Hi Gang, In this short (6 minute) snippet from Varinka, I mix animations of the scene outside of the International Space Station with a slideshow of still images from inside. I had to render the animated portion in "preview" mode on Poser 7 because anything else would have taken all week. I didn't even notice the preview lines on it till I saw it on a full screen. Duh! I'm most concerned about how smooth or choppy it plays for the majority of viewers. It looks totally spastic on my own internet connection, but played rather well on a public library internet connection. Youtube says .mp4 files work best, but neither of the video programs I use can convert from .avi to .mp4 Can anybody recommend freeware for .avi to .mp4 conversions? I was about to download some from CNET that was rated 4 1/2 stars till I read some of the comments about it being full of malware
Any feedback on the timing of the dialogue on the still images, or on improving the animations would be greatly appreciated. (There's music, so you'll need headphones or speakers.)
Hello John
Good to see some news from you
About the timing, I think it'll work like this. I didn't have any problems following the storyline.
For my video editing needs I use a free version of a commercial program called Videopad.
But when it comes to video and animation tda42 and Poser - User would be the people to consult... I myself only do stills in Poser.
Hello John
Good to see some news from you
About the timing, I think it'll work like this. I didn't have any problems following the storyline.
For my video editing needs I use a free version of a commercial program called Videopad.
But when it comes to video and animation tda42 and Poser - User would be the people to consult... I myself only do stills in Poser.
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