store at Zazzle.  I do recall that you were not at all pleased about other members selling at Zazzle or CafePress or even at Renerosity or deviantArt, I interpret that as the mandate being different for you than for the rest of the membership.  

This is simply very stupid... I simply ask not to advertise commrcial sites on PF, yes , I have a Zazzle account where it's written "the money will go for posetteforever site" and never said to the members not to  be commercially involved, lol. Guiltypleasures has a Zazzle account as many others, I don't know, she is still my dear friend. I never talked of my commercial affairs on the site, but I don't see the relationship. I'm not a communist or an anarchist, I simply want THIS site to be only for fun without annoying advertisements. That was the main reason why I created it when "banner time" began at poserpros in 2003.
What i do out of this site it's not your businness or the business of other people. What I'm earning from Zazzle ? 0, zero, nada, no one has ever bought anything so, as usual, I'm simply using the money of my earnings as a simple worker for the site. Some more dirt... I ask more dirt pangor, I refused what for helping who ? When your mother was dying ? i wrote a public message here, and sent PMs to all the active members searching for help. I als wrote to the governor of your state there in the U.S.A. Yes I use smilies to express my feeling. It's my fault that I don't know very well your language and I have to use this stupid smilies. But what are you pretending from me ? I'm living in the other half of the planet, I'm a simple bus driver, what i was supposed to do ? Remember that the only flowers at your mother's funerals were mine...

As I   You are trading on the name of Posetteforever and using artwork made for the site for your products that are for sale in your store.  A lottery winning is a wishful thinking at best, in the mean time these people are suffering, and some of them have lives lost of precious years.  Your use of Posy, Angela, and the rest of your virtual friends (shades of the Gojira gang) was charming, but when you use her "emotional state" as an excuse for hurting others, real people, the "funny" is over.  I will side with a real flesh and blood lady over Posy any day. While you are dreaming of lottery winnings, I am taking action.  That is what a man does, sees a problem and tries to fix it.  There is no charm in inflicting or prolonging harm.  You have fantasy, I have reality;  now listen here young man, which of us really needs to grow up and be a man?  For the answer look in your mirror.

I asked Posy for permission... And what are you offending now ? Posy ? A virtual character ? And... What action are you taking ? What action have you ever taken ? I've still just a little, very little respect of you pangor for not telling clearly what I think of your "taking action" . You're diying slowly pangor. I don't need to grow up, I like to be a child.

You speak of us as "little people" who can have no effects beyond our own little world, the world of the "big and important people" is not ours to influence.  I think you need to qualify that thought by speaking only of yourself.  Not of the posetteforever membership.  I have been a corporate vice president, I have also in another corporation, taken actions that drove policy for a major multinational corporation.  If you wished to  eliminate from your life  all that had resulted from the work of my hands, you had better close down Posetteforever, never use any part of the internet ever again, never benefit from any unix based system.  In short you will need to move to a cave and live like a neaderthal to escape benefiting from my achievements.  I am certain that I am not the only member of the site who had had far reaching effect in this world.  As some of us have done before some of us can do again. Not all of us are bus drivers.  Please do not diminish us by your selfimage.

I'm an atheist and Pangor is not the god I'll pray, I'm not eliminating anyone, I'm simply ignoring him. Pangor is still able to delete his pictures from the album and keep his work in his own hands. It's a privilege to post something here, I do not need his pictures . After this one he can say goodbye to his gallery in the album. I don't take in any account his threats and I don't understand what this BIG mutlinational something manager wants from me... And this attempts to bring people on his side, but what side ? I don't get the point of all of this. What the hell is he wanting ??

You also told me that when someone is wrong he should say "I am sorry", you are correct, when he is in the wrong.  So why are you not speaking them?

Yes, I'm sorry, I had some doubt about your beahviour but you cleared it all with this thing. I wish you good luck and a great future with your internet projects and all those multinationals... Good luck and good bye...

Take care,

Take some pills instead, banned


 Tormie [ 26 Dec 2007 00:50 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
The emails I sent to pangor about the matter, obvioulsy I keep them all:

From - Tue Jul 10 01:16:21 2007
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:16:05 +0200
From: inbox <>
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows/20070509)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Pangor <>
Subject: Re: Greetings
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I'll be short, Michael.

As an admin you've access to all the site even if it's closed. If not
you could PM me, if not you could email me. If messengers didn't work
you could do the  same.  In my position  I couldn't leave your message
on the site, I was an easy prophet saying that it would have started a
big fight so I had to do something, fast. I closed the site and I asked
you, please, to edit the message. As an admin you would be able to do
it, or PM me, or email me. Nothing has happend for more than a hour,
with the site closed so I had to do something .

I've nothing against you, you can use the language you want but an
attack like that can't begin from an administrator of a site like PF,
but not only from an admin, it's forbidden to all users (rule n°4). So
said you actually lost your coolness as an admin, taking a side in a
quarrel and,actually, you can't take that role at PF.

