Your opinion needed

Your opinion needed
Post Your opinion needed 
Hi friends, look here:

I need your opinion   I've already wrote mine in the thread

 Tormie [ 30 Mar 2006 07:08 ]

Your opinion needed
PS if you come to a decision while I'm at work please write it in that thread

 Tormie [ 30 Mar 2006 07:15 ]
To host a contest here would require change to the PF style.  Announce here contest elsewhere is not problem as long as the situation of the particular contest does not have other problems involved. I don't know the details of this contest, but I am sure that mordikar would not be wanting to announce it here if it were not in keeping with the spirit of this site.

 pangor [ 30 Mar 2006 10:33 ]
A contest here is out of PF style!  

 JanReinar [ 30 Mar 2006 13:41 ]
I agree friends, but sincerely I don't remember if we already have posted announcements of contest before   . I'll search, however if we didn't we won't do it. Our policy is all the prizes for all the participants or a lottery.

 Tormie [ 30 Mar 2006 18:27 ]
I rememeber our talking about contests, but not announcing them.  Talked about them like with Ace situaiton with he Halloween contest at Rendo.  Or Ace asking for help in judging the contest at ladder hall.

 pangor [ 30 Mar 2006 19:04 ]
That's ok friends, I'll wait for other opinions for some hours and then I'll tell mordikar about our policy. Thank you for refreshing my mind friends, I'm very tired in this period and I don't remember all of our "philosophy"  

 Tormie [ 30 Mar 2006 19:13 ]
I agree with John about not holding a contest here at PF, But announcing another  one should be o.k. , as long as it´s on topic

 ahjah [ 31 Mar 2006 00:48 ]
I don't agree Andreas because announcing a contest hosted elsewhere is an easy way to avoid our TOS   ...

 Tormie [ 31 Mar 2006 05:43 ]
I had not thought of that.   You are correct, it could be like what DPH was doing with the links to Reno's forums.  Anyone recall a time when an annoucement of a new contest was made here?

 pangor [ 31 Mar 2006 09:52 ]
I could be but we never discussed it. I've told mordikar about our policy and he agreed with no problems

 Tormie [ 31 Mar 2006 18:29 ]
I think it would be best to limit talk about contest to being talk and not annoucements.  Except for maybe announcing "HI everyone guess who just won what at the contest at where!  Congradultaions!"

 pangor [ 31 Mar 2006 18:59 ]
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