Late as usual we'll start the celebrations for
:t: :h: :e: :h: :a: :l: :l: :o: :w: :e: :e: :n: :p: :a: :r: :t: :y:
:go: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :go:
You know, we're poor :oops: so your contribution is essential :whistle: .
We've already prepared a special gallery in the album where you can put your gift , a scary :uuh: picture for halloween :sofahide:
A new lottery has started, buy a ticket so that you'll be interviewed as the Artist Of the Moment !
I'm also making up the site to look halloween style :grin: , but as usual I made a big mess :redface: and I've to work more on it :whistle:
Have fun my friends :friends: !