The Posetteforever's interviews: Pbnj

The Posetteforever's interviews: Pbnj
Post The Posetteforever's interviews: Pbnj 
Hi friends, this month, for our interview, which is well known on all continents of the civilized world we interview pbnj.

What I know of pbnj ?       I know that she is married, we watched the photos in our album   and she has a funny site with her husband : . I know also that she lives in the USA with all those cowboys, supercars and super apple pies ! But above all she is the Mom of Sara   , a close Posette's friend !

Ok, ok, I stop my nonsenses and start the interview   :

1) Tell us a little about yourself... Personal background, family, etc. What ever you are comfortable with.

Hmmm let's see. I was born and raised in Iowa, in the US. For those outside of the United States it's an agricultural state translation: there are a lot of farms in Iowa, heh. But no I didn't grow up on a farm. I grew up in one of the larger less agricultural cities, in a tiny little house on the low-middle income side of town. It was a slightly tired looking neighborhood but it was anything but ghetto.

I lived there until 2000, about 9 months after my dad died of cancer I moved to Ohio with my then boyfriend, now husband. All of my immediate family is still in Iowa. This includes my mom, my little brother (who's only 9, aww), my younger sister (2 years younger than me), and a grandfather on both sides.

My kid brother is one of my biggest joys and worries in my life. When I was a teenager my family adopted him from a couple of literal crack-heads, he was only 21 days old at the time. Both of his biological parents were drug addicts, and the biological mother used drugs during his time in the womb and after he was born. He's considered what is clinically called a ‘crack baby' and had to have a mass caused by the drugs removed from his lungs when he was 3 days old. We couldn't help but fall head over heels for this little trooper; he just wanted someone to love him... How could we say no?

He made it through the surgery and even worse later on. But now he's growing up just like any other kid, happy, healthy, smart as all get out, and mouthy to boot! I wonder where he gets that? *blinks innocently*

The worry part comes from having helped raise him, I was half-mom and half-sister. So I have the same worries and fears parents have for their children though he's not my child. Maybe not as strong, heh, but they're there.

When I got married in 2001 I gained a wonderful set of new relatives. My husband's parents are some of the kindness hippies in disguise you'll ever meet. They dress like yuppies but don' t let that fool you! They gave me a very warm welcome into their family even before we were married. And they didn't even bat an eye at my black velvet wedding dress

2) Where are you now?

At my desk at work. Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone I'm playing around on the internet, heh.

3) Do you have a personal site? If yes where is it?

Yes I do! It's a fan site for Sara, much like this site is for Posette.

4) Can you describe what you see from your favorite window?

Anime wallpaper, desktop icons, photoshop, and an IRC chat window.

5) There's a typical drink in your country? Do you like it?

Hmm I don't know if there's a typical drink. I guess beer? That's pretty popular everywhere though. I don't drink alcohol very often, once in a blue moon I'll think a beer sounds good, or we'll go to the neighborhood bar to watch a football game. Other then that I live on caffeine either from coffee (with a boatload of cream and sugar) or Mountain Dew.

6) Since you have made a Sara character based on your own appearance, is there something about Sara that you identify with?

The round cheeks and the little button nose, LOL. They're a lot like mine, heh. She naturally has much bigger lips then I do so that was the challenge in creating that morph. I had a lot of fun doing it though.

7) What is it about the Sara model that has so captured you imagination?

She's cute and has a subtle cartoon style. I've always loved cartoons, I still watch more cartoons then I do regular TV programs, heh. And she's a very versatile figure; she can be sweet and innocent, or a sassy vixen.

8 ) What's your favorite food?

Most any Chinese dish but specifically Sweet and Sour Pork and Golden China.

9) How long have you been working with digital art, 3D and/or Poser?

Well I've been working with 2D digital art since 1998, and I got into bryce 2001, Poser followed shorting afterwards. See question #13 for more details.

10) Have you ever visited another continent?

No! I want to though! I've been to 32 of the 50 states in the USA, and 2-3 places in Canada. But I would love to go to a number of countries all over the world. Ireland, Amsterdam, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, and New Zealand the list could go on and on, heh.

11) Do you consider yourself an artist or a hobbyist when it comes to digital art?

I think if you artistically create something, no matter what the media, or even if it's not your job, you're an artist.

12) Do you use a particular technique?

Complete chaos. No really I do things differently every time I do something it seems, heh. A lot of it's just playing around in photoshop or Paintshop and just experimenting until I get a look I like. I have a couple notebooks full of notes, and several piles of loose notes on how I've created certain effects, heh. Too bad my handwriting is so badly scribbled I can only read half the notes. XD

13) What got you interested in digital art?