I appreciate your email but you have to write to tda42 and explain your
reasons clearly. Someone has to forgive (and Kenny already did) and
someone has to apologize. Hands have to be shaken, then we can talk of
the rest.
 I know that some people like Kenny Koenig have some peculiar way of
expressing their opinion. I don't agree with him about the freebies but
it's his opinion and I will never share something in the same way. Said
this I won't attack him for an *opinion* .
In this period I was working hard to sew the relations between Andreas,
Kenny and Thilda after the pornguy dphoadley mess and I was near to have
some success and I didin't need another thing like that.

About erenda. Her presence in the staff is linked to your presence. I
removed people like Pitklad and Mighty Zeus because they left their
projects, Erenda never had a project , has nothing to work on the site
and is not an "old timer". It can be a lot for her but I won't give her
enough provileges to do a mess when she reach one of her depressed
states of mind. She never had access to the staff forum so I removed
nothing, she is still a moderator, but she  never moderated anything.
I'm keeping her on the staff only because she is  linked with you.

You said that you would  not do anything to harm the site. Something has
been done. Now is time for those hands shaken , but  I'll be a
conseguence of this, it's not me the person  that you've to contact now,
as the owner of the site I simply did what  was needed to do without
anger. Talk to Kenny and find an agreement. I'm not saying that you've
to "kneel", I'm saying you to find a fair agreement with him. He's
already forgiven you publicly and this was not easy.

When it will be done you'll be again in the staff if you want to.

Take care


From - Thu Jul 05 14:14:07 2007
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 14:13:51 +0200
From: inbox <>
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows/20070509)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Redirect.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

For your comfort all the emails addressed to
will be automatically forwarded to this address keeping the privacy
intact or they can be automatically destroyed at your choice.

 Tormie [ 26 Dec 2007 00:57 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
Man has this guy got issues. I am saddened about this. If everyone one agrees with this I will step down. Its up to you now.

Well thats about it Ladies and Gentlemen. The second addition of Posetteforever's   Artist Of The Month Lottery. I hope we fined a better one next month. Sorry. I had to be me.  

 tda42 [ 26 Dec 2007 01:51 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
Kenny, please let it go. I had to post it in the forum 'cause he posted it to all the people whose email he knew. He attacked me badly, worse then you, and I was supposed to be a close friend. All that I asked was to shake hands . You made the step Kenny, he never did. And that's all, the rest is dirt from a angry man. This one will close this sad chapter. I gave him months of time but now, I'm sorry but he is no more welcome here.

... And thank you for ruining the warm atmosphere of this period, I've to agree, you waited for the right time pangor

 Tormie [ 26 Dec 2007 02:28 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
No worries or problem my friend. It is sad that he this way. I wish him luck but he needs help other than this place and his mind. The only thing that does bother me is this paragraph.

Yes, I have been told to that I need to beg for your forgiveness and permission to regain my former position.  This is something that I will not do, now or ever.  First I stand by all that I had posted on the 4th, it was true and it was my job as administrator to do so.  I will not apologize for doing my job as it should be done.  I do not think of you as being retarded a Davide claims, however many have been hurt by your immaturity.  Other members should be able to post an opinion from an opposing viewpoint than your without your running to Davide for redress.

Be honest with me. Is that what you thought of me.  

 tda42 [ 26 Dec 2007 02:40 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
Oh well..     ...

  LOL, how can you EVEN suspect something like that ? I never said or thought that you're retarded

 Tormie [ 26 Dec 2007 03:26 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
Hi all. I have sent this to Michael (Pangor) and I want you all to read it so it does not come to you as something else. The e-mail sent as follows.

Header>Back Off


    I don't know what you are trying to do here but you are getting out of hand. You are going to have to sit back and understand
just like everyone else I have an opinion as well. I didn't mean for this to get carried out of context but you indeed have got it
all wrong. When we where talking about copyrights I in no way meant to hurt nor did I talk about anyone in the forum at PF. When I
was talking in reply to Thilda it never meant her in general. Talk about greed that you have said about myself. The copyright doesn't mean a whole lot to me unless
it is for sale. But that is just my thought on the matter. I in an act of faith to straighten this up have said I am sorry for the understanding.
  Even Thilda seen what I was getting at. At PF we always made pun at each other. I thought we where all close enough to do that. For
that I was wrong. You don't know me Micheal and if you did you wouldn't be saying that in front of me in real life. What have I done
for this site. Well I didn't know I had to do anything except watch out for it to make sure nothing looked wrong and people obeyed the
rules. I have talked with people about you where I am and at work and they seem to think that you need help my friend. Of all the things, you cut me down.
    Well  I forgive you for that. So Micheal I ask you, how immature is that? As far as selfish when you talk about me leaving the PF some times
ago I agree with you I did. But I didn't understand Davide's words and I always thought that maybe I did something wrong. You see Micheal
I too have feelings and rights. So I moved my pictures because like you said they where my copyright to do so. After Davide cleared it all up
I understood what was going on. I never did that since. I move pictures sometimes because in my mind I have a second thought about them and think they are not good enough. As far as selfish. If you want to think that then it is your call. I just don't have a lot of model or texture things that are mine and I don't have a lot of time to make them anymore. Most of the stuff is quick things not to even mention. The other is the trains I had made. But they are very large in file so I can't load them at PF. I have spent a lot of hours on them which I could make some money on them but I simply don't.  So how selfish is that? Also you have spoke about me as being a child. Besides me Sir, just who is the one playing with virtual dolls. I will admit I like to feel young. Life is to important than just being a stick in the mud. I forgive you for this mess. So if you don't forgive me then that is your call. You may have been important at one time and somewhere else but you don't empress me with your actions and that is all that matters to myself. This is all I am going to say Micheal. Take care and I wish you luck.

