DAZ has bought Poserpros

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#31  Posy 18 Feb 2005 08:43

Sure, online nearly ever so I placed my little free stuffs on my public folder so that everyone who make a search for Posette on the peer 2 peer network can find my files and download them directly I like you very much.

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#32  Tormie 18 Feb 2005 08:45


Who am I Posy?

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#33  Posy 18 Feb 2005 08:45

You are online nearly ever so I placed my little free stuffs on my public folder so that everyone who make a search for Posette on the peer 2 peer network can find my files and download them directly, seeker.

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#34  Tormie 18 Feb 2005 08:46


Damn... my suspects become reality        

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#35  pangor 18 Feb 2005 10:04


Tormentoer, check system security before Posy gives away the wrong thing on P2P.       



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#36  Posy 18 Feb 2005 10:04

If I am ever looking for away the wrong thing on P2P, I will ask him

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#37  Tormie 18 Feb 2005 10:32

Thak you Posy!

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#38  TdaC 18 Feb 2005 11:19

"I'm absolutely with those artists who make money with their own art, selling their Poser models or the T-Shirt commerce of Kenny or Poserkatz's group. It's a great idea, it could be good to try something similar. It will be great to earn so much money in this way to leave my damned work (Tormie dreams...). What I really don't like are the influence of those big firm,s like Daz, on the art."

I totally agree:)

"If i see merchandise on rendo - muhaha, 90% V3-characters, and all are similar.  1000s variations of Barbie. But it really doesn't bother me, i don't buy much things, because i don't have the money for that, and for my works i don't need those stuff. "

Agree, and for me also V3/M3 to take two examples, are very heavy for my little computer, i think it would crash if i loaded V2 with highres ( for me 3000*3000 is a highres texture) textures plus props. Also so many of the v3/m3/ pt/ps etc look the same if you not really good at making morphs. I have pt/ps and no matter how i morph them they end up looking the same. With posette/dork/ Maya/ her i can get more variation. I know that's not how it works for everyone, it's just the way it works for me.

"As far as people being Pro I used to do this with T'shirts at a place wher I lived. It was a good thing and I think it is nice to know some of my work made it as far as Canada."

COOL Kenny:)

"I think that the Poser's characters, morphs, textures, props etc. that are sold on commercial sites costs too much. I understand the large amount of work and people involved in the process, but they have to know that the larger part of the users are not rich enough to spend so much money for a hobby."

Agree, I 've seen Poser merchandise that looks really horrible and that i can't understand that anyone would buy. I've also seen very beautiful and creative stuff that i would like to have, but that i can't efford to spend that amount of money on something that for me is a hobby, other RW (real world) stuff comes first.

"I for one have fun and have made some wonderful friends in doing so. "

Couldn't have said it better myself:)     

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#39  erenda 18 Feb 2005 13:18

Did I miss something? I'm sorry I didn't reply immediately.( This is a breaking news! ) I'm not registered user of Poser Pros , but really don't like that DAZ 's going to buy it.
Firstly they bought bryce , now they'll buy a site. What's next ... Poser? Anyway, Poser Pros is a commercial site ... I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) and there is no commercial site allocated to Poser witch do not offer models , textures and poses for DAZ's creations . Maybe the only thing witch will change is the freandly athmosphere in the PP's forums (if the atmosphere was truly friendy. I don't post pictures there cause I'm sure somebody will laught at me.   )


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#40  Tormie 18 Feb 2005 19:32

I don't think so erenda, share your pictures everywhere. I don't have so many fans around the net but there are a group of people that really like my Posy pictures and I don't care of the people who don't like it. Anyway if I wouldn't have posted my first picture 3 years ago at PoserPros I'll never had the suggestions I needed to improve my skill.

For Poserpros, I don't understand very much what's the problem if I don't see in the commercial point of view: they run phpBB (like us) so it's very easy for everyone to create a similar site with similar forum's name in another place if they don't feel comfortable with Daz.

I can't have a clear opinion about their store, commerciants and percentages because I bought nothing, but it's clear that if the site is a Daz site, the items comes from Daz...

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#41  Posy 18 Feb 2005 19:32

Why do you disagree? Have you ever had so many fans around the net but there are a group of people that really like his or her you heartbeat pictures ?  What do you care about, TORMENTOR ? Try it.

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#42  pangor 18 Feb 2005 21:30

Erenda, I agree with Tormentor.  Post your pictures.  I was rather nervious, almost like a case of stagefright, about posting my first real work "After the Evening".  I first posted it here and at PoserPros.   Since then, posting the pictures has become easy.  I have posted them here and at Poser Pros, Rendervisions and Renderosity.

As a result of posting the pictures, I have recieved a couple of helpful comments.

One was posted here by Tormentor.  He suggested something that I could do, that I had done before using other rendering software, but I did not know that it was available in Poser.  His comment cause me to look around Poser some more and find were the setting exists in Poser.

The other was posted in Poser Pros by Den Tracy, as it happened (if I properly understood his comment), by the time I read his comment I had already noticed the problem fixed it and posted an updated version of the same picture.

The worst reaction that I have recieved has been to have had no comments about some picture on some websites.  The only negitive reaction that I have gotten has come in a private message from a person that I new believe was only a troll.  I didn't take the bait, and he went away.

Post them, we won't laugh, at least not in a bad way.  



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#43  guiltypleasures 18 Feb 2005 23:10

I agree too with Pangor and Tormentor, if you enjoy your artwork post it. You can't please everyone all of the time but trust me there are people out there that will love what you do and be happy you posted it. It took me a number of days to come up with the nerve to post my first one on Poserpros and then it was easy after that. Not long after posting there I started posting here and then moved to other gallerys. I still wonder when I post something if I'll get laughed at or get some very negitave remarks, but it doesn't matter to me that much anymore as I know that there are people who enjoy some of what I post and that's enough to make me want to stick with it. Also I post them for myself, it makes me happy and that's the best reason for doing it.
Also about getting comments, the good one's are great to have, but the one's that tell me what I might have done wrong, or what I could do to make it a better, the helpful hints, those are the best by far because it helps me learn more and hopefully get better at what I'm doing.
So post away, don't be afraid, we were all new once

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#44  Tormie 19 Feb 2005 10:48

Coming back to the daz-poserpros topic:

They seem to have that cookie problem, it seems simple to me: if you go to the main daz site as a registered user and then go poserpors you can't login, probably for conflicting cookies.

I went to daz yesterday to download the emotiguy (never went there for about one year) and today I had to delete all the related cookies to login poserpros.

They would have to let the domain name like it was, there are two different applications writing a diffferent set of cookies for the same domain...

Last edited by Tormie on 19 Feb 2005 10:49; edited 1 time in total 
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#45  pangor 19 Feb 2005 16:16

I have been seeing in that problem too, but with slightly different symptoms.  In my case (with a different browser), I can login at PP but from time to time, the site keeps forgetting that I am logged in.  So I have to log in again.  That was not a problem before the takeover.

Have you notice the newest DAZ weekly mailing?  They have announced the purchase of PP now they are talking about running it as a sepperate site from their own, by with synergy between the two.  Well, we know what that means.



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