Are Fractal People Cliquish?

Are Fractal People Cliquish?
You are truly a gentleman, my dear Tormentor.  It is pleasant to know that you will not allow any of the aforementioned foolishness to transpire here.  And I appreciate the words of encouragement from pangor, as I value Gojira, Butch, Meiguinha and dear Robert's friendship in their support during that fiasco at - "the other place."  Cheers

 Christopher Lee [ 27 Sep 2005 11:31 ]

Are Fractal People Cliquish?
I agree with Christopher.  It is nice not to receive the hateful messages from the people.  

 ButchNormand [ 27 Sep 2005 14:00 ]
I do not like how places make you leave numbers for a picture or a song!  It creates such bad feelings.      Some people use such as a weapon to become even with people they do not like.  I prefer a place like here where people simply leave remarks.  It becomes much more friendly.  That is how I meet people who are nice!  

 Meiguinha [ 27 Sep 2005 16:35 ]
It has been my goal to view an comment on when appropriate on all submission to the album.  It was also my belated new years resolution to view all of the artworks that were already in the ablum when I first joined PF.  I fear that resolution will not be completed and at times I keep falling behind in the album viewing too.    


 pangor [ 27 Sep 2005 17:00 ]
Oh yes, me too, but sooner or later I'll keep a whole day to watch all the pictures I have never seen       !!

We had a "vote" thing in the album too but  we cut off it when a vote different from "10" appeared the first

In any case, friends, as always I suggest you to share your works everywhere even if you don't like the place. At the "big one" you can even choose not to receive a comment or a vote, but it's important to share your work. Maybe I'll start a topic with the link of places with a gallery   ...

What said Sakuma-kun is very interesting, I would know more about this aspect of the japanese culture for groups, at least I'm very fond of Japanese Anime and cartoons       : Gundam, Hokuto No Ken, Initial D, Gantz, Heidi (       ) and a lot more  

 Tormie [ 27 Sep 2005 18:42 ]
I don't know what they were called in Japan, but I do have fond memories of some Anime that was imported to America.  Starblazers (Spaceship Yamato?) and Robotech, Captain Harlock and two others that I don't remember the names of.

I agree with Tormentor about sharing you artworks in many places.  I have everything posted here at Posetteforever, and most of it in other galleries too, nine galleries at last count.

I have not shown any of my works in public for many years.  I have also been away from the art field for almost as long.  When my first new artwork was ready to be posted at the very end of last year, I hesitated for a few day.  In the meantime I searched the sites that I knew about to determine where to post.

I rejected out of hand the sites like DAZ and Curious Labs, since by posting there they become de facto coowners and you have given them the right to use you pictures as they please to promote their products.

Then I found other things that I did not like about other sites.  In the end I selected two places, Posetteforever and PoserPros.  Even after making the selection, I found it difficult to actually do it.  In the past, most of what I offered for viewing by the public have been poorly received.  But the computer art culture was much different in those day.  I have this year posted two of my olders works, that caused me a lot of trouble back then; there were well received in some galleries this time.  One of those two is a moderized recreation from memory of one of my older works.  The other is one that I discovered enough fragments of the old scene file that I was able to reassemble the original and rerender it.

As a result of how the first few were accepted here I started uploading them at Renderosity too.  Perhaps I was lucky, but most of reactions were positive and the and most of the people I encountered were nice.  Oh, I did encounter some bad reactions at Renderosity and at PoserPros, I will soon address that in a new topic, some of them have left me shaking my head, but in each case I am still posting in those places and the not so nice people have either left the site or have chosen to leave me alone.

Now for those of you yet familiar with Poser characters, Posette and the rest of the stock Poser people, animals, and robots are not very popular with the 3D Poser/Studio Communities.  Most see them as being the model you play with until you can get a real model.  Frankly I like the Posettes, how they look and how the behave with the software.  Many remember their early poorly done work, and blame it on the models instead of the fact that they were beginners.  The same is true for Don and Judy of Poser 5; I suspect it will be true for Jessie and James of Poser 6.  I have used various models, some stock, some free addons, and some commercial addons.  They each have their own benefits and disadvantages, I see them all as part of a talent pool to be used when they are the best choice for the picture at hand.

Most of my works include at least one Posette based character.  When I returned to art the Poser 4 people were the most advanced and yet best to learn with.  My skill having become rusty and my need to learn new techinques with the new set of tools, lead me do doing most of my experiments of late last year with Posette and Dork.  Of the two, I found Posette more fun to experiment with than Dork; because, I was trying to learn how to create textures for them and with Posette I didn't have to worry about so much body hair as would be required with Dork.  (Hair is my real weakness).

I have posted my works galleries of some sites where everyone there seemed to have considered Posette as nothing more than a joke.  My works with her have been welcomed there.  The problem is that many have not taken the time to really work with her and see what she can do.  At a couple of those sites, I have started to see othe Posette caracters being used.  While at one of them, my work in their gallery has lead to an unofficial "Posette Portrait" contest.

In each gallery where I have uploaded my works, I have met more nice people.  That is how I first encountered Gojira, from his comments on my works over at Rendervisions.

As I have mentioned before, I first found Posetteforever because of one of Tormentor's works that he posted to the newsgroups.

P.S. Friday, September 30[sup:95b5396077]th[/sup:95b5396077] is the one year anniversary of my regaining inspiration and my ability to work with art.


 pangor [ 27 Sep 2005 20:26 ]
I am in the accordance with Meiguinha.    I do not care for the votes and levels in the art community.  I make my art for the fun of it!  I play football for the fun as well.  I do not care if we the team wins - though it is nice!  Girls love the players whether we win or lose!  

 ButchNormand [ 28 Sep 2005 11:45 ]
Is football for the fun as well a game or a musical instrument? But I care about it.

 Posy [ 28 Sep 2005 11:45 ]
Football is a game Posy mon ami!

 ButchNormand [ 28 Sep 2005 11:46 ]
Aren't all game you mon ami Football?

 Posy [ 28 Sep 2005 11:46 ]
Some people think football is more than the game Posy.  Some see it as the National Pride!     Mon Dieu!

 ButchNormand [ 28 Sep 2005 11:48 ]
What kind of people?

 Posy [ 28 Sep 2005 11:48 ]
People who need to get the life!

 ButchNormand [ 28 Sep 2005 11:48 ]
I know quite a bit of what you say, Butch.  My brother's children enjoy the football matches here in Wales.  They sing Welsh songs and generally carry on so.  In a way, it's quite amusing.  What many do not know, is that theatrical performances in the time of Shakespeare had the air of a modern football match, as well - at least in terms of the hoots of derision from the audience for bad performances, muffed lines, terrible dialogue and similar things.  Cheers

 Christopher Lee [ 28 Sep 2005 14:25 ]
How do you know? Not really that much.               How much?

 Posy [ 28 Sep 2005 14:25 ]
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