Upload - how to

Upload - how to
Post Upload - how to 
Hi friends  :heartbeat: , just another tutorial:

[size=18:2d2a82e16e][color=blue:2d2a82e16e]how to upload something in the free stuff page:[/color:2d2a82e16e][/size:2d2a82e16e]

1- If you have your own page where the file is located, this is better , just fill the appropriate field with the link ! Sooner or later the server will be out of space so I'll need to delete the old pictures and relocate the files even if I actually don't know where. If you don't have your own space then upload the file.

2- Use the upload page, it's better for me because later I've only to approve or unapprove the file. If you send me the file I'll have to fill all the fields, and you know how much I'm lazy !!!

3- I added a checkbox in the upload page so now it should be clearer that after the upload your file is not immediatly available, it should be approved by an admin (for example me) so send a private message to advice, I repeat, the admins here are very lazy (someone has disappeared at all  :-k ) so if you don't post the advice it could pass a whole year before you can see the file on the board ! You can even simply post a message in the forum to advice that your file needs approval !

Last edited by Tormie on 27 Feb 2004 22:59; edited 4 times in total 
 Tormie [ 27 Feb 2004 22:56 ]

Upload - how to
I have few items to share...but file size average is over 2megs on most.
I`m working on ethier a egroup to upload or a website.
I had to rebuild my tripod site, but I think a yahoo group might workout.
all files should be zipped.
Once I get things together I will let ya know. :-k  :-k

 Nex [ 30 Mar 2004 07:31 ]
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