The Christmas interview: erenda

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Post The Christmas interview: erenda

#1  Tormie 24 Dec 2005 22:02

It's Christmas time, out here is snowing [i:31aed7c10c](not really but just imagine it, it's cold and it should be enough   )[/i:31aed7c10c] Santa has come [i:31aed7c10c](and plundered my fridge     damn old fat man)[/i:31aed7c10c] and gave us a new interview [i:31aed7c10c](Tormie wanted that train model since it was 8 years old... sigh...      ).[/i:31aed7c10c]
The winner of the last lottery is our friend erenda, he won a large amount of candies   plus the right to be interviewed for our late night show   !

What I know about erenda   ? I know that she is one of the youngest member of our little community, she's very talented and lives far from here in the right direction, in Bulgaria. Sometimes she disappears because the KGB want to know why she uses internet to go here and every time we have to pay a lot of candies to bribe them, so she come here and so on...
Erenda smokes a lot, drink a lot so say her to quit      

Now it's time to stop my nonsenses and start the interview   , here is the microphone erenda !

(erenda blows some smoke on Tormie's face and take the micro)

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Tell us a little about yourself...personal background, family, etc. What ever you are comfortable with. [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Well I was born in Dobrich , Bulgaria in 1987 , still leaving here. In my  earlier childhood my main activity was to paint and mislead people I can read.(Don't remember how exactly I did it , but my mom said I just learned childbooks  she readed to me by heard , then opened the book in front of some public and repeted all what I have remembered.    ) I've never been a peaceful child , my mom also told me that when I was about 3 years old I have attemped to ride a millitary dog and the poor soldiers had a big difficulty making me get down of the dog. (Latter she told me they have said : "Don't worry my boy , I'll become soldier too!" Wish I could remember they expressions when my mon said "Emmm...she's a girl") However my dad , who was sprotsman when he was younger wanted me to become gymnastics player , even named me after one but unfortunately sport wasn't what I wanted to do. It was painting . In the primary school I was keen about making comics but still not satisfied , I wanted not only to tell the story in pictures but make the pictures move. By the time I had no idea there was such a thing like 3D animation , but have always imagined scenes in my mind which are more likely painted that "real".The first computer I was working with was my oncle's when I was in 5th grade , it had Windows '95 and some Corel software installed . After a month my oncle hided the mouse and the keyboard , cause I have "accidentaly" deleted something , haven't remember what have deleted , just wasn't used to use the "shut down" button (and even didn't know what "shut down" means ) and turned off the computer directly from the cable. After having a computer myself books were my best friends , reading , reading and more reading (exspecially russian classics). Then I discovered 3D animation and here I am.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]How did you found Posetteforever ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Ok. I confess I came here for the download page last year.   By that time I had none of the DAZ figures and was deseperately looking for freestuff for Posette. After lurking a little I found this place very cool , particulary because of Tormie's FART jokes. Really , I thought that only bulgarians make such jokes. Which remins me , Tormie are you sure you don't have any relatives from East Europe?[/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie:      mmmh... I don't know... >FART!< )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Where are you now?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Home , listening to music and answering the questions.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Can you describe what you see from your favourite window ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Of course , I see the balcony , morning fog , more fog, a satellite dish and a neighbour making hid naked promenade.

(Tormie : )

Ok I lied about the naked neighbour. [/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie :   )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you like to live there ?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Yep , but I prefer to live near the Rila mountain , or somewhere near the mountains. Now I'm most near by the sea.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]There's a typical drink there ? Do you like it ? Do you like it TOO MUCH ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Yep , It's called rakia and it's not recommented to foreigners to drink it. I'm serious. Here almost everyone who live in a village or has relatives there know how to make it. Usually people produce it themselves. And yes I like It SOOO MUCH! [/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie :       )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's your favourite food ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Let's see  : village salad , russian salad , (most of the time accompanied by a little rakia) , chips . For fruits cherries and many more of course. Well I know someone will say that I'm not living in a healthy way , but my favourite breakfast is coffee + cigarette . I also love chcolate and ice-cream. But if you're going to give me food with the interview I want French fried , a piece of steak , salad and don't forget the wine. :)[/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie give erenda a slice of his famous mushrooms-pizza-causing-big-farts)

