The 2007 Halloween interview!

The 2007 Halloween interview!
Post The 2007 Halloween interview! 
Here is Tormie in the studio, you can see that for this occasion we've renewed all the furnitures, lets admire these armchairs and the way Tormie has gone into one of as though he belongs.
(actually they stink a little   but the guy at the landfill sweared that they were quite new   ) . The audience is a little noisy as usual... someone chews something crispy ( ) , someone is using their handkerchief aloud, someone else has just stomped on the freshly broken little toe of someone else ( ). A subsonic FART , the usual things...

Tormie: " ladies and gentlemen ,Hello and Welcome to the Posetteforever interview late night show ! It has been a while from the last time that we had a guest here, but you already know that all the place here has been destroyed by fire some months ago and we had to rebuild everything" (Tormie show the new studio with the gesture of the hand)

Someone from the audience: "Come on... you burned it all for the insurance! Why you've so many candies ?"

Tormie :  

Someone else: "You just didn't have anyone to interview !"

Tormie :  

Tormie: "*aehm* For the Halloween interview   ..."

Audience "Halloween ? It's CHRISTMAS !! "

Tormie "Well, shut up now or next time the studio will NOT burn empty   !"

Audience: "..."

Tormie: " Tonight we have a special guest: Hanzoushinrei , the fresh winner of our lottery and the victim of our interview... HEEEeeere iiiis HANZOUSHINREI!!!"

The bullseye moves to hanzoushinrei that is walking where Tormie is, he smiles with 99 teeth while saluting the crowd...Then he looks at the armchair and the smile vanishes... He take an handkerchief from the pocket, stretches it on the chair and then, finally seats on it...

And here is the interview

Tell us a little about yourself...personal background, family, etc. What ever you are comfortable with.
-okay, I'm a 21-year-old university student. 5 siblings (3 girls and 2 boys - Im the eldest) studying in National University Of Malaysia (Bachelor of Environmental Health). Dad's a veterinarian, Mum's a Science teacher in the local school. I was born in the UK though, when my dad was acquiring his PHD there. I don't have any girlfriends, only some secret admirers who hadn't the guts to tell me because I look so moody in person. I like to crack jokes with friends, but mostly one-liners. Contrary from my artwork, I am not chinese but I love chinese culture, styles of kung fu, food, clothing and all...

Where your nickname come from ?
2 assassins - Hanzo Hattori a legendary ninja assassin and Shinrei an assassin from a japanese cartoon

Tormie :

How did you found Posetteforever ?
I was searching stuff for my Posette...and I found a treasure trove that is pf! And I was so happy that there are a bunch of other people also in love with Posy. before this I thought I was the only one....... (R'osity was all V3 and A3 and Jessi.......)

Where are you now?
at my room in the campus, at the middle of KL

Can you describe what you see from your favourite window ?
some trees (which are hard to find in this metropolitan city) and some distant skyscraper buildings

Do you like to live there ?
yes, I think I do. because I wake up to the sound of birds and no sound of noisy traffic!

Do you have a pet ?
being a vet's son, I used to have a bird, four cats, and some fish....but now as my dad takes up gardening there's only some tropical fish and a hamster (he always freaks my mother out)

There's a typical food there ? Do you like it ? How it is made ?
a typical food found everywhere and easily made....hmmm...lots, but what i love most is Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng). Basically you just take some rice, some oil, soy souce, and whatever you want to add, then fry it together. It's very versatile, you can add any ingredient you want be it mushrooms, chicken, beef, mutton...just like pizza innit?

Tormie drolls   ...

What's your favourite drink ?
Milk and coffee. sometimes both

Do you use to read while sitting on the porcelain throne in the toilet ? If yes, what ?
Hong Kong comics, and my study notes

What you do when you're alone, or when you think no one sees you ?
change the wallpaper to a wallpaper with someone I like in it. esp that certain girl I know in school....then I profess my admiration to her (talking to the wallpaper)

What's the software you use the most for making your scenes in 3d art ?
Poser 6, Rhino 3d, bryce

How long have you been working with digital art, 3D and/or Poser ?
since 2002....almost 6 years. before that I know nothing about photoshop or Poser.

Have you ever visited another country ? What country(ies)?
United Kingdom, Thailand

Do you consider yourself a hobbyist when it comes to digital art ? Or do you plan to earn money with it ?
I like to think myself as a hobbyist because my subject and style are, I think, unconventional so I tend to keep it to myself. But if someone/anyone thinks that my art is good, so why not? I hope I'd put a price tag that is worthy of the beauty of my art....

Do you use a particular technique ?
I like to rip models and textures from games

What got you interested in digital art ?
First off I drew cartoons, then one day I saw some drawings in Deviantart which uses photoshop. I thought " I want to do something like that too!". From there I searched for tutorials...Poser was discovered on 2005, when I was searching for an art software named Comic Book was shelved together at the IT store.

Do you use Posette/Dork for human characters in your pictures ? Why ? Why not ?
yes I use 95% Posy and Dork because there's a lot of content for them and they're lighter on my system, easily rendered and posed. And the one feature that I like most is the ease for texturing. the other 5% are DAZ The Girl, Maya from StudioMAYA and others....