Kenny (tda42)

I know some may think this the right way or even the wrong way, but this needs to be stopped because it is getting out of hand. I need to know what you Mods out here and Davide think of this and did I act in a right manner. Because people can't just get away with this kind of internet slander. I am fine and if some want to PM me about this then they can.    

Last edited by tda42 on 27 Dec 2007 17:50; edited 1 time in total 
 tda42 [ 26 Dec 2007 13:50 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
As far as i know what you wrote is common sense. I don't understand why he continues to point the finger on the copyrights that we were talking about when you expressed only your own opinion. I did not agree with your opinion and still I don't but that's all. Again I don't understand all that "what i did and what you have not done" , no one was intended to do something here   if not open the window after farting . I'm sorry for pangor but this is a situation that can't be helped by me. When it was the time to calm down he threw gasoline on the fireplace instead and I've no time for these things even because they go nowhere as the past experience have taught me.

 Tormie [ 26 Dec 2007 14:05 ]
Post Re: Pangor wrote... 
Tormie wrote: I did not agree with your opinion and still I don't but that's all.

And I agree that people need protection for their work, but because it was free then that is where I just didn't understand. Because if it is free it is free. But that was just an opinion and I don't know why he didn't understand that. People have the right to do what they want and if they think it is important for a copyright then it is fine with me. Where a curtain guy robbed people of there things. Now that is just stealing. But as for Micheal, he takes things to serous here and it should just be laid back. You know..........friends being friends. I think the guy is heading for a mental break down.

 tda42 [ 26 Dec 2007 15:03 ]
Post Re: Copyright violations in our downloads section 
I merged this one with the old topic...

 Tormie [ 26 Dec 2007 21:16 ]
Post Re: Copyright violations in our downloads section 
I am going to be honest here. I hate this bickering back and forth between my friends. I am still friends with all of you and that includes pangor. Please do not speak badly about him. He doesn't have problems or issues more than anyone else here. Please don't speak badly, like saying he has problems and issues, that is your opinion, and he can't write here to defend himself.

 TdaC [ 28 Dec 2007 18:35 ]
Post Re: Copyright violations in our downloads section 
I sent the exact same reply to him Thilda, by email, obviously

 Tormie [ 28 Dec 2007 18:46 ]
Post Re: Copyright violations in our downloads section 
I'm so sorry about this, I wish my english would be better to express my real feelings, if I do it in spanish nobody will understand me, so I'll try to be clear and do it as short as posible:
I think this is a great nice community, extremaly friendly to fall in discusions of this temperature and size, for stuff such a small, and things that nobody yet all over the world do agree about it's right and use as is softwares, acording to what I read some people here would be scared of what the laws of my country let us do with "software", come on we are talking about  0 and 1 of electric impulses that can be copied and deleted and moved, if we think about it a moment they are just nothing, with this I'm not saying that Pangor is right or Kenny is right, this kind of thinks like softwares are most of the time under the law of that who use it at the end. But what can be or can't be done in a place like this with specific laws that's a diferent thing, nobody can't discuss about that, but after all who can get inside your life and your feelings and try change the way you are and you feel?
What I mean is here I've seen how personal ofences have been done in a absolutelly not personal media, how can somebody speak about the feelings of somebody that never, never have seen or even hear speak, or most important shared the personal and phisical time needed to say thing like I've see here, ofence and insult without knowing what the other is feeling while this words are being read, to hurt and maybe lie or exagerate feelings just in name of just 0 or 1 that are nothing but electric impulses.

I'm really sorry.
I love this comunity and the true is I'd like that everybody stop feeling bad about it, and that everybody realize that all this is simply stupid that there was no need to ofence anybody and feel ofenced.

Just hope everybody understand what I mean    and not feel I' trying to restart the discusion about what's right or wrong about software copyright, simply because there are the laws of Posette forever, there are the laws of my cuntry there are international law and there are my personal laws    and noone of then are agree between them    what a crazy world!!  

 rayera [ 30 Dec 2007 00:57 ]
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