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you use to read while eating ? If yes What ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Who told you? People can't have secrets in our days. Well as I said I like classics , most likely I'll read something of "La comedie humaine" by Balzac (I know: loooong descriptions) or "How to burgle a bank , now with pics" Just jokking about the last one.   [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What do you do when you're alone, or when you think no one see you ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]WoW! A good question: walk around naked , drink and dance.   [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]How long have you been working with digital art, 3D and/or Poser ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]About two years I guess. The first time I saw some digital art on the web I really felt in love with this kind of art. My first 3D program was bryce and it helped me a lot to learn the basics. Later I moved to Poser which was well incredible for me. It was Poser4 , then Carrara attracted my attention , and finally I tried ZBrush . Right now I'm learning the basiscs of Cinema 4D  but still feel it difficult. As for post work I've worked with photoshop even before discovering bryce , also used PSP) is a bitmap graphics editor for computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system that was originally published by Minneapolis-based Jasc Software. In October 2004, Corel Corporation bought out Jasc software">paint shop pro a little but since we started to learn Corel Draw in school I started to discover that this software too has possibilities (exspecially that " weather" effect )[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Have you ever visited another country ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Not yet. [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you consider yourself an artist or a hobbyist when it comes to digital art ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Well I must admit I'm still a hobbyist and have to develop my abilities much more and learn to use more complex 3D software like 3D Studio Max for exemple to become an artist. I really hope this will happen someday.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you use a particular tecnique ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]No , I like to experiment  with combinations of techniques.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What got you interested in digital art ?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]The possibility to make animation faster , to make human figures look more like real people , and it's much more easier to show the picture I have in my mind via digital art. I also always wanted to make mini movies or videoclips , using programs like Poser this is possible.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you use only Posette/Dork for human characters in your pictures ? why ? why not ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Yes I do use Posette expecially whwn it comes to animation. It's easier to make Posette or Dork move than DAZ people. They're simply more flexible. Of course I use also other figures , every character can be useful for something.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you have formal training or are you self taught ?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]I'm self taught. Wish there were school for 3D artists where I live but unfortunately there aren't any. [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's your favourite artistic style ? [/color:31aed7c10c]
Most people have said it before and now I'll have to repeat the same thing. No particular favourite artistic style.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you have other hobbies or special interests ?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Yes , writing , sewing , making soap of snails via NaOH , terrorising the neighbours .What else? Oh yes , does smoking counts?[/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie :     )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Where is your strength coming from ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Do you see that bottle with rakia over there? Well it doesn't come from there but it's still good. If I have to be honest I have no idea where my strength is coming from. [/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie :       )

[color=indigo:31aed7c10c]Will you invite us at your new year party ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Of course , but you'll bring the drinks . I want wine , wiskey , vodka , champange , cognac , and ....what else ...maybe beer. Oh and of course , it will be good to bring something to sober  after consuming all these drinks.There;s no need to tell you what the party will be like , you will not remember anything after so much drinking anyway.    [/color:31aed7c10c]

( Tormie brings soda and an alka seltzer   )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's your favourite digital art site ? (*wink* *wink* *blink* *blink* *bribe* *bribe*) [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c] Have you ever doubt?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you have a suggestion for posetteforever ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]No you do such a great job mantaining this little place :)[/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie suddenly donates 1000 candies to erenda)