An old chat program called Virtual Places; its shortened name was VP. I found my two greatest loves in VP chat rooms, digital art and my husband.

It all started when someone said, Are you a mug? and I thought what the hell are you talking about? Come to find out you could access the VP chat rooms through an plain text java applet or a downloadable program that let you use avatars where you (your avatar) literally ‘sat' on a web page and you could chat with anyone else viewing the same web page as you. Mugs were the avatars people using just the plain text applet ended up with, heh. So instead of standard chat rooms' people created web pages just for the purpose of having a place to gather and chat. There were web pages created to be ‘paint shops' where you could go to get your avatar customized or tagged with your chat name (this is where the art part comes in, heh).

All it took was seeing half a dozen of these painted avatars and I wanted to know how to do it. So I went out and bought PSP 5 and anxiously dug right in, I was hooked. I even changed my major in college from writing to graphics, lol. Shortly after my addiction started I ran across a dark art paint shop that was looking for new artists. The site was called Darkest Hour and the owner was a guy named -Lucky13-. You know him as Hash.

I would sit around for hours chatting with friends and visitors in our paint shop, painting avatars for anyone that asked, and even painting hundreds of avatars for myself because I just loved painting. We were very well known for being the only site that did dark or gothic art, heh.

14) Do you use Posette/Dork for human characters in your pictures? Why? Why not?

In the beginning all of my images starred Posette and/or Dork but since then I've started to use various other models. I still use Posette and Dork for some illustrated tutorials and for crowd control since they are so much nicer on your system resources then the Daz figures, heh.

15) Do you have formal training or are you self-taught?

I have an Associate's Degree in Graphics Communication and until 2 years ago worked as a professional graphic designer. So in the 2D realm yes I have formal training. But to be honest I learned more in the first 6 months on the job as a real designer then I did in any of my college courses, heh. There are just some things you can't learn from a book, or dry lessons. Some things just have to be learned hands-on.

As for the 3D realm, I have no formal training. I've taken a few online courses for modeling and mapping but the rest of it has been self taught or information gathered from people on the internet that have been kind enough to share their knowledge with me.

16) What's your favorite artistic style?

Cartoons, Anime, Comics, anything of that sort. I'm jealous of those that can draw well, heh. If I could draw like that I'd probably throw Poser away in a minute. But not Cinema 4D because modeling is just too much fun, heh. I'm definitely a 3D art fan as well. I could browse through CG Talk's galleries for days just drooling over the great artwork and models the users there have created.

17) Do you have other hobbies or special interests?

If there's a creative activity out there I've probably tried it. Blame it on my ADD but I've invested way too much money into hobbies I didn't stick with. Sculpting, pottery, sewing, crochet, knitting, embroidery, seed beading, finger weaving, loom weaving, spinning (yes where you spin your own threads and yarns from wool and other critter hair), acrylic painting, watercolors, pastels, sketching, paper making, jewelry design, scrap booking, writing fiction stories, poetry, etc, etc, etc.

As of right now my focus is on learning to model, map, and rig 3D creations. The 3D world has had my complete attention. Not just for Poser though, I'm a huge video game fan and would love to get into the field of creating video games.

18 ) Posy says that girls don't FART. Is it true?

Posy is always right.

19) Where is your strength coming from?

My spleen. *nods* That, and self-induced guilt that motivates me to keep trying, and to give my all in everything I do. I know it doesn't sound very pleasant, and for the most part it isn't. But it works, for me anyways, heh.

20) Do you use to FART when you're in the tub just to see all those bubbles?

Never, ever.

21) Do you like Posetteforever? (*wink* *wink* *blink* *blink* *bribe* *bribe*)

Ohhhh *gleefully accepts the cruise tickets to Amsterdam*

[i:ee9803e229](Tormie: >sigh!< no bread this month ....)[/i:ee9803e229]

Yes, yes I do! I can honestly say this is the best place for *whispers, ‘What do they do here again?'*

Ahhhhh, ok. Yes this is the best community for Posette and Dork fans. *nods*

22) Have you a suggestion for Posette Forever?

Um, no I don't think so. *takes a look around* Everything looks good to me.  

[i:ee9803e229](Tormie: Copenaghen ?? >sigh!< no bread next month ....)[/i:ee9803e229]

23) Tell us some gossip...

There's this rumor that Daz is going start buying up all their competition oh wait that's already started, LOL.

24) What's your favorite book?

That's a tough one. I love to read and have a long list of favorites. I'd probably have to go with The Dragonlance Chronicles by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Next would have to come The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a couple of Star Wars books, a handful of Julie Garwood titles, and a Tom Clancy title.

