Found a interesting article in this months copy of Computer Graphics World (which if you don't read isn't half bad, tho its heavy on the ads and light on the actual content). It involves Poser and Vicki so I thought I'd post it here:
My thoughts: OK the blonde lady they say is the best of all the celebs out there... looks like what Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston kid's gonna look like, . And I found the 'beautiful people' dude to look just like a normal dude, not ugly but nothing special.
Now while I wouldn't be giving beauty pagent awards to either of his new starlets, he does make a good point though, so much of what we find attractive about people is not just their face or body shape; its in how they behave and react.
I personally have always found unconventional or unusual features attractive on people, just things that stand out and give character. I've got a thing about noses and chins, heh.
Your thoughts: ?