Do you have formal training or are you self taught ?
Self taught. Because I was inspired by my dad, who conquered BASIC programming language from scratch. he said there is no need for formal training in IT skills, anyone can master it as long as there is a will to learn.

Is lazyness a noble art ?
Laziness can be said as....still waiting for the right idea at the right come from the heavens.

Tormie :  

Do you have a favourite artistic style ?
I like Japanese manga-style, cel shading, and pop-art (my initial art style). I also like to incorporate swirly styles similar to Malaysian ethnic art

Do you have other hobbies or special interests ?
I like martial arts, (learnt Pencak Silat for a while), drawing comics and researching fantasy mythologies in Wikipedia.

Where is your strength coming from ?
I don't know....maybe from music I listen and the people around me.

Will you take a shot from the top of the Petronas Towers for us ?
from the top??? I don't know if they'll let me there. But maybe around the park. It's really beautiful there with the fountains and all.... Especially at night when the towers glow....(*v*)

Tormie whispers: "Top... or nothing   ..."

Do you have a suggestion for Posetteforever ?
I hope that we can get sponsors from premium content producers such as DAZ to give us their abandonwares / abandoned old content....that's all I can think of.

Do you use to BURP without containment if you think you're alone ?
In my country you can BURP anywhere as long as you cover your the answer is yes.

Tomie think "How much is the ticket to Malaysia   ?"

Do you sing under the shower or in the bathtub ?
neither. I don't sing when bathing...the elders say if you do you'll slip and fall on the bathroom floor (superstition)

What is the name of the town that the gnomes have built behind your sofa ?
The City of Akalabeth.

Do you believe that if you turn off the light a FART can't find you ?
yes....they won't!

Tormie :  

Do you use to do the "farting submarine" when you're in the tub just to see all those bubbles ?
I don't do that because I'm concerned that when I pass out the gas, 'something' else will follow it. Something solid and...smooth...and smells bad....And it floats in front of you in the bathtub. Nasty!


Have you ever farted on cold days ? Don't you think that your "BUM!" would produce visible "clouds" the same way your breath do ?
Hmm....I didn't notice that....but it could...(`_')?

Do you think that if you pick your nose deep enough, you would find gnomes' gold ?
are they supposed to be gold? these gnomes are weird people....

What's your favourite anime show ?
El Hazard:The Magnificient World. You must see it too! It's really good

What's the best videogame ever ?
Grand Theft Auto series and Neverwinter Nights.Oh yes....The King Of Fighters! I am totally addicted to it!!!

What's your favourite manga book ?
Samurai Deeper Kyo, School Rumble, Midori No Hibi (really cute!)

What's your favourite band or singer ?
favourite band (s) are Lostprophets, Radiohead, Muse and Malaysian ballad group Exists

What's your favourite movie?
The Matrix trilogy. (I hate the way Matrix Revolutions ended. Reloaded is the best of the series!)

What's your favourite digital art site ? (*wink* *wink* *blink* *blink* *bribe* *bribe*)
pf of course, R'osity, and R'otica (*0*)

Tormie :    

What do you think to do with the gnomes' gold now ?
I am willing to donate to anyone who is needy and greedy


What will you do now (besides farting) ?
go eat lunch....Can't live on coffee only!

Thank you Hanzoushinrei !

 Tormie [ 02 Dec 2007 20:43 ]

The 2007 Halloween interview!
Oops. Too much data.

 Posy [ 02 Dec 2007 20:43 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween interview! 
That is great. Glad to have you here. Very good job!     

 tda42 [ 03 Dec 2007 00:16 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween interview! 
Thanks a lot for all this info about you, hanzoushinrei. A lot fun reading

 ahjah [ 03 Dec 2007 12:58 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween interview! 
Interesting interview, ... it is good to get to know a little bit about you Hanzoushinrei.

 Whazizname [ 04 Dec 2007 02:41 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween Interview! 
thanks for letting me in, in the first is somethingthat happened to me at the right time and place.

Malaysian proverb, "Like a sleepy man given a pillow"


 hanzoushinrei [ 06 Dec 2007 16:56 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween interview! 
Fun and interesting interview, good questions   and even better answers

 TdaC [ 12 Dec 2007 15:24 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween Interview! 
I just found this thread and thought how fun, also informative, always nice to know about each person here... great interview and fun answers..

 classy [ 02 Nov 2008 23:23 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween interview! 
Well, I've still to interview Posfan  

 Tormie [ 02 Nov 2008 23:26 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween Interview! 
Could be the Xmas interview of probably2009    - since we all know how lazy you are.....     *taking his toys away* Don't know if that helps, but let's try!!  

 posfan [ 03 Nov 2008 00:49 ]
Post Re: The 2007 Halloween interview! 
... Ok, ok... I promise to kick my butts ( how to ? )

... And it's also your Birthday !!

 Tormie [ 03 Nov 2008 00:57 ]
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