25) What's your favorite TV show?

Sealab 2021, Family Guy, Futurama, Inuyasha (it's hokey but he's just so cute I can't help myself), most anything animated really. With the exception of Ed, Edd, and Eddy, that show is just annoying. Or Tom Meets the Mayor and Milk Chan-something-or-other, those just sucks.

I have a wealth of bizarre knowledge thanks to watching the History Channel all the time; you can never learn too much about a wide variety of topics, heh. I'm not a big sitcom kind of person, and I loathe ‘reality' programs. I can only think of three sitcom type programs I like and one hasn't been on the air in years, another went off the air last year, and the last is one that I think everyone loves; those would be News Radio, Angel, and CSI.

26) What's your favorite band or singer?

Ohh, another tough question. It would probably be easier to answering who my favorite artist in a certain genre is. Much like my tastes in books I like a wide variety of music. I could honestly find something to like in any genre. I listen to classic rock primarily, with a heavy dose of female angst singers, heavy metal, grudge, blues, and goof. Sprinkled with some country, a few rap titles, jazz, classical, and some folk music. I'm allergic to bubblegum pop though. I break out in this horrible rash and can't stop vomiting.

If I had to narrow it down to three artists I could (or have) listen to 20 times in a day it would have to be: Dave Matthews Band, Led Zeppelin, and Presidents of the United States of America.

27) Do you sing in the shower?

Sometimes. Hash made fun of my singing a while back and I've been a bit self-conscience about it since. To his credit I was pretty drunk singing some horrible karaoke tune when he made the joke. But still.  

28 ) What's your favorite movie?

I'm afraid I can't list just one, heh. So here goes in no particular order: Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy, Army of Darkness, Four Rooms, Dogma, Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Snatch.

29) Where you would go now?

Nowhere until 5 this evening then I leave work to go home! If you mean where would I go on a trip then I'd have to say Ireland first and then Amsterdam. Oh wait; Tormie's already giving me tickets to Amsterdam so I'll guess I'll see you all later. XD

30) Do you have a rubber schicken?

No! Tormie promised me one, and I've been checking the mail everyday. But nothing's come yet! :*(

[i:ee9803e229](Tormie: NO ! My rubber schicken is MINE !!       )[/i:ee9803e229]

Thank you Pbnj   !!!

Last edited by Tormie on 02 Mar 2005 09:29; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 02 Mar 2005 08:02 ]

The Posetteforever's interviews: Pbnj
Oops. Too much data.

 Posy [ 02 Mar 2005 08:03 ]
Sorry honey...


 Tormie [ 02 Mar 2005 09:30 ]
Nice to get to know a little bit more about you:) Fun interview and interesting how you got in to 3d. I've never heard of those chatrooms before.

 TdaC [ 02 Mar 2005 09:42 ]
Great interview!        

 JanReinar [ 02 Mar 2005 13:57 ]
Posy";p="19167 wrote: 
Oops. Too much data.

       This is Posie's way of saying I talk too much, LOL.

Thanks guys, I've never had an artist's interview so sorry if I got carried away, heh.

 pbnj [ 02 Mar 2005 15:44 ]
Not at all, pbnj, that was just Posy's way of saying that she was at a loss for words and that she could not determine which item or items to select from to base her comment on.


 pangor [ 02 Mar 2005 16:15 ]
No no that's ok Pangor you dont have to make excuses for Posie's rudeness, heh.     

 pbnj [ 02 Mar 2005 20:01 ]
LoL ! Posy is watching our national songs festival on tv ( I hate it )

 Tormie [ 02 Mar 2005 20:25 ]
The girl who is presenting the singers has such a beauuuutiful dress   !!

Tormieeee!!! I want a dress like that   !!

Last edited by Posy on 02 Mar 2005 20:31; edited 1 time in total 
 Posy [ 02 Mar 2005 20:25 ]
     ... I knew it...  

 Tormie [ 02 Mar 2005 20:32 ]
... purr... purrRRR.... PURRRRR....    ...

 Posy [ 02 Mar 2005 20:33 ]
>sigh!< ...


 Tormie [ 02 Mar 2005 20:35 ]

Last edited by Posy on 02 Mar 2005 20:36; edited 1 time in total 
 Posy [ 02 Mar 2005 20:35 ]
Very nice interview Pbnj, I feel like I know you a bit better now   Posy's just jealous that she hasn't been interviewed yet lol

Tormie, buy her the dress, a woman's got to look nice for her man

 guiltypleasures [ 02 Mar 2005 23:17 ]
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