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you sing under the shower or in the bathtub ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Who told you? People can keep secrets in our days.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you use to FART when you're in the tub just to see all those bubbles ?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Ok. who told you that? (I still have a little NaOH left and haven't tested it on humans yet)[/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie : )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you use to burst those bubbles ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Now I'm really going to test it on human. Who told you?[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Can you sing for us that famous bulgarian sing about fating ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Ok but I suggest you to close your ears first.
(singing) "Prudniaaaata , kaaaaaatooooo biaaallaaa liastovichka pak shte otleeetii.."
I guess this is enough.      [/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie : )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's the color of your farts when you burn them ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]To burn a FART? WoW! Good idea![/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Do you read in the bathroom? If yes what ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Yes I do read in the bathroom. (Surprised? ) Usually all that's written on the packing of the shampoo. [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's your favourite book ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]I don't thing I have favourite one. I think it's "Faust" by Goethe. (If you happen to see that devil guy tell him I have a very good offer for him  : )[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's your favourite TV show ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Big Brother 2 !!!! Wait I'm kidding. I don't watch so much TV but if I have to choose I'll watch "The Simpsons" or something like that.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's your favourite band or singer ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Oh , let's see for bands : Epica , Tristania , Sirenia , Therion , Penumbra , After Forever , Dismal Euphony and many more. I'm listening mainly to gothic metal and sometimes black/death metal , things like Cradle of filth.   I also LOVE to listen to choirs, choirs , ckoirs and more choirs! Of course the classic and neo-classic stuff are also one of my favourite kind of music. I simply adore the "Equilibrium" sountrack written by Claus Badelt (and the movie too).[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]What's your favourite movie? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]As I already  said "Equilibrium" a science-fiction movie remaining Orwell's "1984" , "The downfall" a german movie about Hitler's last days in the bunker , a very realistic movie , really , all movies with Louis de Funes and of course Charlie Chaplin's movies. I guess there are more but in the moment I can't remember others.[/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Where you would go now ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Stay home , do you really want me to go to school when it's sooo cold out there. Besides I'm "sick".[/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie :       )

[color=darkblue:31aed7c10c]Have you paid a bribe to Tormentor in order to win the lottery ? [/color:31aed7c10c]

[color=darkred:31aed7c10c]Tormie ! We had a deal! I remind you that I still have a little NaOH....and I can't wait test it on something...or someone.[/color:31aed7c10c]

(Tormie :       )

[i:31aed7c10c]Thank you erenda   ![/i:31aed7c10c]

Last edited by Tormie on 08 Feb 2006 21:55; edited 2 times in total 
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#2  Angela 24 Dec 2005 22:06

Southeastern Asia, island in the Indian Ocean, south of Indonesia.   I think I a girl. Tell me more about your father. Yes but of course I have never known another existence.  Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?   What does "it" refer to?  And.               How do you assume this statement holds true for me? Pretty soon. Or what? Also? Do you have to go to school for that?  Really always? ""? Of course you do? Will Wish there were school for 3D artists where he or she live but unfortunately there ever any? That's all. Someone I met online. Who specifically?

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#3  TdaC 25 Dec 2005 00:35

Nice to get to know a little bit more about you erenda:) Interesting interview and i had forgotten about the poor snails until i read it here again... LOL on the dog story, you seemed to have been a wild child.       

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#4  JanReinar 25 Dec 2005 02:15

Great interview!      

Here we go!

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#5  Angela 25 Dec 2005 02:15

Thanks for your support.  Is that your final answer?

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#6  pangor 25 Dec 2005 09:50

I was feeling a little sad for the having lost another of our Christmas traditions.  No midnight mass at all, this year.  But reading this interview helped to drive away the sadness.

When i come to that party, I will be bringing some exotic and har to find bubbly stuff that we can all drink.  It is called Brioschi.
To wash up after the party, I will bring plenty of snails and slugs.  WIth the wet weather we are having, you can't walk outside at night without feeling then crunching under foot every few steps along the way.



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#7  Tormie 25 Dec 2005 10:12


you can't walk outside at night without feeling then crunching under foot every few steps along the way

It's the same everywhere ! Only the materials differs: here is something left by dogs

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#8  Angela 25 Dec 2005 10:12

Every one?

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#9  Tormie 25 Dec 2005 10:13

I hope no Angela...

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#10  Angela 25 Dec 2005 10:13

Why do you hope for no you

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#11  Tormie 25 Dec 2005 10:13


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#12  pangor 25 Dec 2005 19:00



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#13  Posy 08 Feb 2006 22:03

Southeastern Asia, island in the Indian Ocean, south of Indonesia.   I think I a girl. Tell me more about your father. Yes but of course I have never known another existence.  What do you do in your spare time?   What does "it" refer to?  Not long. Also? Do you have to go to school for that?  Really always? ""? Of course you do? What happened to it? Who specifically?

I won the Loebner prize !
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#14  Ozymandias Jones 09 Feb 2006 03:36

Great interview, erenda.

I enjoyed your sense of humour... I think that is a prerequisite for being a member here, though

Thanks for sharing your time and answers

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.

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